Tuesday 25 January 2022

ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺻَﺎﺣِﺐِ اﻟْﻤِﻌْﺮَاﺝِ ﻃَﻪَ ﺗَﺤِﻴَّﺘِﻲ


A Poem by Shaykh-al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (RA)

(From his Diwan Sayr al-Qalb: Harf al-Ayn)

 ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺻَﺎﺣِﺐِ اﻟْﻤِﻌْﺮَاﺝِ ﻃَﻪَ تَحِيَّتِي

ﻓَﺴَﻴْﺮِﻱ ﺇِﻟَﻴْﻪِ الدَّهْرَ ﻏَﺎﻳَﺔُ ﺑُﻐْﻴَﺘِﻲ

I salute the one who ascended the Heavens (SAW)!

And my journey to him is my greatest aspiration in life!

ﺃَﺳِﻴﺮُ ﻟَﻪُ ﻭَ الشَّوْقُ ﻣِﻨِّﻲ ﻣُﺒَﺮِّﺡٌ 

 ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﻃَﻴْﺒَﺔٍ ﺃُﻫْﺪِﻱ ﻟِﻄَﻪَ تَحِيَّتِي  

I journey to him and my passion for him (SAW) takes me…

to Taybah (Madinah), so I may present my greetings to Taha (SAW)!

تَحَرَّكَ ﺭَﻛْﺒِﻲ ﻣِﻦْ ﻣَﺪِﻳﻨَﺔِ ﻛَﻮْﻟَﺦٍ

 ﺃَﺭُﻭﻡُ ﻭِﺻَﺎﻻً ﻣِﻦْ ﺃَﺭَاﺽٍ نَطِيَّةِ

My caravan commences from the town of Kaolack (Senegal)!

And my destination is a land afar (in Arabia)!

ﺃُﻃَﻮِّﻑُ ﻓِﻲ الْآفَاقِ ﻭَاﻟْﺤَﺎﻝُ إِنَّنِي

 ﻭُﻗُﻮﻓِﻲ ﺑِﺒَﺎﺏِ اﻟْﻬَﺎﺷِﻤِﻲ اﻟْﻘَﺮْﻡِ نِيَّتِي

I journey throughout the lands but my goal …

is only to arrive at the door of the Hashemite One (SAW)!

ﺑِﻴُﻮﻑٍ ﻟِﻜُﻨْﻐُﻮ ﻣِﻦْ ﺩُﻭَاﻻَ ﻭَ ﻣَﻘْﺼَﺪِﻱ

 ﻗُﺪُﻭﻣِﻲ ﻟِﻄَﻪَ اﻟْﻬَﺎﺷِﻤِﻲ ﻭَﻫْﻮَ ﻣُﻨْﻴَﺘِﻲ

I move from Yoof (Dakar) to Congo to Doula (Cameroon)

But my goal remains to visit the Hashemite Taha (SAW)!

ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺧَﺎﺗِﻢِ الرُّسْلِ الْكِرَامِ مُحَمَّدٍ

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﻣِﻦَ الرَّحْمَنِ ﺃَﺯْﻛَﻰ تَحِيَّةِ 

To (visit) the Seal of the honourable prophets, Muhammad (SAW)!

Upon him be the choicest greetings from the Merciful Lord!

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﺻَﻼَﺓُ اللهِ ﺛُﻢَّ ﺳَﻼَﻣُﻪُ

ﻃَﻮَﻯ السَّبْعَ طَيًّا ثُمَّ ﻧَﺎﺟَﻰ ﺑِﺨَﺸْﻴَﺔِ

Upon him be the blessings and peace of Allah! 

He sped through 7 heavens then communicated with (His Lord) in reverence!

ﺑِﻄَﻴْﺒَﺔَ بِالرَّوْضِ الشَّرِيفِ ﻭَ ﻣَﺎ ﺣَﻮَﺕْ

ﻣِﻦَ الشَّيْبِ ﻭَالنِّسْوَانِ طُرًّا ﻭَﺻِﺒْﻴَﺔِ

(My goal) is Taybah and his sacred Rawdah and what it contains!

(To be with) The old men, women and children (praying there)!

ﻭَﻟَﻴْﺲَ ﻧَﺠَﺎﺓٌ ﻓِﻲ ﺳُﻠُﻮﻙِ ﺳِﻮَاﺋِﻬَﺎ

ﻭَ ﻟَﻮْ ﺯَﺧْﺮَﻓُﻮاْ الْآﺭَاءَ ﻣِﻦْ ﻛُﻞِّ ﻓِﺮْﻳَﺔِ

For there is no salvation in walking another path (besides the Path of the Prophet )

Even if they glamorise all kinds of false ideas & opinions!

ﺭَﺟَﺎﺋِﻲَ ﺭَﻓْﻊُ اﻟﺪِّﻳﻦِ وَالسُّنَّةِ الَّتِي

ﺗَﺠَﺎﻫَﻠَﻬَﺎ اﻷَْﻗْﻮَاﻡُ ﻓِﻲ ﻛُﻞِّ ﻗَﺮْﻳَﺔِ

My goal is to raise (the banner of) the Deen and the Sunnah!

Which so many are ignorant of in every land!

