Friday, 11 March 2022


By Imam Fakhruddin Owaisi (South Africa) (Presented at a Conference at the Harvard University, April 2021) 

Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote the following Niyyah (intention)  
 at the beginning of one of his Diwans:

تعظيما له و إجلالا و محبة و طلبا لمرضاته و القرب منه والإستغاثة به و التشفع و التوسل 
 به. صلى الله على سيدنا محمد و على آله حق قدره و مقداره العظيم 
“To honour & venerate him, and for the sake of his love. And to strive for his approval & proximity and to seek his spiritual assistance & intercession.      
May the blessing of Allah be upon our master Muhammad & his family, in 
accordance with his supreme rank & capacity.” 


A Diwan is a collection of poems that end or start with all or most letters of the Arabic alphabet. Arab poets have composed Diwans from time immemorial. 

The Diwans of our grand-master Mawlana Shaykh-al-Islam Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) are considered amongst the best, most eloquent and most in-depth poetry ever composed in praise (Madih) of the Best of Creation, our master Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah (SAW).  

Many Scholars and Sufis have considered them to be on par with the famed Burdah of Imam alBusiri, who Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) called زميلي في الثنا i.e. my colleague in praising the Prophet (SAW). 

Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) called his Diwans: ثمرة حياتي i.e. the fruit of my life”, stating in his Diwan entitled Manasik Ahl al-Widad: ثماري بأمداحي و إني حارث i.e. my fruits spring from my poems in his praise, and indeed I shall continue to plant them!  

And he wrote in the last Diwan he composed - Sayr al-Qalb - that the joy of his life was to praise the beloved Prophet (SAW): 

 رأيت  ثناء  الهاشمي  تلذذي  *   و نعم ملاذي في الخطوب و منقذي
Praising the Hashemite (Prophet) is my enjoyment 
And it is my best refuge and saviour in all difficulties 
Indeed, it was the essence of the legacy he wanted to leave behind. As he also states in the Sayr al-Qalb in one of the last poems he composed before his demise: 

 ثقافة إبراهيم و العلم كله       *    مديح الإمام الهاشمي و فضله
The legacy of Ibrahim and all knowledge in fact… 
Is to praise the Hashemite Master and recognize his greatness! 
He considered these poems his “permissible magic & permissible wine” and the secret of his success: 

 بلى إن حب الهاشمي رباح      *    و مدحي له سحر أراه مباح
Indeed, the love of the Hashemite (Prophet) is (the key to) success! 
And my praise of him is “magic” I consider permissible!

      و خمر أراه للغبوق و بله ما    *     سواه ففيه للنديم نجاح  
And it is the real wine for every drinker… 
So leave all other (wines) for in this wine lies success for the drinker! 

و نلت به كل المرادات إنني   *    أتاني بمدحي للأمين رباح
And by it (his praises) I attained all my wishes… 
And through the praise of the Trustworthy (Prophet) I attained success!
 أجالس بالأمداح سري و عمدتي  *  محمد من هو للمهيض جناح  
And through my praises, I sit with my inner beloved, my master… 
Muhammad! Who is the shelter for the broken ones! 
(From: Diwan Salwat al-Shujun) 

And he says in another couplet in his Diwan titled Taysir al-Wusul:

 نبيذي و خمري الدهر سرد مديحه   *   و ذلك حصني و هو جيشي لنصره 
My intoxicant & my wine is always singing his praises 
And it is my fortress & my army to support his Deen 

Over a span of 50 years (approx. 1925-1975), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) composed 11 Diwans in praise of the Prophet (SAW), with a total of 295 poems. He further composed 2 Diwans in praise of the Seal of the Saints Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA), a Diwan in praise of his own teachers and shaykhs, a Diwan in Tawassul through the Surahs of the Holy Qur’an, and a Diwan containing advices for seekers (which includes the famous poem Ruh al-Adab as well). The grand total is 16 Diwans.  

And there are many poems, couplets and poetic compositions of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) found outside of these Diwans as well, that are scattered in various books. Altogether, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) is estimated to have composed approximately 10,000 couplets of poetry.  

As he stated in his Diwan entitled Shifa al-Asqam:

 خدمت رسول الله دهري أنسخ     *   مدائحه و الحب في القلب يرسخ 
I serve the Messenger of Allah…forever writing 
His praises…and entrenching his love in my heart!  

