Sunday 28 April 2024



 صَلَاةُ رَفْعِ الْأَعْمَالِ 




By Shaykh Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani (RA)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful


اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ

Allahumma Salli ‘alā Sayyidinā Muhammadin  an-Nabiyy

O Allah! Send Your blessings upon our master Muhammad the Prophet

 عَدَدَ مَنْ صَلَّى عَلَيْهِ مِنْ خَلْقِكَ

‘Adada man sallā ‘alayhi min khalqika

With the number of all those who have sent blessings upon him!

 وَصَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ

wa Salli ‘alā Sayyidinā Muhammadin in-Nabiyyi

And send Your blessings upon our master Muhammad the Prophet

كَمَا يَنْبَغِي لَنَا أَنْ نُصَلِّيَ عَلَيْهِ

kamā yanbagī lanā an nusalliya ‘alayhi

In the ideal manner that we must send blessings upon him!

 وَ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ

wa Salli ‘alā Sayyidinā Muhammadin an-Nabiyy

And send Your blessings upon our master Muhammad the Prophet

 كَمَا أَمَرْتَنَا أَنْ نُصَلِّيَ عَلَيْهِ

kamā amartanā an nusalliya ‘alayhi

In the ideal manner You commanded us to send blessings upon him!

- آمِين -



عن عمر بن الخطاب و أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنهما عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم:

It is related by Umar bin al-Khattab & Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with them both, that the Prophet (SAW) said:

إِنَّ الدُّعَاءَ مَوْقُوفٌ بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالأَرْضِ لا يَصْعَدُ مِنْهُ شَيْءٌ

حَتَّى تُصَلِّيَ عَلَى نَبِيِّكَ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلَّمَ


“All supplications are suspended between the Heavens & the Earth

– i.e. not raised to Allah’s Divine Presence –

until you send blessings on your Prophet SAW)”

رواه الترمذي (486)

Narrated by Imam al-Tirmidhi



Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA) recommended the recitation of the above mentioned Salawat 10 times in the morning & the evening, as ideal for guaranteeing the raising of one’s prayers & good deeds to Allah’s Divine Court, in addition to the blessed Salat al-Fatih.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ الْفَاتِحِ لِمَا أُغْلِقَ

وَالْخَاتِمِ لِمَا سَبَقَ نَاصِرِ الْحَقِّ بِالْحَقِّ

وَالْهَادِي إِلَى صِرَاطِكَ الْمُسْتَقِيمِ

وَ عَلَى آلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَ مِقْدَارِهِ الْعَظِيمِ



Fully Transcribed & Translated by Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi al-Tijani