ﻓَﻬَﻞْ ﺗَﺠْﻤَﻊُ الْأَيَّامُ ﻗَﻮْﻡَ مُحَمَّدٍ

ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻧَﻬْﺠِﻪِ ﻣِﻦْ ﺩُﻭﻥِ ﺷَﻚٍّ ﻭَﻣِﺮْﻳَﺔِ

So may the days unite the people of Muhammad (SAW)

upon his Path…without any doubt or uncertainty!

ﺗَﻄَﺎﻭَﻝَ ﻟَﻴْﻠِﻲ ﻋِﻨْﺪَ ﻛُﻨْﻎُ ﻓَﻠَﻢْ ﺃَﻧَﻢْ

ﺣَﻨِﻴﻨًﺎ ﺇِﻟَﻲ اﻟْﻤَﺄْﻣُﻮﻥِ ﻫَﺎﺩِﻱ الْبَرِيَّةِ 

My night in Congo was prolonged and I could not sleep…

in my yearning for the Trusted (Prophet), the Guide of Mankind (SAW)!

ﺭَﺟَﻌْﺖُ ﻭَﻣَﺎ ﺟِﺌْﺖُ اﻟْﻤَﺪِﻳﻨَﺔَ ﺭَاﻏِﻤًﺎ

ﻭَ ﻃَﺄْﻃَﺄْﺕُ ﺭَﺃْﺳِﻲ ﺗَﺤْﺖَ ﺃَﻗْﺼَﻰ قَضِيَّةِ

(My flight) was forcibly returned (to Senegal) and I couldn’t reach Madinah!

And I bowed my head (in sadness), in the harshest of situations (for me)!

ﻣَﺮَﺭْﺕُ ﺑِﺄَﺣْﺒَﺎﺏٍ ﻛِﺮَاﻡٍ ﺃَﻣَﺎﺟِﺪٍ

ﺑِﻼَﻏُﻮﺱَ ﻗَﺪْ ﺟَﺎﺅُﻭَا ﺑِﺄَﺑْﻬَﻰ عَشِيَّةِ

But I passed by noble & generous friends in Lagos (Nigeria)

And they spent a most illuminating evening with me!

ﺟَﺰَاﻫُﻢْ ﺇِﻟَﻬِﻲ كُلَّ ﺧَﻴْﺮٍ ﻭَﺟَﺎءَﻫُﻢْ

ﻣِﻦَ اللهِ ﻣَﻮْﻟَﻰ اﻟْﺨَﻠْﻖِ كُلُّ بَقِيَّةِ

May my Lord reward them with every goodness!

And may they receive from the Lord of Creation every recompense!

ﻭَ بَدَّدَ ﺷَﻤْﻞَ اﻟْﻤُﺮْﺟِﻔِﻴﻦَ ﻭَ ﺟَﺎءَﻫُﻢْ

ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻋَﻜْﺲِ ﻣَﺎ ﺭَاﻣُﻮﻩُ كُلُّ بَلِيَّةِ

And may He destroy the camp of our enemies!

And grant them the opposite of what they desire...and every calamity!

ﻭَ ﺗَﻜْﻔِﻲ ﺻِﺤَﺎﺑِﻲ شَرَّ ﻗَﻮْﻡٍ ﻋَﻠِﻤْﺘَﻬُﻢْ

ﻳَﻜِﻴﺪُﻭﻥَ ﺩِﻳﻦَ اﻟْﻬَﺎﺷِﻤِﻲَِّ ﺑِﺨُﻔْﻴَﺔِ

And may You protect my companions from the evil of a people You know!

Those who secretly conspire against the Deen of the Hashemite Prophet (SAW)!

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻚَ ﺻَﻼَﺓُ اللهِ ثُمَّ ﺳَﻼَﻣُﻪُ

ﻭَ ﺗَﻌْﻠُﻮا ﻋَﻠَﻰﻛُﻞَِّ اﻟْﺒِﻨَﺎيَاﺕِ ﺑُﻨْﻴَﺘِﻲ

May the blessings & peace of Allah be upon you! 

And may what I build rise above all other buildings!

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻚَ ﺻَﻼَﺓُ اللهِ ثُمَّ ﺳَﻼَﻣُﻪُ

ﻭَ ﺗَﻘْﺒَﻞُ حَجَّاتِي ﻭَ ﺗَﻘْﺒَﻞُ ﻣِﺸْﻴَﺘِﻲ

May the blessings & peace of Allah be upon you! 

And may He accept my Hajj & my journey (to you)!

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻚَ ﺻَﻼَﺓُ اللهِ ثُمَّ ﺳَﻼَﻣُﻪُ

ﻭَ ﺗُﺮْﺿِﻲ ﺃَﺑِﻲ الْأَﺭْﺿَﻰ اﻟْﻜَﺮِﻳﻢَ السَّجِيَّةِ 

May the blessings & peace of Allah be upon you! 

And may Allah please my noble father of great character!!

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻚَ ﺻَﻼَﺓُ اللهِ ثُمَّ ﺳَﻼَﻣُﻪُ 

ﻭَ ﺗُﺼْﻠِﺢُ ﺃَﻫْﻠِﻲ ثُمَّ ﺃَﻫْﻞَ مَعِيَّتِي

May the blessings & peace of Allah be upon you! 

And may you purify my family & all those who accompany me!

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻚَ ﺻَﻼَﺓُ اللهِ ثُمَّ ﺳَﻼَﻣُﻪُ 

ﻭَﺻَﺤْﺒِﻲ ﻭَﺃَﺣْﺒَﺎﺑِﻲ ﻭَ ﺃَﻫْﻞَ وَصِيَّتِي

May the blessings & peace of Allah be upon you! 