These Diwans were composed by Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) in Senegal, Hijaz, Nigeria, Ghana, and throughout the different lands he journeyed to and from. In fact, he was proud of the fact that he even composed his Madih poetry in the skies, on a plane, as he stated in Sayr al-Qalb: 
 أخاطبه بالشعر و القلم الذي     *    يقرب أقصى ما أكن مترجما
I address him with my poetry and my pen That expresses best my deepest feelings! 
 ببر و بحر قد بعثت مدائحي و *        ذا اليوم أشدوا في الهوا متجمجما
On land and on sea, I have spread my praises 
And today I sing them in the air! 
He also stated in his Diwan entitled Shifa al-Asqam that he composes Madih all the time: 
 تخذت رسول الله في كل أوقاتي   *   معاشي و كسبي فهو لي خير أقوات
I’ve taken (praising) the Messenger of Allah all the time…  
As my earning & subsistence…and indeed he is the best livelihood!!   و أمدحه ما عشت في كل حالة    *    قصيدي مديح الهاشمي و أبياتي 
So I shall praise him, under all conditions, as long I live!  
My poems & couplets shall only be the praises of the Hashemite (Prophet)! 
     فلي كل وقت حالة بعد حالة    *    و حالة مدح المصطفى خير حالاتي 
And as I proceed from one state to another state… 
The state of praising the Chosen One (SAW) is my best state! 
He (RA) also thanks Allah for the inspiring him to praise the beloved Prophet (SAW): 
        لك الحمد كل الحمد شكرا و صلين   *    على من لعلياه تطيب المدائح       
All gratitude & thanks be to You (O Allah)…Send Your Blessings   on the one whose lofty status is worthy of all praises! و ألهمنا ذكر الإله و مدح من    *    تكل لدى أدنى ثناه القرائح   
And may I be inspired to mention my Lord and praise the one… who at the least of his praises our intellects are exhausted! 
(From: Diwan Iksir al-Sa’adat) 
And he (RA) states the same meaning in the following couplets: كفاني شرور الجن والإنس من نفى   *   دجى البغي والأسواء بالنور مصطفى 
I was protected from the harms of Mankind & Jinn 
by the one who removed by his light, the darkness of evil & sins. The Chosen One! 
   و ألزمني ذكر الحبيب و مدحه   *   عليه صلاة الله ما شارق خفا
And He (God) assigned me to mention & praise the Beloved (Prophet)… 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him as long as the sun sets! 
(From: Diwan Iksir al-Sa’adat) 
(Poem of Shaykh Ibrahim entitled كليني سلمى سلميني لمالكي handwritten by himself) 
Even during his Hajj pilgrimage he was still composing his praises of the Beloved (SAW): بمكة بالمسعى بحجر بزمزم   *   أماشي رسول الله و المدح أنسج 
In Makkah, by the Mas’a (Saf & Marwah Hills), by the Hijr (of the Ka’bah), by Zamzam…  
I walk with the Messenger of Allah and compose his praises! 
And he (RA) promises to sing these praises even on the Day of Judgment: 
 فيشفع محمود المقام مشفعا   *    و إني بمدح الهاشمي ثم ألهج   
And there the Lofty Ranked One will intercede (for Mankind) 
And thereafter I will sing the praises of that Hashemite (Prophet)!  
(From: Diwan Sayr al-Qalb) 
Details of Shaykh Ibrahim’s Diwans: 
Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) stated about his poems that: طويت مديح المادحين جميعهم i.e. “I have summarized (in my poems) the praises of all the praisers” (Diwan Iksir al-Sa’adat)! 
Herewith are the names & details of his 11 Diwans in praise of the Best of Creation (SAW): 
1- Taysir al-Wusul ila Hadrat al-Rasul (Easing the Access to the Presence of the Messenger). This Diwan consists of 28 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with the first letter of each poem.  
2- Iksir al-Sa’adat fi Mad’hi Sayyid al-Sadat (The Elixir of Joys in praise of the Master of Masters). This Diwan consists of 32 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with the last letter of each couplet.  
3- Salwat al-Shujun fi Mad’hi al-Nabi al-Ma’mun (Consoling the Sorrows by the praise of the Trusted Prophet). This Diwan consists of 37 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with the last letter of each couplet.  
4- Awthaq al-‘Ura fi Mad’hi Sayyid al-Wara (The Firmest handhold in praising the Best of People). This Diwan consists of 29 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with the first letter of each poem.  
While this Diwan is generally printed as Awthaq al-‘Ura fi mad’hi Sayyid al-Wara, the recent Mauritanian print affirms its name as al-‘Urwat al-Wuthqa fi l-Istighathah bi-Sayyid al-Wara (The Firm handhold in beseeching the Best of People). 
5- Shifa al-Asqam fi Mad’hi Sayyid al-Anam (The Cure of Illnesses by the praise of the Master of Mankind). This Diwan consists of 30 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with both the first letter & last letter of the starting couplet of each poem.  
6- Manasik Ahl al-Widad fi Mad’hi Khayr al-‘Ibad (The Rituals of the People of Love in praise of the Best of - God’s - Servants). This Diwan consists of 30 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with both the first letter & last letter of the starting couplet of each poem, save one. 
7- Nur al-Haqq fi Mad’hi alladhi Ja’a bi al-Sidq (The Divine Light in praise of the One who came with the Truth). This Diwan consists of 28 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with the first letter of each poem, and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with the first letter of each poem. 
8- Kanz al-‘Arifin fi Madh’hi Sayyid al-Awwalin wa al-Akhirin (The Treasure of the Gnostics in praise of the Chief of all those came Before and all those who came After).   
This particular Diwan was usually printed at the end of the Dawawin al-Sitt (Compilation of the 6 main Diwans), and consists of 6 poems only, 5 of which were selected from the other Diwans. They were considered to be the “essence of those Diwans”. This would make this particular Diwan unoriginal, except for one poem. However, in the recent comprehensive Mauritanian edition of the Diwans, the learned compiler Shaykh Muhammad Abd-Allah al-Jayjabi, added to this Diwan those Madih poems of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) not found in his other Diwans, and scattered in various manuscripts and recordings. This made the total number of original poems in this Diwan to be 25! May Allah reward him for his effort! 
9- Jabr al-Kasr fi Mad’hi Shafi’i Yawm al-Hashr (Healing the Injury through the praise of the Intercessor on the Day of Resurrection). This Diwan consists of 25 qasai’d (poems), and it is said the following poem from it was the first poem Shaykh Ibrahim wrote in praise of the Prophet (SAW): 
         فاسق مغنى بطيبة يا خليلي   *    بغروب الدموع و ارو غليلي
O my friend! Water that garden in Taybah (Madinah)…                                                                       With my tears! And quench my burning passion! 
This Diwan also includes the famous 354 couplet Lamiyyah poem covering the entire Sirah (biography) of the Prophet (SAW), from his blessed birth to the sad departure, entitled  نور  البصر فيسيرة سيد البشر (The Light of the Eye in the Biography of the Best of Mankind). Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) stated his intention in composing this poem as “attaining the intercession of the Prophet (SAW) that is promised to his eulogists” (Mawsu’at al-Athar al-Nathriyyah li-Sahib al-Faydah al-Tijaniyyah, vol 10, p.26). One of the scholars of Kaolack & students of the composer, Ustadh Ibrahim Ahmad Niang published a 400 page commentary on this poem entitled قص الأثر على نور البصر (2015). Mauritanian scholar Muhammad Yahya al-Qadi bin al-Tulbah also authored a detailed commentary 
 .(2023) الجواهر و الدرر على قصيدة نور البصرon it named 
10- Miftah al-‘Atiyyah fi al-Istighathat bi-Khayr al-Bariyyah (The Key of Bounty in beseeching the Best of Creation). This Diwan consists of 16 qasai’d (poems). 
11- Sayr al-Qalb bi Mad’hi l-Mustafa l-Hibb ila Hadrat al-Rabb (The Journey of the Heart to the Presence of the Lord through praising the beloved Chosen Prophet). This Diwan consists of 25 qasai’d (poems), and its lettering arrangement is in accordance with the first letter of each poem.   
This is the last Diwan compiled by Shaykh-al-Islam (RA) and does not include the letter Za ظ in it. 
When Shaykh Muhammad Abd-Allah Wuld al-Sayyid enquired from the author (RA) about this, his reply indicated a mystical secret behind the omission of that letter from that particular Diwan.  
The following poem in this Diwan is considered to be the last complete poem composed by Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) in praise of the Prophet (SAW), and he is narrated to have requested his private secretary Ibrahim Diop to recite it in Madinah in front of the Rawdah of the beloved Prophet (SAW): 
 سفاري إلى الهادي لذلك أفرح  *   قراي لقا خير الورى و هو أفرح
I journey to my Guide (SAW)….and only that brings me joy!                                                                    
My reception is meeting the Best of Mankind (SAW) in a most joyous state! 
Some scholars like Shaykh Ibrahim Mahmud Diop (aka Joob) maintain that the original name of this Diwan does not include the word “mad’hi” in it. Thus the recent brilliantly annotated Moroccan edition of his son Shaykh Ibrahim Diop (Junior), omits that word from the cover.  
On the other hand, Shaykh Muhammad bin al-Shaykh Abd-Allah titled this Diwan in a third way: Sayr al-Qalb ila Hadrat al-Rabb bi Mad’hi l-Mustafa l-Hibb, in his well-researched Mauritanian edition. 
                 (The Moroccan & Senegalese editions of the Sayr al-Qalb, Shaykh Ibrahim’s last Diwan) 
(Letter from Saydi Ali Cisse granting permission to print Sayr al-Qalb and confirming that it’s the Shaykh’s last Diwan) 
The two Diwans of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) in praise of the Supreme-Saint Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad alTijani (RA) are named: 
1- Tib al-Anfas fi Mada’ih al-Khatm Abi al-Abbas (The Fragrant Breaths in the praises of the Seal Abu al-Abbas): Consists of 29 poems, as per each letter of the Arabic alphabet. 
2- Tuhfat Atayib al-Anfas fi Mad’hi al-Qutb Abi al-Abbas (A Gift of Fragrant Breaths in praise of the Supreme-Saint Abu al-Abbas): Consists of 27 poems, including a 118 couplet one. 
The three Diwans of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) in praise of his own teachers, in Tawassul through the Surahs of the Holy Qur’an, and advices for seekers are: 
1- Jala al-Sudur bi-Mad’h al-Shuyukh al-Buhur (The polishing of the chests through the praises of the Ocean like masters). These include praises of his Shaykhs and predecessors in the Tijani Tariqah. 
2- Al-Kibrit al-Ahmar fi al-Tawassul bi-Awa’il al-Suwar (The Red Sulphur in seeking intercession through the Beginnings of the Surahs). This includes a comprehensive supplication through the names of the 114 sacred Chapters of the Holy Qur’an. 
3- Nawadir al-Hikam li-Sahib Jawami‘ al-Kalim (The choicest advices from the possessor of comprehensive words). This Diwan includes the famous composition Ruh al-Adab as well, which was the first complete composition (Nazm) by Shaykh Ibrahim, authored at the age of 24 (and not 21 as usually thought). The 120 verse Ruh al-Adab was translated by his noble grandson Imam Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA) to English as “The Spirit of Good Morals”, with a detailed commentary. 
The first 8 Diwans in praise of the Prophet (SAW) have been translated into English by the Nigerian Tijani scholar Dr Awwal Baba Taofiq, and the Sayr al-Qalb was translated to English by the author’s learned grandson Sheikh Ahmad Bukar Niang of Senegal. Herewith are pics of the covers of both: 
(Nigerian Shaykh Hamzah Agargadouma’s brilliant Takhmis of the Diwans) 
In addition to these Diwans, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) also authored other poetic compositions such as his detailed travelogues to the Hijaz, Morocco, Mauritania, Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Guinea Conakry and other places. But these do not concern us here. They should be the subject of a separate study. 
