By: Shaykh Fakhruddin Owaisi (Lecturer, IPSA and Chairman of Sunni Ulama
The Tariqah Tijaniyyah is among the Spiritual Schools
in Islam that facilitate for a seeking Muslim to: come together with other
Muslims and make Dhikr, purify one’s self under the guidance of a
qualified spiritual master, and to draw closer to Allah. All of this is
encouraged by the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is for this reason that countless great
scholars and Imams followed the Sufi path throughout the centuries.
During the first century, “personal spiritual
guidance” was provided to the Sahabah by the Prophet (SAW) himself, as the
Qur’an confirms “Wa Yuzakkihim” and “Yukhrijuhum min al-zulumat”,
which mean that he (SAW) “Purifies them and takes them out of Darkness”.
We also know that the Prophet (SAW) personally taught different Sahabah
different Adhkar to recite at different times. Thereafter, masters from
the Sahabah provided this “personal spiritual guidance” to groups of the Tabi’in.
Thereafter, groups of spiritual seekers started to name themselves after their
respective spiritual masters, e.g. students of Shaykh Abd-al-Qadir al-Jilani were
known as “Qadiris”, those of Imam al-Shadhili as “Shadhilis”, those of Shaykh
Muinuddin Chishti as “Chishtis”. This was no different from students of Fiqh
masters calling themselves “Shafi’i’s”, “Hanafis”, “Malikis” after Imam Shafi’i,
Imam Abu-Hanifah, Imam Malik…etc.
The Tijani Tariqah (method) is named after the great
North African Maliki scholar and Friend of Allah, Shaykh Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani, a
descendant of the Prophet (SAW), who was born in Algeria in 1737 and passed
away in Morocco in 1815. Shaykh al-Tijani memorized the Qur’an, Sahih
al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, al-Muwatta and various books of
Fiqh in his village. He gave his first Fatwa at the age of 15. Thereafter,
he travelled to seek knowledge in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Hijaz. Scholars
everywhere acknowledged his wide knowledge of Fiqh, Tafsir and Hadith (as
evident from his writings as well). He even taught at the 3 great Islamic
Universities of the time, the Qarawiyyin in Fez, Zaytuna in Tunis and al-Azhar
in Egypt. Indeed, his name is included in the biographies of the great Ulama of
the Maliki Madh-hab.
After completing his Shariah studies, he concentrated
on spiritual growth and met many great Awliya of the time and benefited
from them and their Tariqahs. He was then initiated in the Khalwati Tariqah, by
the same Masters who initiated Shaykh Yusuf of Macassar! However, his spiritual
thirst was not quenched and he went into seclusion in a village in the Sahara
desert, making Dhikr-Allah and Salawat on Rasul-Allah (SAW). It
is there, in the year 1784 that he was honored with a vision of the Spirit of
the Prophet (SAW) while awake. In this vision, the Prophet (SAW) instructed
Shaykh al-Tijani to leave all the different Tariqah dhikrs he was
practicing and recite only Istighfar, Salawat, and La Ilaha illa
Allah, at least 100 times daily. He was promised that by sincerely
practicing this, he will achieve the highest levels of servanthood to Allah.
It should be noted that this recital, called the Wird,
was nothing new to the Deen, rather the Quran and Sunnah are filled with
instructions for the Ummah to abundantly recite Istighfar, Salawat, and
La Ilaha illa Allah. Shaykh Ahmad Tijani was simply instructed by the
Prophet (SAW) to revive the practice of these Adhkar in the Ummah. And
he revived it indeed, as thousands of people started to take this Wird
from him as its benefits became apparent. The Shaykh then appointed Muqaddams
(representatives) from different places to initiate people in this Path, which
became known as the Tariqah Tijaniyyah. The conditions for entering the Tariqah
were to: Perform the Five Salahs on time (and in congregation as much as
possible), to honor one’s parents, to recite the above-mentioned Muhammadan Adhkar
on a daily basis morning and evening (as the Quran and Sunnah recommend), to
not to recite with them Adhkar from other Tariqahs (as no need remained
for that) and to focus on one’s own spiritual guide and not seek guidance from
various teachers at the same time, thereby confusing one’s self.
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