And upon my companions, friends & dependants!

ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻚَ ﻣَﻊَ الْآﻝِ اﻟْﻜِﺮَاﻡِ ﻭَﺻَﺤْﺒِﻪِ

فَحَقِّقْ ﺭَﺟَﺎﺋِﻲ ﻗَﺒْﻞَ ﻳَﻮْﻡِ مَنِيَّتِي

And upon your honourable Family & Companions! 

And may you fulfil my wish before my death!

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ الْفَاتِحِ لِمَا أُغْلِقَ وَالْخَاتِمِ لِمَا سَبَقَ 

نَاصِرِ الْحَقِّ بِالْحَقِّ وَالْهَادِي إِلَى صِرَاطِكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمِ

وَ عَلَى آلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَ مِقْدَارِهِ الْعَظِيمِ

- آمِين -

Translated by Imām Fakhruddin Owaisi al-Tijānī

Tuesday 11 January 2022


By: Shaykh al-Islām Ibrāhīm Niasse

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the most-merciful ever-merciful

اللهم أنت الأول فليس قبلك شئ ، وأنت الآخر فليس بعد شئ ، وأنت الظاهر فليس فوقك شئ وأنت الباطن فليس دونك شئ ، فكن لنا يا أول يا أخر يا ظاهر يا باطن ولياً ونصيراً أنت ولينا ومولانا فنعـم المولى ونعم النصير ،

O Allahummah! Anta-l Awwalu, fa-laysa qablaka shay’un. Wa Anta-l Aakhiru, fa-laysa ba‘adaka shay’un. Wa Anta-z Zaahiru, fa-laysa fawqaka shay’un. Wa Anta-l Baatinu, Fa-laysa duunaka shay’un. Fa-kun lanā Yā Awwalu, Yā Aakhiru, Yā Zāhiru, Yā Bātinu. Waliyyān wa Naseerān. Anta Waliyyunā wa Mawlānā, fa-Ni‘ima-l Mawlā wa Ni‘ima-n Naseer.

  O Allah, you are the First; there is nothing before you. And you are the Last; there is nothing after you. And you are the Manifest; there is nothing above you. And you are the Hidden; there is nothing beyond you. Thus, be our Guardian and Helper, O You the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden. What an Excellent Guardian and what an Excellent Helper You are!

اللهم إنا نسألك بفاتحية الفاتح الفتح التام ، وبخاتمية الخاتم حسن الختام ،

Allahumma innā nas’aluka bi-fātihiyyati-l-fāti’hi al-fat’h at-tāma. Wa bi-khātimiyyat al-khātimi husna-l khitāmi.

O Allah, we beseech You by the Opening of the Opener, that You grant us a perfect Opening, and by the Closing of the Closer, that You grant us a perfect Closing!

اللهم إنا نسألك من الخير كله عاجله وآجله ماعلمنا منه ومالم نعلم ، ونعوذ بك من الشر كله عاجله وآجله ماعلمنا منه وما لم نعلم ،

Allahumma innā nas’aluka mina-l khayri kullihi ‘ājilihi wa ājilihi mā ‘alimnā min’hu wa mā lam na‘alamu. Wa na‘ūzubika mina-sh sharri kullihi ‘ājilihi wa ājilihi mā ‘alimnā min’hu wa mā lam na‘alamu.

O Allah, we beseech You to grant us all good, its immediate and the later, from that which we know and which we don't know. And we seek Your refuge from all evil, the immediate and the later, that which we know and which we don't know!

اللهم إنا نسألك الجنة وما قرب إليها من قول وعمل ونعوذ بك من النار وما قرب إليها من قول وعمل،

Allahumma innā nas’aluka-l Jannata wa mā qarraba ilayhā min qawlin wa ‘amalin. Wa na‘ūzibika mina-n Nāri wa mā qarraba ilayhā min qawlin wa ‘amalin.

O Allah, we beseech You for Paradise and whatever draws one closer to it in speech and in deeds. And we seek refuge with You from the fire and whatever draws one closer to it in speech and in deeds!

اللهم إنا نسألك العفو والعافيـة والمعافاة الدائمة في الدين والدنيا والآخرة ،

Allahumma innā nas’aluka-l afwa wa-l ‘āfiyyata wa-l ma-‘āfāta-d dā’imata fi-d deeni wa-d dunyā wa-l ākhirati.

O Allah, we pray that You grant us forgiveness, health, and exemption from evil forever, in our Faith, in this world and in the Hereafter!

اللهم إنا نسألك رضاك ورضى نبيك ورضى الأشياخ ورضى الوالدين ،

Allahumma innā nas’aluka ridāka wa ridaa nabiyyika wa ridā-l ashyākhi wa ridā-l wālidayni.

We also beseech You for Your pleasure, the pleasure of Your Prophet (SAW), the pleasure of our Shaykhs, and the pleasure of our parents!

اللهم اجعل ما نحب فيما تحب ، اللهم اجعل فى اختيارك إختيارنا ولا تجعل إلا إليك إضطرارنا

Allahumma ij-‘al mā nuhibbu feemā tuhibbu. Allahumma ij-‘al fii-khtiyārika ikhtiyāranā. Wa laa taj-‘al illā ilayka idtirāranā.