The Nigerian scholar Shaykh Hamzah Salman Agargadouma composed a Takhmis on the entire Dawawin al-Sitt. A Takhmis refers to a poet composing four additional rhyming lines to each line in a particular poem. This is no easy feat by all means and only an accomplished poet can achieve it. 
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) was primarily motivated in his poetry by the Divinely-endowed beauty of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He states:  يهيج أفكاري لمدح المزمل     *     غرامي و شوقي للجمال المكمل 
My thoughts are excited to praise the Covered One (SAW)… 
Due to my passion & yearning for his perfect beauty! كذلك من حبيه حب مديحه    *    و أسمائه أسماء خير مؤمل 
And part of loving him is loving his praises… 
And loving his titles…for he is the best hope (of salvation)! 
(From: Diwan Awthaq al-Ura) 
 :He (RA) repeats the same sentiment here فمَا الحُسْنُ إلاَّ  حُسْـنُ وَجْـهِ مُحَمَّـ  د   *   يبِيـتُ يـناجِـ ي ربـهُ وَ هْـوَ قانـتُ 
For there is no beauty but the beauty of the face of Muhammad (SAW)…   As he (SAW) would spend his nights praying to His Lord in devotion! 
 وَ  إني مَدَى الْأَيامِ شِعْـ ري مَدِيحُـهُ    *   وَ فِكْريَ فِيهِ الدَّهْرَ وَقتـيَ صَامِـتُ 
And my poetry will always be in his praises… 
 And my thoughts are always about him, when I am silent as well! 
(From: Diwan Salwat al-Shujun) 
And he highlights how the love of the Prophet (SAW) is always on his mind, inspiring him to compose these Muhammadan praises:   يصاحبني حب النبي و أنسج    *     مدائحه والنفس مني تبهج 
The love of the Prophet (SAW) accompanies me  while I weave his praises and my heart is blissful! 
 يقينا يقيني المصطفى و ينيلني   *    مرادي فإني بالمدائح ألهج 
For the Chosen One (SAW) will certainly protect me (from all harm) 
And grant me my wishes as I sing his praises! 
(From: Diwan Salwat al-Shujun) 
 And as he (RA) states here: شِتائي وَ  صَيْفِي الدَّهْرَ ذكْرُ مُحَمَّ د    *   فـيـنْجَحُ قصْدِي نعْمَ ذَلكُمُ النجْـحُ 
My winters & summers are always spent in the mention of Muhammad (SAW) And in that is my success…what a blessed success! 
  حَباني مُرَادِي فِيهِ نـهْجًا مُقَوَّمًـ ا   *   سَيَأتيهِ مِني المَدْحُ مِنْ بـعْدِهِ المَدْحُ 
He granted me my wish; a Straight Path to follow him with! 
So he shall receive from me praise after praise only! 
  وَمَا ذا عَلى بـرْهَامَ يُـثني عَليْكَ يا   *   مُحَمَّدُ عَينَ المَدْحِ يا مَنْ لهُ الفَتْحُ  
And what can Barham do but praise you O Muhammad…  For your very being is praiseworthy…O Victorious One! 
(From: Diwan Taysir al-Wusul) 
In short though, Shaykh Ibrahim’s poetry in praise of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) can be summarized as basically revolving around 4 essential themes: 
1- Describing his physical attributes and their beauty 
2- Highlighting his spiritual ranks and miracles 
3- Yearning for him and his blessed resting place 
4- Seeking his intercession and protection 
We will provide many samples of his poetry with the English translation later on. 
The Publication of the Diwans: 
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) would usually write down these poems as they were inspired to him, in various notebooks and pages. Many of these are still preserved in his house in Medina-Baye. His trusted servant, son-in-law and Khalifah Saydi Ali Cisse (RA) would copy them as well. On other occasions, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) would directly dictate the inspired poems to Saydi Ali Cisse (RA), especially in the evenings when the Shaykh would be alone in contemplation. 
It is Saydi Ali Cisse (RA) in fact, who compiled all these scattered poems together in the form of Diwans, which were then given a name by Shaykh Ibrahim (RA). Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) specifically praised Saydi Ali Cisse (RA) for this great service of his stating in his Diwan Awthaq al-Ura: 
 علي خديمي خازن السر كاتبي   *    بتزيين مدحي قد علا كل فائق
Ali! My beloved servant and scribe! The keeper of my secrets! 
By compiling my poems in praise of the Prophet, he has surpassed all in excellence! 
 فإن مديحي للأمين طريقة    *   لإدراك فيض دونه كل سابق
For my praises of the Trustworthy One (SAW) are a sure means… to attain a Divinely Emanated Blessing that none else can achieve! 
                                                       (The great Khalifah Saydi Ali Cisse, the primary compiler of the Diwans) 
Besides Saydi Ali Cisse, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) also commissioned some of his learned Mauritanian disciples to proofread & revise the Diwans. In a letter quoted in Mawsu’at al-Athar al-Nathriyyah liSahib al-Faydah al-Tijaniyyah, vol 10, p.21, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote:  الحمد  لله، تشكل لجنة من السادة أحمد محمود ومحمد عبد الله و محمد الكبير لجمع قصائد المادحين و تنقيح   جميع الدواوين في مدح الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم. و إن جاء شيء يحتاج للتغيير و توافق الثلاثة على شيء فذلك
و إن اختلفوا يرجعوا إلي و لو بالكتابة. و شيء فيه عربية صعبة تبعده عن الفهم فلا بأس بتقريبه.                        
“All praise is for Allah! A committee should be formed of the following gentlemen: Ahmad 
Mahmud, Muhammad Abd-Allah &  Muhammad al-Kabir to compile the poems of praise and revise all the Diwans in praise of the Prophet (SAW). And if they find anything that requires to be changed and all three of them agree on it, then be it so. And if they disagree about it, then let 
them refer back to me, even by letter. And any line that contains difficult to comprehend Arabic words; then there is no harm in replacing it with easier to understand words. ”  
The first 8 of the above-mentioned Diwans were printed together in one compendium in Nigeria by al-Hajj Ibrahim Balarabi Jagha and al-Hajj Abd-Allah al-Yasar, during the lifetime of Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and under the supervision of Saydi Ali Cisse (RA), entitled as “al-Dawawin al-Sitt” i.e. “The 6 Diwans”, as the other two smaller Diwans were considered later additions to it.  
(Letter from Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse granting permission to print his Diwans in Nigeria) 
This popular edition also included explanatory notes by two of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA)’s senior most Khalifahs in Nigeria and renowned scholars, Shaykh Abu-Bakr Atiqu (RA) who’s commentary was entitled نزهة الأسماع و الأفكار في مديح الأمين و معاني المختار and Shaykh Muhammad al-Thani Kafanga (RA) 
 .فتح الرحمن الرحيم في التعليق على بعض المواضع من دواوين الشيخ إبراهيمwho’s commentary was entitled 
Without their footnotes, the Diwans would be inaccessible to most readers, as the Arabic phrases and terms used by Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) are very sophisticated and from ancient/classical Arabic, which most contemporary Arabs will find difficult to comprehend. Both Shaykhs sought and received the permission and blessing of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) in their explanatory work on the Diwans. May Allah reward them for their immense effort! 
(Shaykh Abu-Bakr Atiqu & Shaykh Thani Kafanga, the annotators of the Diwans) 
Diwans 9 and 10 mentioned above, were printed in another volume entitled “Jami‘ Jawami‘ alDawawin” i.e. “The Compilation of the Comprehensive Diwans”, also in Nigeria and during the lifetime of the Shaykh (RA), under the supervision of Saydi Ali Cisse (RA). This edition also included the Diwans of the Shaykh (RA) in praise of Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA), the Diwan in praise of his own teachers and shaykhs, the Diwan in Tawassul through the Holy Qur’an, and a Diwan containing advices for seekers. 
The subsequent Lebanese (Beirut) prints of al-Dawawin al-Sitt and Jami‘ Jawami‘ al-Dawawin (illustrated below) spread far and wide and are memorized and recited by millions. 
Diwan number 11 mentioned above (Sayr al-Qalb) has always been published separately, as it’s a fairly late Diwan; in fact the last to be composed by Mawlana Shaykh-al-Islam (RA). It’s most popular edition is the one printed in Kaolack Senegal, under the auspices of the author’s noble son Shaykh Muhammad al-Amin (Baba Lamine) Niasse, and with the penmanship of the famous Senegalese calligrapher Muhammad al-Amin Tahir Njaye. 
Typos in the current Diwans: 
While much care was given in the compilation of these blessed Diwans, the most popularly circulated editions (particularly the Beirut one) contain numerous typing errors, which affect the meanings of the poems often.  
Most of these errors are when one letter or word is mistakenly printed as another similar letter or word. There are also errors in Tashkil (the vowel signs of Fat’hah, Kasrah, Dammah…etc). 
Readers and reciters of the Diwan are therefore advised to refer to senior Muqaddams of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) or older handwritten copies of the Diwan, when confused about a particular wording or its meaning. The handwritten copies of the Diwan (in Ajami script) prevalent in Nigeria also contain fewer errors, as I have noticed. 
My own copies of the Diwans have numerous corrections, made over the years, particularly during renditions of the blessed Diwan in front of the learned Shaykh Baye Haiba of Mauritania, who knows these Diwans by heart, from direct oral transmission going back to Shaykh Ibrahim (RA). 
Here, it gives me great pleasure to announce that the latest comprehensive print of all the Diwans entitled من آفاق الشعر (1439 AH) has corrected nearly all these errors. This edition was diligently prepared by the renowned Mauritanian Muqaddam of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA), and the compiler of his famed Tafsir, Shaykh Muhammad bin al-Shaykh Abd-Allah al-Jayjabi, may Allah reward him. 
In this massive 5 volume compendium, the learned Shaykh compiled all the Diwans, Travelogues, Supplications and other scattered poetry of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA), as well as the poetry composed in praise of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) by 150 poets from Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal and the rest of Africa.  
I request everyone to refer to this latest Mauritanian edition, for any serious study of the Diwans of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA).  
(Shaykh Muhammad bin al-Shaykh Abd-Allah and his comprehensive anthology of the poetry of Shaykh Ibrahim) 
Do note however, that while the new Mauritanian print has corrected these typos as per the original wording of Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim (RA), it has not highlighted those corrections or outlined them in a list (which would have been very useful for correction purposes). 
Therefore, I provide and highlight here 33 examples of words that are distorted in the popular prints of the Diwans that most people have, which I have personally corrected from authentic sources.  
I strongly urge everyone to manually correct their copies of the Diwan from this list: 
1- Under the Harf al-Ha‘ in the Diwan Taysir al-Wusul, the word للرقيق has been wrongly typed as   للرفيق in the following line: أعلل نفسي بالوصال فعله   *   يجود بوصل للرقيق المحرر 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
2- Under the Harf al-Ta‘ in the same Diwan, the word واصلتي has been wrongly typed as أوصلني in the following line:    قد استأصل المحبوب كلي و جملتي *      و واصلني و الغيريات  تولت 
3- In the same poem, the word العبد has been wrongly typed as الحب in the following line:    
 و ها إن هذا العبد غيب إلهنا   *   و قلب الورى و الذات فيه تجلت
4- Under the Harf al-Qaf in the Diwan Iksir al-Sa’adat, the word الغير has been wrongly typed as الغيد  in the following line: 
