Saturday, 20 June 2020

Written by: Imam Fakhruddin Owaisi


On November 25, 2006, Shaykh Hassan Ali Cisse set out on a journey he had never embarked upon before. Filled with happiness and gratitude to Allah, the respected Shaykh, his companions and several delegates from the International Conference of Tijaniyyah Brothers in Laghouat, Algeria, traveled to the town of Ain Madhi, the birthplace of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA).


Along the way, Shaykh Hassan recalled that, although this was his first time in Algeria, the names of many of the towns, such as Ain Madhi, Tilimsan, Abi-Samghoun, Shalalah, had been known to him since childhood.


Upon their arrival in Ain Madhi, Shaykh Hassan and his companions went directly to the house of Khalifah Sayyidi al-Hajj Muhammad bin Sayyidi Mahmud al-Tijani, the eldest living grandson of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA).


After being greeted at the gate of the compound by a group of young men reciting the Burdah, Dhikr and poetry in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Seal of the Saints, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA), the Shaykh and those with him were led into a long, rectangular room. Shaykh Hassan was given a seat of honor on one of two elegant chairs.


When Khalifah Sayyidi al-Hajj Muhammad bin Sayyidi Mahmud al-Tijani entered the room, the Shaykh rose to greet him. The two men embraced before being seated. Shaykh Hassan’s brother, Omar Cisse, sat at his side, while the son of the Khalifah, Sayyidi Bashir Tijani, stood behind his father, between the two chairs. A younger grandson of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) and the brother of the Khalifah, assumed the role of Shaykh Hassan’s guide to the spiritually historic sites in Ain Madhi.


The first place visited was the old Zawiyah of Shaykh Muhammad al-Habib, the eldest son of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA). At the rear of the Zawiyah, a door led to his tomb. Shaykh Hassan and his companions, along with some Tijanis from Mauritania, Italy and Columbia, were led inside. The tomb of Shaykh Muhammad al-Habib displayed elevated, wooden decorations, while the other, smaller tombs around it were covered with granite. The Shaykh and everyone with him offered prayers for Shaykh Muhammad al-Habib.


The occupants of many of the smaller tombs were identified and the stories of their lives were narrated to Shaykh Hassan. Then, their guide pointed to several bowls that had been used by Shaykh Muhammad al-Habib that are kept on the top of the roof to preserve them. On the right hand side of the Zawiyah were the tombs of both male and female descendants of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani(RA).


From the Zawiyah, Shaykh Hassan Cisse and his entourage were taken to the family home of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA). Outside the house, Shaykh Hassan was shown the path on which he (RA) walked to and from the mosque every day. Within the compound, a large gate and long passageway that wound past a number of stone buildings led to a very old door, over which a tablet was inscribed in Arabic, “Masqat Ra’s Sayyidi Ahmad al-Tijani”, i.e., the birthplace of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA).
What happened next was another reason that this was, indeed, an historic occasion. The room in which Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) was born had not been opened to visitors for many years. Most recently, none of the many Tijani delegates to the Conference in Laghouat who had traveled to Ain Madhi to visit the site had been granted the privilege of entering the room. Yet, on November 25, 2006, a grandson of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) opened the room for the grandson of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA), and Shaykh Hassan Cisse and everyone who accompanied him entered it. Alhamdulillah. 
  Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA), and his grandson, Shaykh Hassan Cisse
Shaykh Hassan Cisse, with Imam Fakhruddin Owaisi & others
@SmileBak Global Emporium (Pristine Sufism Production)

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