Allah, grant what we wish to be what You wish; and make our choice to be among Your Choice; and do not direct our plight to anyone except You!

يــاربــنـــا يــا خــالـــق الــعــوالـــم حــل بينـنـا وبـيــن كـــل ظـالــم

Yā Rabbanā Yā Khāliqa-l awālimi ** hul baynanā wa bayna kulli zālimi

O Our Lord, the Creator of the universe, separate between us and every wrongdoer!

واجـز لكـل مــن إليـنـا أحـسـن وجــازه عـنـا الـجــزاء الحـسـنـا

Wa ajzi li-kulli man ilaynā ahsanā ** wa jāzihi  ‘annā-l jazā’a-l ahsanā

And reward everyone that is good to us and bless them abundantly for us!

اللهم ارفع عنا الجهد والجوع والعرى واكشف عنا من البلاء ما لا يكشفه غيرك

Allahumma irfa‘a ‘annā-l jah’da wa-l jū‘a wa-l ‘urya. Wa’kshif ‘anā mina-l balā’I mā lā yakshif’hu ghayruka.

O Allah, cast away for us all trouble, hunger and blame and guard us against calamities that no one except You can forestall! 

ربنا آتنا فى الدنيا حسنة وفى الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار ،

Rabbanā! Ātinā fī-d dunyā hasanatan, wa fī-l ākhirati hasanatan, wa qinā  adhāba-n nāri.  {Qur’ān2:201}

O Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of fire!

ربنا لا تؤاخذنا إن نسينا أو أخطأنا ربنا ولا تحمل علينا إصراً كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا ، ربنا ولا تحملنا ما لا طاقة لنا به ،

Rabbanā! Lā tu’ākhiznā in naseenā aw akhtānā. Rabbanā! Wa lā tahmil ‘alaynā isrān kamā hamaltahu ‘alā-l ladheena min qablinā. Rabbanā! Walā tah-mil-nā mā lā tāqata lanā bihi,

O Our Lord, punish us not if we forget or fall into error !O Our Lord, lay not on us a burden like that which You laid on those before us! O Our Lord, put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear!

واعف عنا واغفرلنا وارحمنا  أنت مولانا فانصرنا على القوم الكافرين ،

Wa‘af ‘annā, wagfir-lanā, war’hamnā, Anta Mawlānā, fansur’naā alā-l qawmi-l kāfirīn {Qur’ān2:286}

Pardon us and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Patron. And give us victory over the disbelieving people.

ربنا لاتزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك انت الوهاب ،

Rabbanā! Lā tuzig qulūbanā,  ba‘ada idh hadaytanā, wahab-lanā min ladunka rahmatan. Innaka Anta-l-Wahāb. {Qur’ān3:8}

O Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower! 

ربنا إننا سمعنا منادياً ينادي للأيمان أن آمنوا بربكم فآمنا ، ربنا فاغفر لنا ذنوبنا وكفر عنا سيئاتنا وتوفنا مع الأبرار ،

Rabannā! Innanā sami‘inā munādiyān yunaadī lil-eemāni: ‘an-āminū bi-Rabbikum fa-āmannā. Rabannā! Faghfir-lanā dhunūbanā, wa kaffir annā sayyi’aatinā, wa tawaffanā ma‘a-l abrār. {Qur’ān3:193}

O Our Lord, verily, we have heard the call of the one (Muhammad SAW) calling to faith saying: 'Believe in your Lord' and we believed! O Our Lord, forgive us our sins and expedite from us our evil deeds and make us die among the pious and righteous believers!

ربنا وآتنا ما وعدتنا على رسلك ولا تخزنا يوم القيامة إنك لاتخلف المعياد ،

Rabannā! Wa ātinā maa wa‘ad-tanā alā rusulika walā tukhzinā yauma-l qiyāmah. Innaka lā tukhlifu-l mī’ād. {Qur’ān3:194}

O Our Lord, grant us what You promised us through Your Messenger and disgrace us not on the Day of Resurrection, for You never break (Your) promise!

 ربنا ظلمنا أنفسنا وإن لم تغفر لنا وترحمنا لنكونن من الخاسرين ،

Rabannā! Zalamnā anfusanā. Wa in-lam tagfrilanā, wa tar-ham-nā, lanakūna-nna mina-l khāsireen. {Qur’ān7:23}

O Our Lord, we have wronged our own souls, and if you do not forgive us and bestow Your mercy upon us, we shall certainly be among the losers!

ربنا آتنا من لدنك رحمة وهيئ لنا من أمرنا رشداً ، ربنا هب لنا من أزواجنا وذرياتنا قرة أعين وأجعلنا للمتقين إماماً

Rabannā! Ātinā min ladunka rahmatan wa ayihi-lanā min amrinā rashadān. {Qur’ān18:10} Rabannā! Hab-lanā min azwājinā wa dhurriyyatinā qurrata a‘ayunin, waji-halinā lil-mutaqeena imāmān. {Qur’ān25:74}

O Our Lord, bestow on us Mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affairs in the right way! O Our Lord, make our spouses and our offspring the comfort for our eyes, and make us leaders of the pious ones!