 ألا جالس المختار بالحب معرضا   *   عن الغير تأت للمطالب من فوق
This typo changes the meaning completely. 
5- Under the Harf al-Mim in the Diwan Salwat al-Shujun, the word بذينك has been wrongly typed as بذنبك in the following line: عليه مع الآل الكرام و صحبه   *   صلاة و تسليم بذينك أختم 
This typo changes the meaning completely. 
6- In the same poem, the word عقيقه has been wrongly typed as صقيعه in the following line: 
 يذكرني وادي النقا و عقيقه    *    و للصخرة الملساء وداد و مغرم
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
7- Under the Harf al-Ra in the Diwan Salwat al-Shujun, the word لطه has been omitted in the first line: أجير لمن يأوي إلي لأنني   *   خديم لطه الهاشمي أجير 
This typo affects the rhyming of the couplet. 
8- In the same poem, the word تكن has been wrongly typed as تكل in the following line: 
 تراني و إني غائب فيه حاضرا     *    و فات لسانا ما تكن صدور
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
9- Also in the same poem, the word ذلك has been wrongly typed as ذاك in the following line: 
 فبيعي و حرثي ثم كسبي بذكره   *      و ذلك بيع لا تراه يبور
This typo affects the grammar of the sentence. 
10- Also in the same poem, the word يعزز has been wrongly typed as يعز in the following line: 
 يعزز من قد شاء و هو يذله        *    فمنه العطا و المنع و هو خبير
This typo affects the rhyming of the couplet. 
11- Also in the same poem, the word فشمسهم has been wrongly been typed as شمسهم in the following line: فشمسهم خير الأنام و كلهم      *    كواكبه وسط الصفاء تدور 
This typo affects the rhyming of the couplet. 
12- Under the Harf al-Ya’ in the Diwan Awthaq al-‘Ura, the word الماسكين has wrongly been typed as  المالكين in the following line: وصول جميع الماسكين بحبليا     *   تحققه من لم يكذب بربيا 
This typo changes the meaning completely. 
13- Under the Harf al-Ha in the Diwan Awthaq al-‘Ura, the word الخلق has been wrongly typed as الخالق in the following line: محى حب خير الخلق حب سواه   *    بقلبي الذي أحياه سر سناه 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
14- Under the Harf al-Hamzah in the Diwan Awthaq al-‘Ura, the word الله has been mistakenly omitted in the following line: عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه    *   و آل و صحب مصطفين صفاءا 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
15- Under the Harf al-‘Ayn in the same Diwan, the word هويت has been wrongly typed as سويت in the following line: هويت رسول الله طه المشفعا   *   لدى الحق من قصر الضلالة زعزعا 
This typo also changes the meaning completely.  
16- In the same poem, the word مترعا has been wrongly typed as منزعا in the following line: 
عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه   *   صلاة تصير العبد دهرا مترعا 17-  Also in the same poem, the word لمن has been omitted in the following line: 
 عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه   *   بها ندم لمن لذا الفيض شنعا
18- Under the Harf al-Lam in the Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad, the word بجل has been wrongly typed as يحل in the following line: و حسبي أرى شيئا رآه محمدا   *   و أنزل أرضا كان فيها و ذا بجل 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
19- Under the Harf al-Ba in the Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad, the word حفت has been wrongly typed as جفت in the following line: كئيب عليل مغرم و متيم    *   به حفت الأجناس و هو غريب 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
20- In the same poem, the word القيود has been wrongly typed as الغيود in the following line: 
 بحقك فاشفع في فإنني مقيد   *   مع العرج خلفا و القيود ذنوب
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
21- Under the Harf al-Hamzah in the Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad, the word أذعنت has been wrongly typed as عنت in the following line: و قد تم فتحي عند مهدي و أذعنت   *    جميع رجال الغيب تحت قضائي 
22- Under the Harf al-Dal in the same Diwan, the word عراني has been wrongly typed as عرتني in the following line: دليل على ما قد دهاني و إنني *       عراني حال في الوداد شديد 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
23- Under the Harf al-Nun in the same Diwan, the word فقبر has been wrongly typed as فقير in the following line: فقبر بها ساد القبور جميعها *        و ساد الذي فيه و قر عيون 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
24- Under the Harf al-Nun in the Diwan Nur al-Haqq, the word أجزني has been wrongly typed as أجرني in the following line: فلابن زهير قد أجزت ببردة     *    أجزني ببرد و أقبل المدح و أقبلن 
25- Under the Harf al-Ha’ in the Diwan Nur al-Haqq, the word خبائي has been wrongly typed as حبائي in the following line: حباء رسول الله أم خبائي *       فبحري ملاه الهاشمي و إنائي 
This typo changes the meaning completely. 
26- Under the Bahr al-Khafif in the Diwan Jabr al-Kasr, the word ارو has been wrongly typed as ارم in the following line: 
 فاسق مغنى بطيبة يا خليلي*       بغروب الدموع و ارو غليلي
This typo changes the meaning completely. 
27- Under the Harf al-Alif in the Diwan Sayr al-Qalb, the word فإنك has been wrongly typed as قإنك in the following line: فأنك خير الناس من خير أمة *        إلى خير مولى قد دعوت معمما 
28- Under the Harf al-Lam in the Diwan Sayr al-Qalb, the word بجل has been wrongly typed as يحل in the following line: و حسبي أرى شيئا رآه محمدا *       و أنزل أرضا كان فيها و ذا بجل 
This typo also changes the meaning completely. 
29- Under the Harf al-Ha‘ in the Diwan Sayr al-Qalb, the word من has been wrongly typed as مل in the following line: و من برياض من جمال و خضرة *       و طيب هواء و هي في الرتبة القصوى 
30- Under the Harf al-Waw in the Diwan Sayr al-Qalb, the word القرم has been wrongly typed as القوم in the following line: إن سألوا قد زرتم القرم عاقبا    *    و هل أتحف الزوار منه مواهبا 
In the same poem, the word كل has been wrongly vowelled with a dammah than a fathah, thus changing the meaning. This is in the following line: و يحمل كل الكل للضيف مكرما. 
31- Under the Harf al-Dad in the Diwan Sayr al-Qalb, the word سكان has been wrongly typed as مكان in the following line: أروني كأمثال العتيق و من غدا   *    سراجا لسكان العلا من تخلفا 
32- Under the Harf al-Sad in the Diwan Taysir al-Wusul, the word مخصص has been wrongly typed as   مخصض in the following line: لقد جال قبل الكون في الغيب وحده   *   بعز و تشريف و سر مخصص 
33- Under the Harf al-Sin in the Diwan Sayr al-Qalb, the word الوقوف has been wrongly typed as        الوفوق in the following line: فقلت شفا سقمي الوقوف ببابه    *   عن الطب يغنيني كمن ظل يجرح 
I have highlighted these examples because of their wide circulation currently, and for a very long time now. I urge everyone to correct these typos in their respective copies. 
Modes of Diwan Recitation:  
The Diwans of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) are undoubtedly the most memorized and recited Prophetic Amdah (panegyrics) in West Africa. With his Faydah Tijaniyyah movement being the largest spiritual movement in West Africa in the previous century, his poems are recited and enjoyed by millions. 
The tradition of singing his panegyrics started during his lifetime already, and elders narrate that he immensely enjoyed listening to his own Amdah sung melodiously by his murids, and often broke down in tears upon hearing some of the couplets.  
As soon as Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) would compose a poem, his trusted secretary Saydi Ali Cisse would note it down and distribute copies to the muqaddams and murids. Soon it would be recited in the composer’s presence. The “official reciter” of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) was a Mauritanian murid of slave origins called Ali al-Maddah (i.e. the praiser). 
With time, murids of the Faydah developed various local tunes and styles of singing the Diwan. Most prominent among them were: 
1- The “Senegalese style” popularized by the blind praiser Babacar Thiam, also one of the official reciters in the Hadrah al-Ibrahimiyyah, especially during the grand Mawlid celebrations. One can hear a rendition of the famous poem “Sariman wasl al-ghawani”by Thiam here: 
2- The “Mauritanian style”. This style consists of a slow and moving melody, and is extremely popular in Kaolack. It is the melody employed in the daily recitation of the Diwan at the Mosque of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) after the Wazifah till Esha Adhan. The most famous reciters in this style today is the Mauritanian al-Dah and Cheikh al-Talib. One can hear some renditions here: 
Shaykh Ali al-Maddah: Al-Dah: 
Cheikh al-Talib: 
3- The “Nigerian style” emanating from Kano and Kaduna. This style has a smooth flow and a very clear pronunciation of the words. It is relished by the millions of Faydah Tijanis in Nigeria. A famous Nigerian Maddah is Ustadh Zakiru, who has produced many CD’s as well. One can hear some renditions here: 
Ustadh Zakiru: 
Zakiru Faruq: Group Rendition by Nigerians at Zawiyah: Group Rendition by Nigerian youth: 
4- The “Ghanaian style”. After Nigeria and Mauritania, Ghana has one of the largest concentrations of the Faydah Tijanis. Ghanaian renditions of the Diwan have often been considered the most melodious of all.  Famous Ghanaian reciters such as Jibrilu Madaha and Dhakiru Musa are considered legends of the Faydah Tijaniyyah. The late Grand-Imam of Medina-Baye Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA) would often have a favourite Ghanaian reciter accompany him during his travels.  
Ghanaian artist Shaykh Ahmad Tijani ben Omar also developed his own unique style of the rendition of the Diwan, which is a mixture of Arab, African and American melodies. His renditions are appreciated worldwide today. 
5- The “Sudanese/Chadian style” popularized by the renowned Chadian munshid Ibrahim AbdurRahman Isa. This is also a very smooth and clear rendition and has gained great popularity in the Arab world, and its reciter has appeared on many TV shows and won awards. One can hear some beautiful renditions by him here: On Sudanese National TV: With instruments: At a Chadian Zawiyah: 
In recent times, new disciples of the Tijani Faydah beyond Africa, have started singing the Diwan in their own local styles, such as in South Africa, India, Indonesia, and even as far as Singapore. 
Within Senegal, the grandson of the Composer and the official Spokesperson of the Faydah, Shaykh Mahy Cisse has developed his own unique and sober style of reciting the Diwan.  
Shaykh Mahy is often seen reciting it in his gathering when not engaging in conversation. His style is now being imitated by his many disciples. 
Another grandson of the Composer, Shaykh Taha Abdullahi Niasse also developed his own unique style of reciting the Diwan, very similar to Egyptian Nashid rendition. He was often requested to recite the Diwan in the Grand Mawlid (Gamou) celebrations at the headquarters of the Faydah Tijaniyyah in Medina-Baye Koalack in Senegal. One can hear a beautiful rendition by him here: Ijazahs for reciting the Diwan: 
Unlike other Sufi Dhikrs and prayers, the poems of the Diwan do not require Ijazah (permission from the author) to recite. Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) allowed all his murids to recite these poems and encouraged them to recite and study them. The copies were copied and circulated widely and publicly without any restriction. 
Nevertheless, people did sometimes seek Ijazah/Idhn to recite them, for the sake of Barakah and transmission. As mentioned earlier, the “official reciter” of the Shaykh (RA) was a Mauritanian murid called Ali al-Maddah (i.e. the praiser). He is reputed to have “taught” the recitation of the poems to many others. And it is a tradition that has continued.  
This author was honoured to request and receive an Ijazah in reciting the Diwans from the son of Ali al-Maddah, who is also a reciter in Medina-Baye, al-Hajj Abdullahi. His Ijazah to me, dated Muharram 1432 AH, states: 
