Sunday 30 July 2023


By Imām Fakhruddin Owaisī


As-Salam Alaykum Sidi 

Can you tell me about your recent visit to the Holy City of Quds?


As-Salam Alaykum Sidi,

Subhan-Allah, the Haram al-Sharif of al-Aqsa is a Jannah of peace, tranquility and ruhaniyyah, despite the Jahannum that the Israelis have created around it. It is from the most spiritual places in the world.

I had the honor of making the Jum'ah Salah in the Aqsa and the holy Wazifah under the blessed Rock (Sakhrah), from where our Prophet (SAW) went on Mi'raj!

I also visited the Haram al-Ibrahimi where our father Abraham is buried, the birthplace of al-Masih Esa Ibn-Maryam (AS) in Bethlehem and the Masjid of Sayyidina Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA) there as well.

One must salute the Palestinian people for their Sabr and Resistance against a most vicious and brutal enemy. Allah yarzuqhum al-Nasr ala man Aa'daahum, wa-'s-Sabr ala Balwaahum. Amin.

I personally view the catastrophe of Falastin in deeper spiritual terms.

Jerusalem represents the Heart of the Ummah, for me.

The Zionist Yahud represent the Nafs al-Ammarah, Hubb al-Dunya, and Shahawat.

Therefore, the physical control of the Yahud over Jerusalem is actually a symbolic reflection of the spiritual control of the Nafs al-Ammarah over the Qulub of the Ummah.

The Zahir and the Batin cannot be separated. Everything that is happening in the Zahir is a reflection of something going on in the Batin al-Amr.

Because the nafs, hubb al-dunya, Asabiyyah Jahiliyyah, Zulm and Fasad have taken over our hearts in such a way as never before, therefore the Zionist Occupiers (who are the personification of all of that) have taken our al-Quds, which is our physical heart.

The real solution therefore, is not ranting and raving and political plotting, but the overall Tazkiyah of the Qalb of this wounded Ummah.

That is what our Master, Shaykhuna al-Hassan and all other Awliya-Allah and true Ulama are busy with, as they know this secret. Once our hearts return to Allah, Jerusalem will also return to Islam. At this moment, we don't even deserve it. 

Jerusalem needs men with purified hearts such as Sayyidna Umar (RA), not dunya-loving politicians who are slaves of their lower selves and miles away from the Hal and Qal of Sayyidina Muhammad (SAW).

Last year, when the Zionists wanted to destroy the Aqsa, a noble Muqaddam and Sharif lady from the Tariqah saw Mawlana Rasul-Allah (SAW) and all the Anbiya guarding the Aqsa in a circle.

She asked him if the Aqsa would ever be destroyed? 

He replied:

"At the moment, we Prophets are protecting it, but Allah can do whatever He wants".

The Jihad will continue around Bayt al-Maqdis till the Day of Judgment, as the authentic Hadith states.

Sayr al-Qalb is the last Diwan of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA). In it he writes of his journey to al-Quds and al-Khalil:

Wa Arrajtu li'l-Quds ish-Sharifi wa ba'dahu

Saraytu li-Barham al-Khalili Muwaffaqa

Alayka Aya Barhamu ba'da Muhammadin

Salatun wa Taslimun yazidani Rawnaqa


And I traveled to al-Quds al-Sharif and after that…

I journeyed to the Prophet Ibrahim al-Khalil, with all success!

Upon you Oh Ibrahim…after Muhammad...

Be all peace and greetings…ever-increasing in their Light

Then cursing the evil Zionist occupiers and praying for their destruction and the purification of Jerusalem from them, he writes:

Alayka Salat Ullahi thumma Salamuhu

Wa Tatrudu Ushkul al-La'ini min al-Qudsi

Alayka Salat Ullahi thumma Salamuhu

Wa Tasta'sila al-Khubth al-Yahudi min al-Ussi

Wa Tuhlika Dajjal al-Yahudi wa Tuhlikan

Ibanan wa Dayanan fayakmulu li-Unsi


May the Peace and Salutations of Allah be upon you O Prophet

And may you chase away the accursed ones (Zionists) from Jerusalem

May the Peace and Salutations of Allah be upon you O Prophet

And may you root out the wicked ones of the Yahud from their bases!

And may you destroy the Dajjal of the Yahud and destroy…

Eban and Dayan, so that my delight be complete!

(Indeed, the Zionist terrorists, Eban and Dayan were all destroyed)

And he also wrote:

Sa'altu Ilahi an Yudhilla bi-Sur'atin

Isabati Isra'ila Ahli-Ghaba'i

Wa Tahhir lana 'l-Quds al-Sharifa wa Ahlikan

Ibanan wa Dayanan Riqaba Ima'i

Laqada Harabu Isa wa Yahya wa Muhmmadan

Fahab li-Yahud al-Qudsi Kulla Bala'i

Wa Harrir lana Sina bi-Musa wa Muhammadin

Wa Isa wa Ibrahima Ahli Ala'i

Wa Takhfida Johnsona Bi-Jahi Muhammadin

Wa Sirr alladhi qad Ja'a bi-Ghari Hira'i. 


I asked my Lord to Humiliate very soon…

The wicked bunch of the Israelis, the foolish ones!

And purify for us al-Quds al-Sharif

And destroy (Israeli Generals) Eban and Dayan, the Lowlifes! 

Indeed they have fought the prophets Jesus, John and Muhammad (SAW)

So afflict the Zionists of Jerusalem with every hardship (O Allah)

And liberate for us (Mount) Sinai for the Sake of Moses and Muhammad (SAW)

And Isa and Ibrahim, the men of Lofty Status

And humiliate Johnson for the Honor of Muhammad (SAW)!!!

By the Secret of what was brought in the Cave of Hira

Indeed, Sinai was liberated shortly after the Dua of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and Johnson was also humiliated with scandals.

Likewise, we are sure that the rest of Shaykh Ibrahim's Duas will also be fulfilled. Amin

One should also read the Sahib al-Faydah's letter to President Jamal Nasser after the defeat of the (disunited and dunya-loving) Arab armies in 1967 and the loss of al-Quds al-Sharif. It is found in the collection of his letters entitled Jahawir al-Rasa'il.

After the Zionist burning of the Masjid al-Aqsa in 1969, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) also wrote a letter to all Muslims asking then to boycott Israel and cut off all ties with it completely. This letter is also found in the Jawahir al-Rasa'il.


Imām Fakhruddin Owaisi (South Africa)