اللهم اغفر لحينا وميتنا وكبيرنا وصغيرنا وذكرنا وأنثانا وحرنا وعبدنا وحاضرنا وغائبنا وطائعنا وعاصينا

Allahumma ighfir li-hayyinā wa mayyitinā wa kabeerinā wa sagheerinā wa dhakarinā wa unthānā wa hādirinā wa ghā’ibinā wa hurrinā wa ‘abdinā wa tā’ihinā wa ‘āseenā.

O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, our old and young, our male and female, the present and the absent among us, the free and the slaves, as well as the obedient and the disobedient among us

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد الفاتح لما أغلق والخاتم لما سبق ناصر الحق بالحق والهادي الى صراطك المستقيم وعلى آله حق قدره ومقداره العظيم

Allahumma Sali alā sayiddinā Muhammad, al-fātihi limā ughliqa, wa-l khātimi limā sabaqa, nāsiri-l haqq bi-l haqq, wal-hādī ilā sirātika-l mustaqeem, wa alā ālihi, haqqa qadrihi wa miqdārihi-l-azeem

O Allah, may your blessing be upon our Leader, Muhammad, the Opener of what is closed and the closer of what was before, the Helper of truth with the truth and the Guide to Your straight path, and (also) upon his family, in accordance with his status and great capacity!

 سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلام على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين

Subhāna Rabbika Rabbi-l ‘izzati ammā yasifūna. Wa salāmun alaā-l mursaleen. Wa-l Hamdu-lillahi Rabbi-l ‘ālameen. {Qur’ān 37:180-182}

Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! (He is free) from what they ascribe (to Him)! And Peace on the Messengers! And praise to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds!

 Translated by Imām Fakhruddin Owaisi al-Tijani


 👳🏾‍♂️ *Place order on WhatsApp +2349078376281 or click 👉 https://wa.me/c/2349078376281* 
 *• Items 1 to 30: English Books* 
 *• Items 33 to 54: Arabic Books* 


1. Spiritual Flood (Alūfu-l Khalqi Ma'lūf), by Shaykh 'Abdul-Quadr ibn 'Ali Al-Nupewy [Annotated Translation from Arabic info English by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq

2. Who is this Shaikh “Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaolacky” [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 5. Handbook for every Tijaniyyat [by Shaikh Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi]

 6. Practical Guide on the Wird(Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent Handbook)-(Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

  7. Durratu Tāj (The Crown Jewel and Fundamental Needs of the Murid, Regarding the Essentials of the Rules & Requirements of the Tariqa Tijaniyyah Spiritual Path): A Concise Instructional Handbook/Pamphlet), by Abdul-Karīm ibn al-Arabī [Translated by Shaikh Hassan Cisse & Alhaji Lawal]

 8. The Qualities and Uses of Zamzam Water (A Scientific & Islamic Exploration) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

 9. Who is Shaykh Jamiu Bulala (by Ustaz Olanipekun Shittu Tunde)

 10. Understanding the Concept of Will-Making in Islam (Fee Manzoori-l-Islam) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye
11. Dawāwin as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) + Dīwān Sayr al-Qalb & Nūr al-Haq, by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse (Arabic text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 12. Al-Yaaqutatul Fareeda Fii Tariqatul Tijaniyyah (The Unique Ruby in the Tijaniya Spiritual Path), by Sheikh Muhammad Nazifi (R.A)...Translated by Sayyidi Jafaru Ibrahim

 13. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega 
(Hausa-Ajami text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 14. Dalā’il al-khairāt wa Shuwāriq al-Anwār fī Dhikr as-Salāt ‘alā-n Nabiyy al-Mukhtār (The Indices of Virtues/The Waymarks of Benefits and the Brilliant Burst of Sunshine in the Invocation of Allah’s Blessing on the Chosen Prophet) by Imām Sulaiman Jazūlī [Re-Arranged into Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji]

 15. Mawlud Lectures of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
 16. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" - (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)

  17. Epistle to the World [The Translation of Ayyuha-l-Walad (Dear Beloved Son)] by Imam Abu Hameed Al-Ghazaali....Trans­lated by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

  18. Softcopy of Numerous Sufi Literature (Arabic & English) - (To be sent via CD & email/googledrive)

  19. At-Taiseer (Simplification): The Means of Attaining Purification Through Poetry with Allaah's Most Beautiful Names, By Shaykh El-Hajj Malick Sy [same translator]

 20. Qasida al-Hamziyya (Panegyric which contains the Biography & History of Prophet Muḥammad) by Shaykh Muhammad Būsayrī [Translation & Commentary by Ibrahim Jafaru] - Arabic & English

 21. Sufism “The Orthodox Path” (At-Tasawwuf “Minhāj al-Qawīm”) [Arabic text & English translations ], by Oseni Aliu Olalekan

22. Facts about Sufism (by Sayyid Ismaheel Abdulrauf)

23. Kaduna & Katsina Conferences of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

24. Hizbul Bahr (Arabic, Translation & Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji) 

25. Hizbu Sayfi (Arabic, Translation & Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji)

26. 37 Praises in Qur'an (Arabic, Translation & Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji)

27. Al-Khusūsiyyah (Distinguished Miracles of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass)

28. Mukhtārāt min Mu'alafāt al-Fudiyāwiyūn [Selected Writings of the Fodios (Shaykh Usman, Abdullah & Muhammad Bello)] 11 Vols (English)

29. Selected Letters of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (25 Letters) & Selected Letters of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (30 Letters) - "Softcopies (PDF)" [Translated by Ustadh Talut Dawud (Translator of Jawāhir Al Ma'ānī, Kanzul Masūn and other important Books of the Tarīqa)] - NEW!!!