“…..I give Ijazah (permission) to my brother in (the Path of) Allah, Fakhruddin al-Tijani, to recite the Diwans of the Shaykh, may Allah be pleased with him, on behalf of my father the respected al-Hajj Ali al-Maddah, who was the official and personal Maddah (reciter) for the author of these Diwans…”. 
(Ijazah to recite the Diwan from the son of Aliou Madah, the official reciter of Shaykh Ibrahim) 
I was also fortunate to obtain Ijazahs in the Diwans from Shaykh Mahy Cisse, who is a grandson of the Composer and a leader of the Faydah today. The Ijazah on the Dawawin al-Sitt, dated Rabi alAwwal 1427 AH, states: 
“…..I give Idhn (permission) to my beloved and my brother in (the Path of) Allah & His Prophet (SAW), Fakhruddin Ahmad al-Owaisi, in the Diwans of the Shaykh, which were the fruit of his life. And they are, by God, the fortress (of protection) and successful trade, because they are the praise of the Beloved (SAW) by the greatest of lovers Shaykh-al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse. And I ask Allah to grant him understanding by the grace of the composer of the Diwan (RA) & the praised (SAW)…”.  
 The Ijazah on the Jami Jawami al-Dawawin, dated Rabi al-Awwal 1432 AH, states: 
“…..I give Idhn (permission) in this Diwan to the blessed muqaddam, asking Allah to avail him of all that brings him closer, so that he may continue his journey (to Allah), and protect him from all obstructions, so that he does not miss any blessing…..and the muqaddam referred to is  the praiser of the Prophet (SAW) & the Islamic preacher, Fakhruddin Owaisi, may Allah protect him…”. 
Here are images of these Ijazahs, transcribed on the cover pages of the Diwans: 
(Ijazahs to recite the Diwans from Shaykh Mahy Cisse, grandson of Shaykh Ibrahim) 
The first Ijazah I requested and received in the Diwan however was from the composer’s great grandson Shaykh Ibrahim (Baye) Haiba of Mauritania, who knew most of the Diwans by heart. I also had the honour of reciting most of the Diwans to him at the local Zawiyah and owe most of the corrections of typos to him. His Ijazah to me dated Dhu l-Qa’dah 1426 AH, states: 
“…..I give Idhn (permission) to my brother in (the Path of) Allah….Shaykh Fakhruddin al-Owaisi alMadani, in the recitation of this blessed Diwan. And I ask Allah to fulfil for us and him what it contains of implorings and prayers, by the status of its composer, the Shaykh at all levels, our master and authority Shaykh al-Hajj Ibrahim Niasse…”.  
(An Ijazah to recite the Diwan from the Mauritanian Shaykh Baye Haiba, great-grandson of Shaykh Ibrahim) 
Selected Themes from the Diwans:  
Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) considered his poems in praise of the Messenger (SAW) as an eternal calling upon him. He states: ضمنت مديح الهاشمي و قد رشا  *    قديما  بقلبي  نور  أمداحه  رشا    
I have been guaranteed to compose his praises 
For eternally, the light of his praises was showered upon my heart!  عليه  صلاة  الله   ثم   سلامه   *   أرى الدهر قرطاسي لمدحك بصبصا 
May the blessings and greetings of Allah be upon him 
And may I always turn my papers in praising you! (From: Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad) 
As he (RA) also said in another poem: إنني قبل البرايا     *     حبه شغل الجنان 
Before all creation..  
My heart was busy with his love! لا ترى ذكر سواه    *     في فؤادي أو لساني  
You will not see the through & mention of other him… 
in my heart or on my tongue! و امتداح لسواه    *    طيف جن لا عراني 
And praising other than him (SAW)… 
Is an inspiration of demons, which I am not afflicted with! (From: Diwan Jabr al-Kasr) 
And he (RA) echoes the same themes in the following couplets: نوال رسول الله أصبح واكفا    *   علي متى أمسيت بالمدح واصفا 
The grace of the Messenger of Allah continues to pour on me… Whenever I begin to praise & describe him! 
  و إني أتاني حبه قبل نشأتي    *   صرفت تليد الحب فيه و طارفا  
For his love came to me before my creation… And my love is spent on him, in the past & the present! 
(From: Diwan Awthaq al-Ura( 
In the following couplet he describes how he would spend his nights writing praises of the Prophet (SAW) while everyone would be asleep: أبيت بليل التم سهران منشدا    *    لذكر الذي قد طاب بدأ و مختما 
I stay up in the moonlit night singing (his praises) 
And mentioning the one who was blessed in his arrival and departure         أساجل فيه الورق ليلي و جيرتي *      نيام و جفني كالمذانب مغرما 
I spend the night competing with the (singing of) Pigeons while… 
my neighbours are all asleep and my eyelids are like a well-pail (filled with tears) of love! 
 أنظم در اللفظ في ذكر وصفه    *    و أحسن بوصف البدر درا منظما
And I compose pearls of words in his description! 
Describing the Full Moon (the Prophet) in well-arranged pearls! 
(From: Diwan Taysir al-Wusul) 
Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) firmly believed that his spiritual openings came from his sincere praise of the Prophet (SAW). He states: و قد جاءني منه البشارات أنني *      بمدحي أفوق فوق كل الشوامخ 
And I have received glad-tidings from him that… by praising him I have risen above all heights 
(From: Diwan Awthaq al-Ura) 
And he (RA) also makes it clear in his Diwan entitled Manasik Ahl al-Widad that: 
 حريص على إهدا الثناء و المدائح    *     لجانب من سكناه بين جوانحي
 Eager am I to gift praises & eulogies… 
 !To the one who lives in my heart هو الحسن و الإحسان منه و إنه    *     لمصرف حبي ثم كل مدائحي
He is all Beauty (combined) and all goodness flows from him 
And he is the one on whom I spend all my love and praises! طويت مقامات الرجال بحبه    *     دنا و تدلى لي رغم قبائحي 
I cut short all the ranks of the (Saintly) men through his love 
 !And he brought me close to him despite my sins و في الحج يوم العيد بالخيف من منى   *   جهارا أتاني المصطفى بالمنائح      
And during the Hajj, on the Day of Eid, in the Khif (Mosque) in Mina… 
The Chosen One (SAW) publicly appeared to me with Gifts! 
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) would happily spend his nights & days in praising his beloved. He explains his praise activity in detail in the following beautiful couplets: غنيت بمدح المصطفى و وداده   *   به بان هديي والفؤاد بصير 
I am enriched by the praise & love of the Chosen Prophet (SAW) 
He has guided my path & my heart sees clearly (because of him)! إذا طربوا من ذكر سلمى و فرتنى   *     فلي في مدح الهاشمي حبور 
If others are thrilled by the mention of Salma & Fartana (beautiful women) 
My delight is in praising the Hashemite (Prophet)! 
 أنست به يومي و أنسج مدحه  *     فيومي بيمن الهاشمي قصير
He enlivens my days, as I weave his praises 
And through his grace, my days are pass quickly (i.e. are not tiresome)  و ليلي من قربي إليه ملذة     *    به طاب أعوامي و طاب شهور 
And my nights are pleasurable due to his proximity 
And by him, my months and years are all joyous! 
 ألا ليت شعري هل يرى الناس ما    *    أرى و لكن صدور العارفين قبور    
And how I wonder if people see what I see! 
But the chests of the Knowers are the graves (of secrets)! 
 عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه   *   فقبلي نال المادحين قصور
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
For before me as well, his praisers could not do justice!   عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه   *   قليل مديح الهاشمي كثير 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
Even little praise of the Hashemite (Prophet) is a lot (in blessings)! 
 عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه   *   مديحي لحب الهاشمي مشير 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
My praises are pointers to my love for the Hashemite (Prophet)! 
 عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه    *   يجيش غرامي في الحشا و يثور
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
My passion continues to flare up inside my being & erupt! 
(From: Diwan Salwat al-Shujun) 
 :And he (RA) states passionately that أخاطبه بالمدح و هو بطيبة   *   و شد اشتياقي و الدموع غزير
I address him with my praise, and he is in Taybah (Madinah) 
And my yearning for him grows and my tears continue to flow 
 أخاطبه بالمدح ليلي بكولخ    *   و قد نام جاراتي و سد ثغور
I address him with praises, from my night in Kaolack (in Senegal) 
While my wives are asleep and my doors are locked!  أخاطبه بالمدح ليلي مسرة    *   إليه مسيري و الفؤاد قرير 
I address him with praises, and that makes my night joyous! 
To him is my journey (of the heart), and my heart is indeed content! 
(From: Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad) 
Promiding the continuity of his praises & highlighting their geographical blessings, he (RA) states: 
 فشغلي مدى الأيام مدح جنابه     *    و أسمو به فوق السها و النعائم
And throughout my days, my business is praising him 
And by it I rise above the skies and clouds! ضمنت له ما عشت سرد مدائح    *   بها تعتلي مصري فوق مدن سالم  
I guarantee the continuation of his praises as long as I live 
And by them my town will rise above all the cities of Saloum (his region in Senegal)!  
(From: Diwan Kanz al-Arifin) 
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) had no rest & joy except in remembering his beloved (SAW). And he considered mentioning others as a humiliation & abomination. He says in Diwan Taysir al-Wusul: 
 لساني ذكر المصطفى سيناله   *    مديح ذكي العرف دهرا مشيعا
My tongue is busy with the mention of the Chosen One! 
And he will always receive pure and fragrant praises from me, spread all over!        و ترداد ذكر المصطفى الدهر راحتي     *     و روحي و روحي سامعا و مسمعا  
For repeating the praises of the Chosen One is my relief forever 
And my soul and my comfort! Both listening and reciting! 
 و مدح سوى الهادي المقفى مذلة     *    و مين فكل المدح فيه مجمعا        
And praising other than the Followed Guide (SAW) is indeed a humiliation… and falsehood! For all (that is worthy of) praise is combined in him! 
In another couplet he prides himself in front of the Prophet (SAW) as his “loving servant & poet”, and considers praising other than him as degrading: أتاك محب شاعر خادم لكم     *    أرى غير مدح الهاشمي منقص 
Has come to you a lover, a poet, a servant of yours 
Who sees anything other than praising the Hashemite as degrading (for himself) 
 (From: Diwan Sayr al-Qalb) 
He (RA) echoes the same feeling in the following couplets:  رسومي أمداح النبي و لا فخرا     *     فما في سوى مدحي له أنسج الشعرا 
My scheme is to (compose the) praises of the Prophet…and I boast not! 
And I do not compose any poetry other than in his praise! رفضت جميع الشعر غير مديحه   *    سوى دعوة المولى أو أن أقصد الذكرا 
Rather, I reject all poetry other than his praise… 
Save a prayer to the Lord or a reminder (for the people)! 
 رجعت إلى المولى بأحمد عاشقا    *    و أمسيت من مدح النبي أعتلي الشعرى 
And I revert to my Lord with the love of Ahmad (SAW)… 
And through the praise of the Prophet (SAW) I have reached the stars!           رفعت لواء الذكر والمدح غارقا     *    ببحر حبيبي حيث ألهمني الذكرا 
Indeed, I’ve raised the banner of Dhikr & Madih… 
Drowning in the ocean of my beloved…who inspired me his remembrance! 
 عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه     *    ليقبل خير الخلق نظمي والنثرا   
May the blessings & peace of Allah be upon him… 
And may the Best of Creation accept my poetry & my prose! 
(From: Diwan Shifa al-Asqam) 
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wonders again in the following couplets if the Prophet (SAW) will accept his “weak” and “insufficient” praises:  درأت فسادي بالمدائح جالبا   *   صلاحي بذكر المصطفى و المدائح 
I have banished my ills and invited righteousness… 
By mentioning & praising the Chosen Prophet (SAW) 
 و مدحي له مزجى البضاعة قاصرا   *   عن الشأو هل يرضى المقفى مدائحي  
Though my praises of him are of little value & unable to do justice… 
So will the Followed Prophet (SAW) ever approve of my praises?! 
(From: Diwan Awthaq al-Ura) 
The praises of the Prophet (SAW) were also his (RA) medicine and cure. He says: 
