Alaykum dear fellow lovers of the Awliya,
Someone from
Indonesia had recently asked me to reply to the following accusation:
is a writer called Ihsan-Ilahi Zahir who condemned the Tariqah Tijaniyyah in
one of his books, and said that the Tijanis were supporters of the French
Invasion of Muslim lands, and also that it was impossible to see the Prophet
(SAW) after his passing on".
I share here
the answer I gave to him, for everyone's benefit:
Wa Alaykum
as-Salam dear brother in the holy Tijani Path,
May Allah
increase you in the Love for Allah (SWT), Rasul (SAW), and the Shaykh al-Tijani
Ihsan Ilahi
Zaheer is a famous Pakistani wahhabi author, well-known for slandering the
Awliya-Allah. His books are full of lies and nonsensical claims. He was killed
in bomb blast next to the Tomb of the great Wali Sayyid Ali Hujweri (RA) after
claiming that "Ali Hujweri is a dead man who cannot do nothing to
Do not give
much importance to his books that are sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
As far as the
Tijaniyyah and the French are concerned. Well, Sayyidina Shaykh Ahmad Tijani
(RA) never met any Frenchman. He passed away in 1815 in Morocco, and the French
only came to Algeria in 1830!
At that time,
Sayyidina's son and Khalifah, Sidi Muhammad al-Habib (RA) supported the
anti-French Jihad of the famous Amir Abd-al-Qadir al-Jaza'iri, with funds,
supplies, and ammunition.
Another great
supporter of Amir Abd-al-Qadir till the end was Sidi al-Tahir Bu-Tibah (RA) of
Tilimsan, a prominent Muqaddam of Sayyidina Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA).
Secret French
spies in the army of Amir Abd-al-Qadir also played in a role in making these
two Muslim leaders disagree.
In any case,
differences between Amir Abd-al-Qadir and Sidi al-Habib were resolved later in
life, but after much damage had been done. Amir Abd-al-Qadir even sent gifts to
Sidi al-Habib which are preserved till today in the Zawiyah of Ayn Madi.
After the
French conquest of Algeria was complete, they invited all big Islamic leaders,
including Sidi al-Habib, to come and join them in a celebratory function in the
When Sidi
al-Habib recieved this Invite, he became worried as he did not want to attend,
but was also aware of the consequences of not attending. Therefore, he made a
big Dua after the Wazifah that Allah must take him up before seeing the face of
a kafir.
he passed away just a day before the function!
This story
was narrated to Sidi Sukayrij by Sidi al-Abdalawi who was there in Ayn Madi
when this happend.
Also note
that the Prophet (SAW) promised Marifah Kubra to the sons of the Qutb al-Maktum
This was in
North Africa.
In West
Africa, the great Tijani Khalifah and Qutb al-Haj Umar al-Futi (RA) also fought
the French intruders till his martyrdom. After him, his sons and grandsons
continued fighting the French until their Tijani Islamic Kingdom was finally
destroyed in 1893. After that they fought the British, who defeated them in
1902, after which many of them migrated to Sudan and the Hijaz, rather than
live under non-Muslim rule.
In Senegal,
al-Haj Abd-Allahi Niyass (RA) also participated in the Jihads and was exiled by
the colonialists.
In Indonesia,
the great Tijani Muqaddam Kyai Badruzzaman (RA) played an important role in the
freedom war against the Dutch imperialists.
Do also note,
that even after the non-Muslim occupations of these countries were complete,
the Tijani Shaykhs continued to spread Islam and preserve its teachings amongst
the subjected people.
So this was
just a brief account of the matter. One may write books on the topic.
The enemies
of Taswwuf are spreading many lies about the People of Allah. We must not
believe them.
However, they
forget that their own wahhabi-salafi scholars like Bin-Baz and Uthaymin were
the ones to support the Saudi King in allowing the American Army to set up
permanent bases in the holy land of Arabia. This was a real bid'ah (innovation),
because the Prophet (SAW) had expelled all kafirs from the Arabian Peninsula,
and they were not allowed for 1400 years. But now the wahhabis have welcomed
them. Their fatwas in support of this are well-known. The wahhabi-salafis must
look at their own tainted and highly suspicious history before judging the
As far as
meeting the Prophet (SAW) in Wakefulness is concerned. It is a spiritual
experience and has nothing to do with this material world of perception. It is
similar to a person seeing a dream with his eyes open. One's perception enters
into the world of Souls.
The fortunate
Wali will see him (SAW) in a gathering while others in the same gathering will
This is in
the same manner as how the Prophet (SAW) used to see Jibril (AS) and the Angels
while the Sahabah sitting next to him will not. He met all the Anbiya in
Jerusalem on the night of the Mi'raj in the same manner.
Imam Bukhari
narrates that the Prophet (SAW) said:
sees me has seen me truly, for the shaytan cannot take my shape".
Those who don't
understand the spiritual world should keep quiet about it rather than argue
like little children.
We pray that
Allah opens their eyes.
Servant of
the Tijani Door,
Owaisi al-Tijani
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