30. Tafsīr Ibn Sanūsi (Quranic Exegesis/Interpretation in Arabic & Yoruba Translation) - NEW!!!


 33. Dalā’ilu l Khayrāt - Collection of prayers upon the Prophet  (by Shaikh Sulaiman Jazūlī) - Arabic:  in Hafs Arabic (big size)

 34. Kanzul Masūn - Collections of Prayers/­Supplications (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic

 35. Dawāwīn as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) on Prophetic Eulogy (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic

 36. Ahzāb wa Awrād (Collection of Prayers/Liturgies and Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad at-Tijani - Arabic

 37. Jihāzu Sārih wa Sā’ihi wa Sābih wal ‘Ākiful Fālihu fī Tawajuhāt bi-Salātul Fātih by Shaykh Muhammad Gibrima Ad-Dāghirī - *Arabic*

 38. Jawāhir al-Ma’ānī wa Bulūgh al-Amānī fī Fayd Sīdi Abī-l ‘Abbās at-Tijānī (Jewels of Meanings and the Attainment of Aspirations in the Spiritual Flood of Abu l Abbas Tijānī) by Sīdī ‘Aliyyu Harāzim Berrada - Arabic [Single Vol 1/2]

 39. Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qur’ān al-Karīm (In the Meadows of Tafsir/Exegesis for the Noble Quran) - by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī)
—Arabic [6 Volumes]

40. Fatihu Rabānī fīmā yahtāju ilayhi l Murīd at-Tijānī, by Muhammad ibn Abdullah at-Tijānī

 41. Sa’ādat al-Anām bi Aqwāl Shaykh al-Islām

 42. Tabsirat al-Anām fī anna-l ‘Ilma Huwa-l -mām

 43. Raf’u-l Malām ‘aman rafa’a wa qabada iqtidā bi-Sayyid al-Anām

 44. Nujūm al-Hudā fī kawni Nabiyyinā afdala man da’ā ilā llahi wa hadā
45. Al-Bayān wa-t Tabyīn ‘anni-t Tijāniyyati wa-t Tijāniyyīn 

 46. Tanbīhu-l adhkiyā’ fī kawn Ash-Shaykh At-Tijānī Khātim al-Awliyyā

 47. Dīwān Sayr al-Qalb bi-Mad’h al-Mustafā al-hibb ilā Hadrat Ar-Rabb (small size & big size)

 48. Majmū’ Rihlāt Ash-Shaykh Ibrāhīm [Ar-Rihlat al-Hijaziyya al-ūlā, Nayl al-Mafāz al-awd ilā-l Hijāz, Ar-Rihlat al-Kanāriyya wal Kumāshiyya, Ar-Rihlat al-Kunākriyya]

 49. Jawāhir ar-Rasā’il al-hāwī ba’ad al-‘ulūm wasīlat al-wasā’il

 50. Al-‘Ishrīniyya (Dīwān al-Wasā’il al-Mutaqabala fī mad’hi-n Nabiyyi) [by Wazīr Abdur-Rahmān al-Fāzāzī & Imām AbūBakr al-Muhīb]

 51. Majmu’ Qasā’id al-Mawlid an-Nabawī

 52. Al-Burdat al-madeehi(Shaikh Buusayri)

53. Tafsīr al-Qur'ān al-'Azīm "lil-Imāmayn Al-Jalālayni" (by Imām Jalālu-Deen Al-Muhalī &  Imām Jalālu-Deen As-Suyūtī) [Warsh  Scripts - 2 Vols]

54. Rūh ul-Bayān fī Tafsīr ul-Qur'ān (10 Volumes Sūfī Tafsīr/Quranic Exegesis) [by Shaikh Ismā'īl al-Haqqī al-Barūsī]


 *✓Collection of Prayers upon Prophet (Salāt alā Nabiyy)* 

• Jihāz Sārih of Shaykh Gibrīma

• Dalā'ilu-l khayrāt of Shaykh Jazūlī

• Teebu-l Fā'ihi of Shaykh Nazīfī

• Kunūz al-Asrār of Shaykh Harūshī

*✓Texts on Ilmu'l Hisāb (Numerology/Divine Mathematics)* 

• Shams al-Ma'arif al-Kubrā wa Latā'if al-'Awārif (by Imām Ahmad Ibn 'Aliyy al-Būnī)

• Manba'u Usūl ar-Raml (by Ustadh 'Abdul-Fatāhi at-Tūkhī al-Falakī)

• Abū Ma'ashar al-Falakī (by Shaykh Abū Hayyi-llah al-Marzūqī)

• Kitāb al-Jawāhir al-Khams (by Sīdī Muhammad Ibn Khawājat al-'Atār)

• Al-Jawāhir al-Lamā'ah (by Shaykh Abū Hayyi-llah al-Marzūqī)

• Ismu-llah al-A'azam (by Ustadh 'Abdul-Fatāhi at-Tūkhī al-Falakī)

• Manba'u Usūl al-Hikmah (by Imām Ahmad Ibn 'Aliyy al-Būnī)

Place order on WhatsApp +2349078376281 or click 👉🏿 wa.me/2349078376281
Call: +2348034656467 or +2348074393996 