 مديحي له طبي و روضي و راحتي   *    و  كنزي و اعدادي لكل مقام           
My praises for him are my medicine, my exercise and my rest 
And my treasure, and my preparation for every situation! 
 ألا حبذا  حب  الأمين  و حبذا    *     مدائحه تشفي جميع سقامي                                  
Welcome always to his love and his praises! 
Welcome to his praises that cure all my ailments! 
 متى نابني أمر مدحت إمامنا *          فتمسي حروب الكل سبل سلام                              
Whenever anything troubles me, I praise our Master! 
And all the my battles become pathways of peace           و أرجو من المختار كوني خديمه    *     لخادمه تعنو ملوك الأنام 
I hope from the Chosen One (SAW), that he accepts me as his servant 
For all the kings of the world…submit to his servant!! 
(From: Diwan Jabr al-Kasr) 
He (RA) repeats the same sentiment in the following couplets:    شفائي لأمراضي و طيب معاشي   *   بذكر المقفى و هو ذلك فاش 
The cure of all my illnesses & the pleasure of my life… 
Is in mentioning the Followed Prophet…and that is fame! سعدت بمدح الهاشمي محمد   *   و ذلك حرثي الدهر و هو مواشي 
Fortunate am I by praising the Hashemite (Prophet) Muhammad (SAW) 
For that is my farm...and that is my livestock i.e. (my entire wealth)! 
(From: Diwan Shifa al-Asqam) 
Likewise, the praises of the Prophet (SAW) were also his “weapon” and his “army”: 
 فإن مديح الهاشمي سلاحي    *    و جيشي به أغزو طوال الرماح 
For the praise of the Hashemite (Prophet) is my weapon 
And my army…by which I can fight the tallest spears!       و إني به أغزو العدى و أبيدهم   *    بدون رجال أو بدون سلاح 
And through him I attack and vanquish all my enemies 
With no need for soldiers and no need for weapons! 
(From: Diwan Nur al-Haqq) 
Despite composing thousands of lines of praises, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) always considered his poems to be inadequate in doing justice to the sublime status of the Best of Creation (SAW).  
For him, the benefit in these praises was his only. He states: د رأت فسادي بالمدائح جالبا     *     صلاحي فإن المدح جلب المصالح 
His praises warded off all harm from me, and earned me all the benefits 
For praising him (SAW) is the key to benefiting yourself! 
 و مدحي له مزجي البضاعة قاصرا     *     عن الشأو هل يرضي بذكر مدائحي      
   For my praises are poor and inadequate to his Rank 
Would he even be pleased by the mention of my praises?! 
(From: Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad) 
And in other verses, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) mentions the example of the great eulogists & praisers of the Prophet (SAW) before him like Imam al-Busiri (composer of the Burdah) and the renowned poets of the Sahabah like Sayyidna Ka’ab bin Zuhayr (RA) & Sayyidna Hassan bin Thabit (RA): 
 فما ترك البوصير قولا لقائل    *    و كعب و حسان المديح تكلموا
For al-Busiri has left nothing for anyone else to say! 
And Ka’ab & Hassan (bin Thabit) spoke in his praise (before me)!       و قد نطق القرآن بالحق مادحا     *     سجايا رسول الله و الذكر أحكم 
And the Qur’an itself spoke the truth, in praising 
The qualities of the Messenger of Allah! And its words are final!  
 و تكفيه مدحا ذاته و سماته    *    محمد وضع جامع المدح مبرم    
And sufficient praise for him is his own being and character 
(His name) Muhammad (the Praised One) is the most comprehensive & decisive praise!  (From: Diwan Salwat al-Shujun) 
And he (RA) expresses the same sentiment in the following passionate lines: 
 ثنائي رسول الله دهري أحدث    *    و ذلك عهد دائما لست أنكث
I’ll continue to compose the praises of the Messenger of Allah forever… 
And that’s a pledge I shall never renege on! 
 بقبض وبسط لا أعمل فكرتي   *    لمدح سوى الماحي بذا أتحنث
And whether I am in constricted state or a jubilant one… 
I do not engage my mind except in his praise…and I am devoted to that only! 
 وما لي زاد في المعاد سواؤه    *   فليتي بقلبي روحك القدس ينفث
And I have no provision for my Hereafter but him (SAW)… So may your breath your Holy Spirit in my heart! 
 ألا يا رسول الله فارث لحالتي    *    خديم على سرد المدائح يمكث
O Messenger of Allah! Please have pity on my condition… 
For I am but a servant (of yours) who occupies himself in reciting your praises!     يزاحم حسانا و كعبا لمدحكم   *     فليتي أرى في سلكهم فأثلث  
As I contend with the likes of Hassan (bin Thabit) & Ka’ab… 
So may I be included in their fraternity as a third one!    عليك صلاة الله ثم سلامه    *   ففيك تجاراتي بمدحك أحرث  
May the blessings & peace of Allah be upon him… 
For your love is my trade…and your praises are my harvest! 
 (From: Diwan Shifa al-Asqam) 
In a similar vein Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) highlights how no human praise can do justice to the sublime rank of the Prophet (SAW), and that after God’s praise for him; no mortal’s praise can be adequate. In fact, it is but a means for gaining his intercession of the Day of Judgment: 
 قد أثنى عليه ربنا بكلامه     *    فما عسى برهام يصبح حاكيا
Our Lord Most High has praised him in His Divine Words 
What can Barham (Ibrahim) compose after that…! 
 فعولن مفاعيلن فعولن مفاعلن    *      مدى الدهر لا ياـي بحقك ماحيا
Fa’ulun Mafa’eelun Fa’ulun Mafa’ilun (metres of Arabic poetry) 
Can never ever do justice to your rank O Mahy (Eraser of Evil)          لكن مدح المادحين تشفع     *    فيشفع لي طه لأجل مقاليا 
However, the praises of the praisers are petitions for your intercession! 
So may Taha (the Prophet) intercede for me due to my compositions!  
 (From: Diwan Nur al-Haqq) 
On another note, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) firmly hoped that his poems were accepted in the Court of the Prophet (SAW) and that he will sing them on the Day of Judgement: 
 يبشره الباري بمدحي و زورتي *      أسير معي الأبرار ذلك أفلح
Indeed, Our Creator will present to him (SAW) the glad-tiding of my poems and my visits 
I will travel with the pious ones, and that is the way to success  و إني محب خادم الباب شاعر  *     و أرجو التفاتا لا اذل و أكلح 
For I am but a lover of his, a poet, and a servant of his Door  
All I seek is his Glance! And that I am not humiliated and rebuked!        متي قمت وسط الأنبياء مشفعا   *    هنالك أشدو بالثنا و ألوح 
And when you shall stand out amongst the prophets to Intercede (on the Day of Judgement) 
There I will openly sing your praises and proclaim them! هناك تذكر يا شفيع مقصرا    *    أسير غرام فيك يشدو و يمدح 
On that day O my intercessor! Remember this poor follower 
A prisoner of your love! A singer of your glories and praises 
 (From: Diwan Shifa al-Asqam) 
And he says in the same spirit, describing the day of Judgement:    فذا المنحمنا ملجأ الكل شافعا   *        لوا الحمد في كفيه هل من مزاحم 
The Munhaminna (a name of the Prophet) will be the refuge & intercessor of all  
The Banner of Praise will be in his hands only, with no competitor!  
 فأنشد أمداحي و أشدو بذكره    *    جهارا على رغم العدو المساخم
There I will sing my praises of him and proclaim his virtues 
Publicly, despite the reprimands of my enemy!  
(From: Diwan Nur al-Haqq) 
Like all true lovers, he wished to present his praises to the Beloved One (SAW) and receive his reward and approval as well: 
 بلى ألقى رسول الله ألفي مدائحي     *      لديه و يعليني الى المنصب الحسن
Surely, I shall meet the Messenger of Allah and present my praises to him! 
And then he shall raises me to a most beautiful position (by him) فلابن زهير قد أجزت ببردة     *    أجزني ببرد و أقبل المدح و أقبلن 
As you rewarded (Ka’ab) Ibn-Zuhayr with your Burdah (Cloak) 
Reward me as well with a Cloak and accept me and my praise! (From: Diwan Nur al-Haqq) 
Also, seeking that Prophetic reward he states: ضمنت له سرد المدائح راجيا    *    قبول ثنائي و الزيادة و الحسنى 
I guarantee to continue singing of his praises and I hope… 
for the acceptance of my praises, more (blessings from him), and a good (ending) 
 قلامي و أنقاسي و طرسي و لقلقي    *    تحن بأمداحي حنيني الى اللقيا       
My pens, my inks, my papers, my tongue… 
All yearn for my praises as I yearn to meet him!    رجوت من الممدوح فوزي بالتي    *    تقاصر عنها المادحون و لا غروى 
And I wish from the one I praise, to gain… 
that which no other praisers have attained…and that would not be surprising! 
(From: Diwan Kanz al-Arifin) 
Echoing the same sentiment again Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) states: 
 قراي لدى الماحي قبيل حبائي قبولي و تطهيري و رفع غطائي
May my hosting by the Mahy (the Prophet), even before my awarding, be… 
 My acceptance by him, my purification by him, and the lifting of my veil! 
 ويثبتني في الخادمين حظيهم و يقبل أمداحي ليوم لقاء
And may he register me among the most fortunate of his praisers! 
 And may he accept my praises till the Day of Encounter! 
 فقير غريب شاعر خادم لكم محب لقى للحب كل جفاء
For I am but a beggar lost & confused, who is also your poet & servant… 
 And your lover who has encountered every difficulty in your love! 
(From: Salwat al-Shujun) 
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) also expresses his wishes and his confidence thus: 
 عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه    *    ليقبل سعيي ثم كل مدائحي
May the Blessings & Peace of God be upon him 
And may he accept my effort & may he accept my praises! عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه    *    ليرفعني الهادي على كل مادح 
May the Blessings & Peace of God be upon him 
And may he raise me above every praiser (of his)!  
(From: Diwan Shifa al-Asqam) 
In the following couplets, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) expresses a greater confidence in his poems, stating by the permission of Allah, that his poems will surpass all others: 
 لساني و قلبي الدهر ذكر محمد    *    و من حاله حالي مدى الدهر يشمخ
My tongue & my heart are forever busy with the mention of Muhammad (SAW) 
And whoever has a state such as mine will always rise high! و رتبة كل المادحين قصيرة      *    عن إدراك ما عندي فسبقي يرسخ  
And the ranks of all the Praisers (of the Prophet) fall short… of attaining what I have…for my surpassing is confirmed!   فبيني وبين المادحين سرابخ     *      وعور فما جيبت لمدحي سربخ 
For between me and rest of the Praisers are vast & difficult wildernesses (to traverse) 
But no wilderness could impede my praises!       فشعري أوصاف الأمين وإنها       *     عديمة كفء فهو أحمد مصرخ 
For my poetry depicts the Characteristics of the Trustworthy Prophet… 
And it is unparalleled…for it proclaims Ahmad (clearly)! 
(From: Diwan Taysir al-Wusul) 
Finally he (RA) also expresses his intentions and hopes in the following words: 
 سلام محب شط عنه مزاره    *    فصار يحيي أفضل الناس بالقلم
Greetings from a lover so distant from his (beloved’s) abode… 
So he greets the Best of Mankind…with his pen! 
 يبشره الباري بمدحي و يرتضي    *    على العبد مختار البرية لم يلم
May the Creator give him the glad-tidings of my praises and may… 
The Chosen One be pleased with me & not rebuke me (for my humble effort)! 
(From: Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad) Some Final Words on the Diwans: 
Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) wrote the following Niyyah (intention) at the beginning of the manuscript of his Diwan entitled Awthaq al-Ura (as quoted in the Mauritanian edition في آفاق الشعر): 
تعظيما له و إجلالا و محبة و طلبا لمرضاته و القرب منه والإستغاثة به و التشفع و التوسل به .                       
 صلى الله على سيدنا محمد و على آله حق قدره و مقداره العظيم
“To honour & venerate him, and for the sake of his love. And to strive for his approval & proximity and to seek his spiritual assistance & intercession. May the blessing of Allah be upon our master Muhammad and his family, in accordance with his supreme rank and capacity.” 
This Intention summarizes the noble purpose behind composing of these blessed Ibrahimi Diwans.  
Just like Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote Diwans in praise of his beloved Prophet (SAW), some of his 
Muqaddams also wrote Diwans in praise of him. Most prominent amongst them was the Mauritanian Khalifah, Sayyidi al-Shaykhan bin al-Tulbah, whose poetic prowess was exceptional. 
It is narrated that one day al-Shaykhan recited one of his praise poems to Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and asked his opinion of it. So Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) replied:  !شعرك أجود من شعري لكن ممدوحي خير من ممدوحك 
“Your poetry is better than mine. But the one I praise is greater than the one you praise!” 
As demonstrated in the previous pages, the poems of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) were a labour of love that lasted a lifetime. They reflected the qualities and characteristics of the blessed Prophet (SAW), as well as his own aspirations & spiritual states.  Their immense popularity can be attributed to not only their absolute eloquence and sublime meanings, but more so to the sincerity of the state of the author.  
The words of Shawqi about the Burdah of Busiri equally apply to the Diwans of Shaykh Ibrahim: 
 مديحه فيك حب صادق و هوى    *    و صادق الحب يملي صادق الكلم
His praises of you were from true love and passion 
And the true lover dictates true words! 
We cannot do justice to the work of Shaykh Ibrahim in this short introduction, which is the first of its kind in the English language. This is but an attempt to introduce this vast ocean of Prophetic Eulogy to English speakers, so that further research can be done on them, at all levels and from all aspects. 
In these trying times, we conclude with this imploring of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) from Nur al-Haqq: 
 ذياك عبيد ظل للمدح ناسجا    *    يرجيك باب الله للكرب فارجا
Here is your humble servant who continued to weave your praises 
O Door of Allah! He desires that you relieve him of all his worries! 
Imam Fakhruddin Owaisi 
1) Sample from Diwan: Taysir al-Wusul (Harf al-Ha)  
  هَوَى المُصْطفَى المُخْتارِ خَالطَ مُضْمَر‎ ي وَ كُلي وَ جُزْئي فـهْوَ سِري وَ مَظهَري
The love of the Chosen One has blended with my heart… and the whole of my being! So he permeates my inward & outward being! 
 إذَا ضَاءَ ضَوْءُ البَدْرِ مِلْ تُ لذكْرهِ  وَ أذكُرهُ في كُلِّ مَرْأى وَمَنْظـرِ 
When the moon shines in the night, I start recalling him…  
And I recall him at every sight and scene! 
  وَ أذكُرهُ عِنْدَ الْأغَاني وَ إذْ حَلاَ   مَذَاقٌ فـهُو عمْري مَذَاقي وَ مُسْكِري 
I recall him when I hear a song…and when I taste something sweet.  
For he is my taste and my intoxication forever! 
 وَ أذكُرهُ عِنْدَ البـ لاَ وَ نقِيضِـ هِ  وَ أذكُرهُ في غيْبتي مِثلَ مَحْضَري
I recall him when I am tested and when I am blessed. 
 And I recall him when I am absent and when I am present! 
 وَ أذكُرهُ عِنْدَ الحَبيبِ وَ لمْ أكُنْ  لِأنْسَاهُ وَقتَ الْأجْنبيِّ المُكَـدِّرِ 
I recall him when I meet a beloved…  
And I forget him not when I see something unpleasant & undesirable! 
 وَ لسْتُ أرى مُسْتحْسَنا غيْـرَ وَجْهِهِ  فـليْسَ جَمَالٌ غيْـرَ وَجْـ هِ المُدَثـرِ 
And I see no beauty but in his face!  
For there is no beauty but the face of the Muddathir (the Cloaked Prophet)! 
 مُرَادِيَ كَوْني المُصْطفَى عَيْنَ عَيْنِهِ  وَ إلاَّ فمَوْتِى فيهِ شَوْقا لعُنْصُـ ري
My desire is to become one with him, the Chosen one!  
Or else, to die yearning for him! 
 وَ لوْلاَ التذَاذٌ في الجِنانِ بنورهِ  لَمَا حَنَّ نحْوَ الخُلْدِ كُلُّ مُبصَّـرِ 
And were it not that we will enjoy his illuminated presence there;  
No knower (of Allah) would have yearned for Paradise! 
 وَ ليْتَ رسُولَ اللّٰ هِ كَانَ مُسَعرا لبـرْهَامَ نارا خَالدًا كُلَّ مَسْعَـرِ 
And would the Messenger of Allah light a fire (of love)  for Barham that would burn him forever! 
 وَ ليْتيَ كَالسِّبْطينِ عِدْليْنِ فـوْقهُ  وَ ليْتيَ كَالصِّدِّيقِ ليْتي كَجَعْفَرِ 
How I wish I was like his two grandsons, hanging on his shoulders!  
I wish I was like the Siddiq (Abu-Bakr), I wish I was like (his cousin) Ja'far (in closeness to him) 
 وَ ليْتي أكُونُ اليـوْمَ تـرْبةَ نـعْلهِ  وَ ليْتي أراكٌ للْأمِينِ المُبشِّـرِ 
I wish I was the dust under his sandal!  
I wish I was the wood on his toothbrush (Miswak)! 
 وَ ليْتيَ يـوْمًا  كُنْتُ شُرْبةَ مَائـهِ  وَ حَامِلَ كَأ س لِلْبشِيرِ المُنـوَّرِ 
I wish I was his drink!  
I wish I was the carrier of his cup! 
 أعَللُ نـفْسِي بالوصَـ الِ فـعَلـهُ  يجُودُ بوَصْ ل للرَّقِيقِ المُحَـ رَّرِ 
I console myself that I will meet him (one day)!  
So may he grant that meeting to his freed slave! 
 صَلاَةٌ عَلى ياسِينَ طـهَ مُحَمَّـ د  مَعَ الْآلِ وَالْأصْحَابِ غيْـرُ مُبتـ رِ 
Salutations be on Yasin, Taha, Muhammad!  
And upon his Family & Companions, completely! 
 - حق قدره و مقداره العظيم -
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) would love this poem a lot and call it the "Poem of the one who lost his mind", i.e. in the love of Rasul-Allah (SAW). And he would also ask his poem reciter Ali al-Maddah to recite it for him often, by saying: "Recite the poem of the one who lost his mind"! 
2) Sample from Diwan: Iksir al-Sa’adat (Harf al-Za)  
 ظفِرْنا بسِرٍّ قـبْـلنا ليْـ سَ يحْفَـ ظُ  فَـبحْرُ رسُـولِ اللّٰ هِ بالسِّـرِّ يـلْفِـظُ 
We attained a Secret not known before us… 
 For the Ocean of the Messenger of Allah emitted it (to us)! 
   وَ  قَدْ عَلمَ الْأقـوَامُ أني خَدِيمُهُ    المُتـيمُ شَوْقا وُدَّهُ الدَّهْرَ أحْفَظُ 
And all nations know that I am his servant… 
 Enamoured in his yearning…forever in his love! 
 شُغِفْتُ بحُبِّ الـهَاشِمِيِّ وَ  إِنَّمَـا أخَالُ سَفِيهًا مَنْ سِوَاهُ يـقَـ رِّظُ 
Yes I am infatuated in the love of the Hashemite (Prophet)…  And I consider a fool anyone who fancies other than him! 
 فـلَيْسَ كَريمٌ يُـرْتجَى غيْـرُ أحْمَ د  وَ  ليْسَ مَليحًا مَا سِوَاهُ فـيـلْفَـظُ 
For there is no Generous one to be sought but Ahmad!  
 And there is nothing Beautiful other than him worth mentioning! 
 وَ  مَاذا عَلى بـرْهَامَ تَـامَ بحُبـهِ  كَريمٌ جَمِيلُ الخُلْقِ مَ ا قطُّ يـغلظُ 
So why blame Barham if he’s captivated in his love… 
 For he’s the Generous & Well- mannered one who never did wrong (to anyone)! 
  فـليْسَ عَلىَّ اللوْمُ في ذكْرِ وَصْفِهِ  وَ  إنْ كُنْتُ لاَ أغْني فَتيلاً أقـرظُ 
Therefore there’s no blame on me for extolling his qualities…  Even though my praises add no value (to his lofty rank)! 
  فذِكْري لهُ إكْسِيرُ كُـلِّ سَعَـادَة   عَليْهِ صَلاةٌ آخِرَ الدَّهْرِ تحْفَـ ظُ 
For my mentioning of him is the Elixir of every Delight… 
 May the blessing (of Allah) be upon him till the end of times! 
 عَلَيْـهِ صَـ لاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـ هُ  بهَا أرتقِي في الحُبِّ وَالمَدْحَ أحْفَظُ 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him… 
 A blessing through which I ascend in his love & composing his praises! 
 عَلَيْهِ صَـ لاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـ مَّ سَلامُـ هُ  لِأَبـقَـى خَدِيمًـ ا بالثـنـا أتـلفَّـ ظُ 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him… 
A blessing through which I remain a servant who continues to praise him! 
 عَلَيْهِ مَعَ الْآلِ الكرَامِ وَصَحْبـ هِ  صَلاةٌ وَ  تسْلِيمٌ مَدَى الدَّهْرِ تحْفَظُ 
Blessings & Salutations of Allah be upon him and his Family & Companions! 
 Blessings & Salutations that continue till the end of times! 
 - حق قدره و مقداره العظيم -
3) Sample from Diwan: Salwat al-Shujun (Harf al-Ha)  
 هَنيئا لِِإبرَاهِيمَ  لَاحَ  هِلَالهُ 
 هِلَالٌ  بدَا للناظِرينَ  جَمَالهُ 
Congratulations to Ibrahim! His (favourite) Crescent has been seen! 
A Crescent who’s beauty is apparent to every onlooker! 
 هَلَالُ  ربي ع جَاءَ  فِيهِ  مُحَمَّدٌ 
 فَـتمَّ  لنا البشْرى وَ  عَمَّ  نـوَالهُ 
It’s the Crescent of the month in which Muhammad (SAW) came to us! 
Completing our joy…and covering us all in his grace! 
 لِأفضَلِ  أر ض  حَلَّ  أفضَلُ  مرْسَ ل  بأفضَلِ  يـوْ م  فاسْتبانَ  كَمَالهُ 
In the best of places, arrived the best of prophets! 
On the best of days………Reflecting his perfection! 
 قدِ  اخْتيرَ  مِنْ  كُلِّ  العَوَالمِ  أَصْلهُ 
 كَمَا اخْتيرَ  وَاخْتيرتْ  لذَاكَ  فِعَالهُ 
His noble ancestry was (Divinely) selected amongst all mankind… 
And so was he selected and all his (noble) actions as well! 
 مُحَمَّدُ  مُخْتارٌ  وَ  آدَمُ  طِينةٌ  مُحَمَّدُ  يـوْ مَ البـعْثِ  را ق  خِصَالهُ 
Indeed, Muhammad (SAW) was chosen when Adam was still clay! 
And his qualities will shine on the Day of Resurrection too! 
 مُحَمَّدُ  نورُ  الخَلْقِ  وَ  هُوَ  مُحَمَّدٌ  عَظِيمٌ  عَظِيمُ  الخُلقِ  تمَّ  جَلَالهُ 
Muhammad (SAW) is the Light for all Creation and he is the one praised (by all)! 
A great one, of great character, whose majesty is complete! 
  عَليْهِ  صَلَاَةُ  اللِه  ثمَّ  سَلَامُهُ 
 يـزُولُ  عَذَابٌ  آنَ  مِنْكَ  زوَالهُ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him! 
And may (Your) punishment be removed (from us)….for it’s time of removal has come! 
 عَليْهِ  صَلَاةُ  اللِه  ثمَّ  سَلَامُهُ  يتمُّ  لبـرْهَامَ  الحَقِيرِ  وصَالهُ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him! 
And may the humble Barham attain union (with his beloved)! 
 عَليْهِ  صَلَاةُ  اللِه  ثمَّ  سَلَامُهُ 
 يبيدُ  عَدُوَّ  الدِّينِ  مِنكَ  قِتَالهُ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him! 
And may the enemy of our Faith be destroyed by Your war (on him)! 
 عَليْهِ  صَلَاةُ  اللِه  ثمَّ  سَلَامُهُ 
 يكُونُ  عَدُوِّي شُدَّ  مِنْكَ  وَبالهُ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him! 
And may Your wrath pour hard upon my enemy as well! 
 عَليْهِ  صَلَاةُ  اللِه  ثُمَّ  سَلَامُهُ  مَتى لاحَ  مِنْ  فـوْقِ  السَّمَاءِ  هِلَالهُ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him! 
As long as his Crescent (of Rabi al-Awwal) appears upon the horizons! 
 عَليْهِ  صَلَاةُ  اللِه  ثمَّ  سَلَامُهُ  بهَا خُصِّصَ  الأصْحَابُ  طرا وَ  آلهُ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him! 
And especially upon all his Companions and Family! 
 - حق قدره و مقداره العظيم -
4) Sample from Diwan: Awthaq al-Ura (Harf al-Mim)  
 مَحَا حُبُّ خَيرِ الخَلْقِ حُبَّ سِوَاهُ  بِقَلْبـي الذِي أحْيـاهُ سِـرُّ سَنـاهُ 
The love of the Best of Creation (SAW) erased the love of all others… in my heart that was illuminated by the secret of his light! 
 فـلسْتُ أرومُ الوَصْلَ مِنْ غَيرِ حَامِ د  فدَعْ عَنْكَ مَحْبوبـا سِـوَاهُ وَهَـاهُ 
And I seek no other beloved but Hamid (The Prophet) 
So leave aside all other beloveds…for here he is (facing you)! 
 فإنَّ جَمَـالاً غيْـرَ وَجْـهِ مُحَمَّـ د  نـفَاهُ جَمَـالُ المُصْطفَـى وَ  مَحَـاهُ 
And indeed, all beauty but the face of Muhammad (SAW)… has been effaced & erased by the beauty of the Chosen One (SAW)! 
 هُوَ الْحُسْنُ وَالنورُ المُبينُ فمَنْ نحَا لحَضْرَتـ هِ بالحُـبِّ نـالَ مُنـاهُ 
Surely, he (SAW) is all Beauty and he is the Clear Light… 
And whosoever turns towards his presence with love shall attain their wish! 
 هُوَ الْكُلُّ مِنْهُ الْكُّ لُّ حَقًّا وَ لمْ أكُنْ  أجَسِّمُ مَعْنـى إِذْ قصَـدْتُ ثـنـاهُ 
In fact, he is everything…and everything is from him! 
And I exaggerate not just to praise him (SAW)! 
 فإياكَ وَالِْإعْرَاضَ عَنْ كُلِّ صُورة   إذَا رمْتَ مِنْ سِـرِّ الوُجُـودِ لقَـاهُ 
So turn not away from any form (of beauty & mercy that manifests to you)… 
if you wish to encounter his secret in this Existence!! 
 فصَلِّ وَ  صُمْ وَاشْربْ وَ  كُلْ وَانكِحَنْ وَ  صِلْ  فَمَـا ثـمَّ غيْـرُ المُصْطفَـى وَ حُـلاهُ 
So Pray & Fast! Eat food & Marry women! And keep ties (with friends)!  
For there is nothing (in this existence) but the Mustafa (SAW) & his beauty! 
 عَلَيْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  صَلاَةً بهَا ألفَـى لوَسْـطِ حِمَـاهُ 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him… 
 A Blessing through which I gain access to the midst of his sanctuary! 
 عَليْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثُـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  صَـلاةً بهَـا أجْنِـي ثمَارَ جَنـاهُ 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
 A Blessing through which I obtain the fruits of his garden! 
 عَلَيْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  صَلاَةً بهَا دَهْـ ري أنالُ رضَـاهُ 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