Facebook/Instagram: @SmilebakGlobalEmporium

Instagram: @PristineSufismBooks

Email: smilebak2004@gmail.com

Sūfī Books Catalogue: http://www.wa.me/c/2349078376281

 *Telegram: https://t.me/pristinesufismbooks* 















Tuesday 4 January 2022


by the Seal of the Saints Shaykh Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani (RA)

- To be recited in the mornings & evenings - 

- Recite Ayat al-Kursi 7 times

- Recite Ayat al-Hirs (Verse 128 of Surah Tawbah) 7 times 

- Recite Surah al-Qadr (with Basmalah) 6 times, pointing at each of the 6 directions

(Right & Left – Ahead & Behind – Above & Below)

- Recite Surah al-Ikhlas (with Basmalah) 11 times


- Recite the following Dhikr of Allah 100 times: 

لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ يَا دَافِعُ يَا مَانِعُ يَا حَفِيظُ يَا حَكِيمُ 

Lā Ilaha Ilā-llahu Yā Dāfi'u Yā Māni'u Yā Hafeez Yā Hakeem

There is no lord-god but Allah! O Warder (of evil)! O Preventer (of harm)! O Protector! O Most Wise!


- Another Fortification to recite is the following Du’a:

اللَّهُمَّ انْصُرْنَا عَلَى جَمِيعِ الْعَالَمِين

Allahumma unsurnā 'alā jamee'i-l 'ālameen

O Allah grant us victory over all the worlds!

اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ الْعَالَمِين

Allahumma ahfaznā min jamee'i-l 'ālameen

O Allah protect us from all the worlds!

اللَّهُمَّ اكْفِنَا شَرَّ جَمِيعِ الْعَالَمِين

Allahumma akfinā sharra jamee'i-l 'ālameen

O Allah ward off from us the evil of all the worlds!

بِجَاهِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين...(سورة الفاتحة)

Bi-jāhi "Alhamdulillahi Rabbi-l 'ālameen. Ar-Rahmān Ar-Raheem. Maliki yawmi-d Deen. Iyyāka na'abudu wa Iyyāka nasta'een. Ihdinā sirāta-l mustaqeem. Sirāta-l ladheena an'amta 'alayhim. Ghayri-l maghdūbi 'alayhim walā-d dāleen"

By the power of Al-Humdu Lillahi Rabbi l-Alamin…(Recite Surah al-Fatihah)


اللَّهُمَّ انْصُرْنَا عَلَى كُلِّ أَحَدْ

Allahumma unsurnā 'alā kulla ahadin

O Allah grant us victory over everyone!

اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنَا مِنْ كُلِّ أَحَدْ

Allahumma ahfaznā min kulla ahadin

O Allah protect us from everyone!

اللَّهُمَّ اكْفِنَا شَرَّ كُلِّ أَحَدْ

Allahumma akfinā sharra kulla ahadin

O Allah ward off from us the evil of everyone!

هُوَ اللهُ أَحَدْ...(سورة الإخلاص)بِجَاهِ قُلْ 

Bi-jāhi "Qul Huwa-Allahu Ahad. Allahu-s Samad. Lam yalid, wa lam yūlad. Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwān Ahad"

By the power of Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad…(Recite Surah al-Ikhlas)

اللَّهُمَّ انْصُرْنَا عَلَى جَمِيعِ الْخَلْقِ

    Allahumma unsurnā 'alā jamee'i-l khalqi 

O Allah grant us victory over all creation!

اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ الْخَلْقِ

Allahumma ahfaznā min jamee'i-l khalqi 

  O Allah protect us from all creation!

اللَّهُمَّ اكْفِنَا شَرَّ جَمِيعِ الْخَلْقِ

Allahumma akfinā sharra jamee'i-l khalqi 

  O Allah ward off from us the evil of all creation!

بِجَاهِ قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ...(سورة الفلق)

Bi-jāhi "Qul a'ūdhu bi Rabbi-l Falaq. Min Sharri mā khalaqa. Wa min Sharri ghāsiqin idhā waqaba. Wa min Sharrin nafāthāti fī-l 'uqadi.Wa min Sharri hāsidin idhā hasada"

 By the power of Qul A’udhu bi-Rabbi l-Falaq…(Recite Surah al-Falaq)

اللَّهُمَّ انْصُرْنَا عَلَى جَمِيعِ النَّاسِ

Allahumma unsurnā 'alā jamee'i-n nās  

O Allah grant us victory over all people! 

اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ النَّاسِ

Allahumma ahfaznā min jamee'i-n nās

O Allah protect us from all people! 

اللَّهُمَّ اكْفِنَا شَرَّ جَمِيعِ النَّاسِ

 Allahumma akfinā sharra jamee'i-n nās

 O Allah ward off from us the evil of all people!

بِجَاهِ قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ...(سورة الناس)

Bi-jāhi "Qul a'ūdhu bi Rabbi-n nās. Maliki-n nās. Ilāhi-n nās. Min sharri-l waswāsi-l khannās. Al-ladhī yuwaswisu fī-s sudūri-n nās. Mina-l jinnati wa-n nās" 

 By the power of Qul A’udhu bi-Rabbin n-Nas…(Recite Surah al-Nas) 

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ الْفَاتِحِ لِمَا أُغْلِقَ وَالْخَاتِمِ لِمَا سَبَقَ

نَاصِرِ الْحَقِّ بِالْحَقِّ وَالْهَادِي إِلَى صِرَاطِكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمِ

وَ عَلَى آلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَ مِقْدَارِهِ الْعَظِيمِ


And O Allah! Send Your blessings upon our master Muhammad! The Opener of what was closed and the Sealer of what preceded him! The Supporter of the Truth by the Truth and the Guide to Your straight path! And upon his family too, in accordance with his enormous rank & capacity!