 A Blessing through which I attain his approval always! 
 عَلَيْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  أَشُمُّ بهَا عَـرْفَ اللقَـا وَ شَـذَاهُ 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
 A Blessing through which I smell the scent of his meeting! 
 عَليْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  وَ  آ ل وَ صَحْ ب قـدْ عَلوْا بعـلاهُ 
May the Blessing & Salutation of Allah be upon him! 
 And upon his Family & Companions who rose with his prominence! 
 - حق قدره و مقداره العظيم -
5) Sample from Diwan: Shifa al-Asqam (Harf al-Ba)  
 برِْئتُ مِنَ الِْإشْرَاكِ وَالشَّكِّ وَالعجْبِ  بحُبِّ رسُـولِ اللّٰ هِ في البـعْدِ وَالقُـرْبِ 
I have been healed from all Shirk, Doubt and Self-Pride 
By the love of the Messenger of Allah, from near and far! 
 سَلِمْتُ مِنَ الْأغرَاضِ أخْلصْتُ وجْهَتي لرَبي وَ  عَني زالَ غيْبـي مَـعَ الحُجْـبِ 
I have been protected from all personal interests! I have devoted myself Only to my Rabb! So all veils between me and the Unseen are removed! 
 وَ  أمْـدحُ خَيْـرَ الخَلْـقِ خَادِمَ بابـهِ  وَ  يذكُرهُ روحِي وَ  سِرِّي كَـذَا قـلْبـي
And I praise the Best of Creation! And I am the servant of his Door 
My Soul praises him! My Heart praises him, and my innermost Being! 
 كَفَانـيَ  كَوِْني شَاعِـرَ البابِ خَـادِمًا بخِدْمَةِ خَيْرِ الخَلْقِ فارقني عَيْبـي
And being the servant and poet of his Door is enough honor for me By serving the Messenger of Allah, all faults were removed from me! 
 فكَعْـبٌ وَ  حَسَّـانٌ أنِيـلاَ كَرَامَـةً  بمَدْحِكَ يا مَامُونُ في الجَهْرِ وَالغيْبِ 
And indeed Ka’ab and Hassaan gained great honors 
By praising You publicly and privately O Trusted Prophet! 
 وَ  إنِّـيَ في عَصْرِ الجَهَالةِ وَالهَـوَى لَمَادِحُهُ في حَالةِ البسْطِ وَالكَـرْبِ 
And here I am in the age of ignorance and arrogance Praising him in times of ease and hardship! 
 يـفَرِّجُ عَني كُـ لَّ كَـرْ ب وَأنـثني بجَائزة  عَنْ عَدِّهَـ ا يـنْثني لبـي
So may he remove all my worries, and may he reward me too 
With a reward beyond my comprehension! 
 عَلَيْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  صَلاَةً تـرَقينا إلى الذكْرِ وَالحُـبِّ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
A Blessing that will raise us among those who honor and love him! 
 عَلَيْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـ مَّ سَلامُـ هُ  وَ  يَذكُرُني المُخْتارُ : يا خَادِمِي حِبي
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
And may the Chosen Prophet call me: O My Servant O my Lover! 
 عَليْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  يُطهِّرُ آلـ ي ثـمَّ نسْلي كَذَا تـرْبـي
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
And may he purify my family, my children and my siblings! 
 عَليْـ هِ صَـ لاَةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ  سَلامُـهُ  وَ  يشْكُرُ سَعْيي وَالمُهَيْمِنُ لي يـرْبي
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
And may he reward my effort and may the Lord increase that reward! 
 عَلَيْـ هِ صَـ لاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثُـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  وَ  يسْقِينيَ الْمَحْمُودُ بالمَنْـهَلِ العَذْبِ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
And may the Praised Prophet grant me a most pure drink! 
 عَليْـهِ صَـ لاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـ مَّ سَلامُـهُ  صَلاةً بهَا نـبْـقَى مَعَ اليمْنِ وَالخِصْبِ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
A Blessing through which we always have blessings and fertility! 
 عَلَيْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  مِنَ العَبْـ دِ إبـرَاهِيـمَ للناصِـرِ الربِّ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
From the servant Ibrahim! To the Supporter of the Lord! 
 عَليْـ هِ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  مَعَ الْأهْلِ وَالْأوْلادِ وَالْآلِ وَالصَّحْـبِ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon him 
And upon his family, descendants and Companions! 
 - حق قدره و مقداره العظيم -
6) Sample from: Diwan Manasik Ahl al-Widad (Harf al-Ba)  
  بسَلْ ع إلى وَادِي العَقِيقِ كَثيبُ  حَنـنْتُ إليْهِ وَالفُؤَادُ كَئيبُ 
Between Sala’in and al-Aqiq (valleys that surround Madinah) is a hillside… 
That I yearn for with an anguished heart! 
  كَئيبٌ عَليلٌ مُغرٌَم وَ  مُتَـيمٌ  بهِ حَفَّتِ الْأجْناسُ وَهْوَ غريبُ 
Sad and sick, in love and passion! 
Surrounded by people but still a stranger! 
  غرِيبٌ فلاَ شَكْلٌ يـقَاسِي شُجُونهُ  مُحَالٌ عَليْهِ الوَصْلُ وَهْوَ قريبُ 
A stranger indeed, for none endures a passion like his! 
Forbidden from meeting his beloved, who is so near! 
  قريبٌ إليْهِ مَا يحِبُّ وَ  يشْتهِي بعِيدٌ عَليْهِ الدَّ هْرَ فـهْوَ عَجِيبُ 
What he desires is so near to him 
Yet distanced by time… strange indeed! 
  عَجِيبٌ كَعِي س حِينَ يـقْتـلهَا الظمَا عَليْهِ مِياهٌ كَالفُرَاتِ عَذُوبُ 
As strange as the Camel that dies of thirst 
While carrying the sweetest of water on its back! 
 تـوَهَّمْتُ آياتِ النَّبي فـعَرَفـتهُ  هُوَ الكُلُّ مِنْهُ الكُلُّ ليْسَ عريبُ 
I visualize the miracles of the Prophet and I recognise him 
He is everything and everything is from him! None other! 
  فمِنْهُ أبُوهُ مِنْهُ مُوسَى  كَلِيمُهُ  كَذَا الخِلُّ قـبْلَ الرُّوحِ وَهْوَ حَبيبُ 
From him is his father (Adam)! From him is Moses the Spoken one! 
From him is the Intimate one (Ibrahim) and the Spirit (Jesus)! For he is the Most Beloved! 
  فـيوضَاتُ خَيرِ الخَلقِ فاضَتْ عَلَيهِمُ  فسَادَ الذِي وَافاهُ مِنْهُ نصْيبُ 
Indeed the spiritual luminance of the Best of Creation (SAW) flowed upon all of them 
And whosoever received a portion of it...surpassed the rest! 
  وَأُنشِدُ بـيْتا قالهُ الفَحْلُ مَادِحًا وَمُثني سِ وَى خَيْرِ الْأنامِ كَذُوبُ 
So I repeat (for him) a couplet said by the legendary (Arab) poet (Alqamah in praise of a king) 
And whoever praises other than the Best of Mankind (SAW) is a liar! 
  ففِي كُلِّ حَيٍّ قدْ خَبطتَ بنعْمَ ة  فحُقَّ لشَا س مِ نْ جَدَاكَ ذُنوبُ 
Indeed your generous favours have covered all lands… 
So Shas (a kinsman of Alqamah who was imprisoned by the King) also deserves a portion of it! 
 بحَقِّكَ فاشْفَعْ فيَّ فإنني مُقَيدٌ مَعَ  العرْجِ خَلْقًا وَالقُيودُ ذنوبُ 
For your (generosity’s) sake! Intercede for me for I am also imprisoned! 
And lamed and restrained by my sins! 
 فأنتَ شَفِيعُ المُذْنبينَ وَ  غَيْرهِمْ  فلاَ ضَرني مَا قَدْ يخُطُّ رَِقيبُ 
For you are the Intercessor for the sinners and everyone else 
Indeed (with your intercession) I cannot be harmed by what is written by Raqib (recorder of sins) 
  أَأَحْمَدُ يامَاحِي الضَّلالِ مُحَمَّدًا وَ  عَاقبُ أَرسَالِ الِْإلهِ حَبيبُ 
O Ahmad! O remover of all misguidance! O Muhammad! 
O Final Messenger of God! O Beloved (of God)! 
  أحَاشِرُ يا طهَ المُقَفَّى وَ  فكَّني أجِرْ مُذْنبا مِمَّا جَناهُ يذُوبُ 
O first to be resurrected (by God)! O Taha! O Final One! O Bringer of Good News! 
Save a sinner who melts (in shame) of his sins! 
 تسَلمَ يا مَحْمُودُ قَـلْبي وَ  فكَّني عَنِ النـفْسِ عَلِّي مِنْ سِوَاكَ أتوبُ 
Take my heart O Praised One! And free it from the lower self! 
For I repent from all other than You! 
 قدِ اخْترْتَ مِنْ مُخْتارِ مُخْتارِ عرْبهِ  أتحْفِرُ عَا ص جَاءَ وَهْوَ سَلِيبُ 
Indeed you were chosen from the chosen ones from the chosen Arabs! 
Will you (not) assist a sinner who has come to you empty handed and destitute! 
 شَفَاعَتكَ العُظمَى لمِثلي فكُنْ لنا شَفِيعًا فإني اليَـوْمَ جِئتُ أنيبُ 
Your great intercession is what I hope for! So be our Intercessor! 
For I have come to you today repentant! 
 وَ  تَـرْفـعُني وَلتـرْضَ عَني فإنْ يكُنْ  سِوَاكَ نصِيبي مَا أتاني نصِيبُ 
So raise me! And be pleased with me! And if my portion is from other than you! 
Then may I never receive it! 
  إِذَا رضِيَ المُخْتارُ عَني فـلمْ أبلْ  مَقَالَ وُشَاة  وَيكَ هِنْدٌ غضُوبُ 
Indeed, if the Chosen Prophet is pleased with me, then I do not care 
About the words of my detractors or anyone else’s displeasure! 
  وَ  إنْ سَألوني عنْ حَبيبي وَ  مَذْهَبي جَوَابي رسُولُ اللِه حِينَ أجِيبُ 
And if they ask me about my Beloved and my Persuasion (madh-hab) 
My answer will always be: The Messenger of Allah! 
 إذَا  بخِلَ المُمْدُوحُ يَـوْمًا فإنني حَبيبي وَ  مَمْدُوحِي الكَريمُ وَهُوبُ 
If some of those praised are stingy (in rewarding their praiser) 
Indeed, my beloved and my praised one is the most generous of all! 
  أنطتُ  بِهِ كُلَّ المَطامِعِ يافِعا وَ  شَرخًا وَ  شَيْخًا قدْ عَلاهُ مَشِيبُ 
And I have attached all my desires and wishes to him, as a young boy 
As an adult, and (now) as an old man with grey hair! 
  بِبـرْدَتكَ العُظمَى أجَزْتَ لمَاد ح  أجِزْهُ بب ـ رْ د  لاَ دَناهُ لهِيبُ 
You rewarded a praiser once with your blessed Burdah (Cloak) 
Reward me too with a Bardin (Coolness) that no fire can come near! 
 تـقُولُ ألاَ يا نارُ بَـرْدًا مُسَلمًا لذَا العَبْدِ كُوني مَا أقامَ عَسِيبُ 
Saying to it: O Fire! Be cool and be safe! 
For this servant (Ibrahim)! As long as the mountain of Asib stands (i.e. forever)! 
  عَلَيْهِ صَلاةُ اللِه ثمَّ سَلامُهُ  يمَزِّقُ أشْلاءَ البـغاءِ كَلِيبُ 
May the blessings and salutation of Allah be upon him… 
And may the dogs (of his wrath) tear apart all those who wish me harm! 
 عَلَيْهِ صَلاةُ اللِه ثمَّ سَلامُهُ  أوَافيهِ بالأمْدَاحِ وَهْوَ يثيبُ 
May the blessings and salutation of Allah be upon him… 
And may I continue praising him and he continues rewarding me! 
  عَليْهِ صَلاةُ اللِه ثمَّ سَلامُهُ  فإني لدَيهِ بالثـناءِ خَطِيبُ 
May the blessings and salutation of Allah be upon him… 
And may I forever remain the singer of praises in his presence! 
  خَطِيبٌ وَ  قـوَّالٌ لدَ يْهِ وَ  طامِعٌ  وَ  فـ يْضُ مَلاذِي للْعَالمِينَ سَكُوبُ 
An orator and singer in his presence, seeking (his grace) 
For the generosity of my master engulfs the whole world! 
  عَليْهِ مَعَ الْأ لِ الكرَامِ وَ  صَحْبهِ  يحِنُّ إلى مَاحِي الضَّلالِ نجِيبُ 
Blessing upon him and his noble Household and Companions… 
As long as a noble one yearns towards the Wiper of Misguidance (SAW)! 
 - حق قدره و مقداره العظيم -
7) Sample from: Diwan Sayr al-Qalb (Ilhaq)  
 رسُولَ إلـهِ العَالمِيـ نَ تـعَالـى  خَدِيمُكَ نادَى يا رسُولُ تـعَـالاَ 
Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, Most High! 
Your servant calls you: O Rasul come (to my aid)! 
  خَدِيمُكَ نادَى يا رسُولُ فلاَ أرَى فقِيرًا إلى غيْـرِ الِْإلـهِ تـعَالـى
 Your servant calls you O Rasul! May I never be seen… 
As needy of anyone but the Lord Most High! 
  خَدِيمٌ بأقصَى الغرْبِ يدْعُو مُحَمَّـدًا وَ ليْسَ يـرى غَيْـرَ الرسُـولِ ثمَـالاَ 
A servant from the far-west (Senegal) calls upon Muhammad (SAW)! 
And sees no refuge in anyone but the Rasul! 
  خَدِيمٌ ثـوَى بالبابِ وَهْـ وَ مُؤَمِّـلٌ  إيَابا كَريمًـ ا وَهْـوَ جَيْـرِ أطـالاَ 
 A servant who lays at your Door, and hopes to return (home) in honor, after a long stay! 
  تصَاغرَ عِنْدِي غيْـرُ أحْمَـدَ إننـي أرَجِّي مِنَ الهَـادِي العِبَـادِ مَنـالاَ 
All others besides Ahmad (SAW) have become small in my eyes! 
For I seek my bounty from the Guide of all Mankind (SAW)! 
 كَرِيمَ السَّجَايا وَاسِعَ الجُودِ مَا تـرى لضَيْـ فِ كَريـ م قـدْ أجَادَ مَقَـالاَ 
 The one of noble character and bountiful generosity! 
What shall you grant to a polite guest, ingenious in praising you! 
  فـهَبْهُ عَلى مِقْدَارِ كَفِّـكَ مُصْطَفَى الْبـرَايـا عَطاءً لاَ يخَـافُ زوَالاَ 
So grant him according to the (bountiful) capacity of your (generous) hand! 
O Chosen One from all People! Grant a bounty that will never end! 
  ففِي كُلِّ حَيٍّ قدْ خَبطتَ بنعْمَـ ة  وَ إني كَشا س قـدْ أرومُ نـوَالاَ 
 Indeed, your bounties have been granted to all nations! 
And like Shas (a famous Arab warrior pardoned by a King) I also seek it today! 
  عَليْكَ صَـلاةُ اللّٰ هِ ثـمَّ سَلامُـهُ  وَ تشْمَلُ أصْحَابَ النبـيِّ وَ آلاَ 
May the Blessing and Peace of Allah be upon You! 
And may it include your Companions and Family! 
  - حق قدره و مقداره العظيم -
(An early Nigerian print of the Diwan, in Ajami script, dated 1386/1965) 


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