Translated by Imām Fakhruddin Owaisi al-Tijani


 👳🏾‍♂️ *Place order on WhatsApp +2349078376281 or click 👉 https://wa.me/c/2349078376281* 

 *• Items 1 to 30: English Books* 
 *• Items 33 to 54: Arabic Books* 


1. Spiritual Flood (Alūfu-l Khalqi Ma'lūf), by Shaykh 'Abdul-Quadr ibn 'Ali Al-Nupewy [Annotated Translation from Arabic info English by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq

2. Who is this Shaikh “Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaolacky” [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 5. Handbook for every Tijaniyyat [by Shaikh Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi]

 6. Practical Guide on the Wird(Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent Handbook)-(Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

  7. Durratu Tāj (The Crown Jewel and Fundamental Needs of the Murid, Regarding the Essentials of the Rules & Requirements of the Tariqa Tijaniyyah Spiritual Path): A Concise Instructional Handbook/Pamphlet), by Abdul-Karīm ibn al-Arabī [Translated by Shaikh Hassan Cisse & Alhaji Lawal]

 8. The Qualities and Uses of Zamzam Water (A Scientific & Islamic Exploration) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

 9. Who is Shaykh Jamiu Bulala (by Ustaz Olanipekun Shittu Tunde)

 10. Understanding the Concept of Will-Making in Islam (Fee Manzoori-l-Islam) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye
11. Dawāwin as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) + Dīwān Sayr al-Qalb & Nūr al-Haq, by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse (Arabic text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 12. Al-Yaaqutatul Fareeda Fii Tariqatul Tijaniyyah (The Unique Ruby in the Tijaniya Spiritual Path), by Sheikh Muhammad Nazifi (R.A)...Translated by Sayyidi Jafaru Ibrahim

 13. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega 
(Hausa-Ajami text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

 14. Dalā’il al-khairāt wa Shuwāriq al-Anwār fī Dhikr as-Salāt ‘alā-n Nabiyy al-Mukhtār (The Indices of Virtues/The Waymarks of Benefits and the Brilliant Burst of Sunshine in the Invocation of Allah’s Blessing on the Chosen Prophet) by Imām Sulaiman Jazūlī [Re-Arranged into Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji]

 15. Mawlud Lectures of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
 16. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" - (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)

  17. Epistle to the World [The Translation of Ayyuha-l-Walad (Dear Beloved Son)] by Imam Abu Hameed Al-Ghazaali....Trans­lated by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

  18. Softcopy of Numerous Sufi Literature (Arabic & English) - (To be sent via CD & email/googledrive)

  19. At-Taiseer (Simplification): The Means of Attaining Purification Through Poetry with Allaah's Most Beautiful Names, By Shaykh El-Hajj Malick Sy [same translator]

 20. Qasida al-Hamziyya (Panegyric which contains the Biography & History of Prophet Muḥammad) by Shaykh Muhammad Būsayrī [Translation & Commentary by Ibrahim Jafaru] - Arabic & English

 21. Sufism “The Orthodox Path” (At-Tasawwuf “Minhāj al-Qawīm”) [Arabic text & English translations ], by Oseni Aliu Olalekan

22. Facts about Sufism (by Sayyid Ismaheel Abdulrauf)

23. Kaduna & Katsina Conferences of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

24. Hizbul Bahr (Arabic, Translation & Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji) 

25. Hizbu Sayfi (Arabic, Translation & Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji)

26. 37 Praises in Qur'an (Arabic, Translation & Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji)

27. Al-Khusūsiyyah (Distinguished Miracles of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass)

28. Mukhtārāt min Mu'alafāt al-Fudiyāwiyūn [Selected Writings of the Fodios (Shaykh Usman, Abdullah & Muhammad Bello)] 11 Vols (English)

29. Selected Letters of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (25 Letters) & Selected Letters of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (30 Letters) - "Softcopies (PDF)" [Translated by Ustadh Talut Dawud (Translator of Jawāhir Al Ma'ānī, Kanzul Masūn and other important Books of the Tarīqa)] - NEW!!!

30. Tafsīr Ibn Sanūsi (Quranic Exegesis/Interpretation in Arabic & Yoruba Translation) - NEW!!!


 33. Dalā’ilu l Khayrāt - Collection of prayers upon the Prophet  (by Shaikh Sulaiman Jazūlī) - Arabic:  in Hafs Arabic (big size)

 34. Kanzul Masūn - Collections of Prayers/­Supplications (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic

 35. Dawāwīn as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) on Prophetic Eulogy (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic

 36. Ahzāb wa Awrād (Collection of Prayers/Liturgies and Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad at-Tijani - Arabic

 37. Jihāzu Sārih wa Sā’ihi wa Sābih wal ‘Ākiful Fālihu fī Tawajuhāt bi-Salātul Fātih by Shaykh Muhammad Gibrima Ad-Dāghirī - *Arabic*

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