Thursday, 5 August 2021



As-Salam Alaykum dear beloved ones,


Its our new year now!


Allahu Akbar! Kull Aam wa Antum bi-Khayr!


Its 1442 years since the blessed Prophet (SAW) established the first Muslim community in al-Madina al-Munawwarah...and the Ummah is growing stronger and stronger everywhere....none can stop the Flood of Islam!


Let us all be part of it!


The 1st of Muharram is also significant of for because it was on the 1st of Muharram, 16 years ago (1426), that I received the Ijazah of Taqdim from my only Master and Mentor, the Shaykh of his Age, Imam al-Faydah al-Qutb al-Akbar Imam Hassan Ali Cisse (RA).


It was in Dakar, in Shaykh's house, and I was asking his permission to return to South Africa after a few weeks of Tarbiyah and Suhbah. Then, without any request of mine (i talked little to him), he asked me (in Arabic):


"Did we give you the Ijazah?"


I said:


"No Shaykh."


He said:


"Ok. BismiLlah, we give you Ijazah in this Tariqah Tijaniyyah."


Then he called for his beloved (Pakistani) companion Sabir and asked him to bring the printed Ijazah. Then he asked my full name and wrote it on the printed Ijazah, signed it and prayed for me.


He also discussed with me some matters of Tarbiyah and Secrets of God that can never be written on paper.


He prayed on my Subhah, and said (in Arabic):


"With special permission of Rasul-Allah (SAW)".


I left after kissing his hands and getting his Dua.


Al-HumduliLlah! Being appointed Muqaddam in the Tariqah of the Seal of the Saints is a massive responsibility.


This, added with the burdens of the Divine Faydah, I always seek forgiveness for failing in my duties in this regards.


When one reads the Adab of Muqaddams mentioned by Imamuna al-Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA) and Sahib al-Faydah Shaykh Ibrahim Abd-Allah (RA), one realizes that one is a failure in this regards.


The Muqaddam is not the boss of the disciples but their servant. He is not automatically the Best of them, but is justifiably expected to be that! Hasbuna Allah!


But Allah is Merciful and so are our Masters. So we try our best and ask God to overlook the weaknesses.


At the end of the past year and beginning of this new Year, I thank Allah for making me a Muslim....a follower of the Final Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who said to his Ummah:


أنتم توفون سبعين أمة أنتم خيرها و أكرمها على الله عز وجل


"You are the culmination of 70 Nations (before you), and you are the best of them and most honored in the eyes of Allah"


(Narrated by Imam Ahmad and al-Tirmidhi)



I also thank Allah for connecting me to His Beloved (SAW) through his Closest Door, and most Beloved Son Mawlana al-Qutb al-Maktum wa 'l-Khatam al-Muhammadi al-Ma'lum, the Seal and Provider of all the Saints forever, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) who was told by the Prophet (SAW) in broad daylight:


انت من الأمنين و من احبك من الأمنين


"You are from the safe ones and all those who love you are from the safe ones".


(Narrated by Sidi al-Sufyani in al-Ifadah al-Ahmadiyyah)



I am also grateful to Allah for connecting me to the Ahmadi Tijani Presence through its Greatest Door and Apparent Floodgate, Mawlana Shaykh-al-Islam wa Ghawth al-Anam al-Haj Ibrahim Abd-Allah Niasse (RA), the one who said:


حملت سر خاتم الولاية

جمعت بين الذوق والدارية


ففاض مني سره فلا احد

يقصدني ما عرف الله الصمد


أوجدني حقا لجبر الكسر

فإنني وكيل سر السر


I carried the Secret of the Seal of the Saints (Ahmad al-Tijani)

I combined in me both the Experiential Knowledge and the Rational One


Then from me overflowed His Secret, so there is no one…

Who follows me and does not Know Allah, the Self-Sufficient


Indeed, He Created Me to bridge the Gap (between God and His Creation)

For, I am the Vice-regent of the Secret of the Secret


(From the Shaykh's work Nafahat al-Malik al-Ghaniy)



Ibrahim, the Carrier of the Secrets of Ahmad (RA) and Muhammad (SAW) who said:


ظفرنا بسر قبلنا  ليس  يحفظ

و بحر رسول الله بالسر يلفظ


I attained a Secret not known before me!

But the Ocean of the Messenger of Allah overflowed with the Secret!


(From the Shaykh's al-Dawawin al-Sitt)



The Ultimate Master of Tarbiyah who said about himself:


و العبد قد أوتي عين العلم

و جاءه الإذن بدون وهم


And the 'Abd was granted the Essence of all Knowledge

And received the Idhn (Divine Permission for Guidance) without Doubt


(From the Shaykh's work Nafahat al-Malik al-Ghaniy)



Sidi Barhama Niasse who said:


و افتح علينا ما لم تفتح لخليفة من خلفاء الشيخ التجاني قط


And open for Me (O Allah) what you did not open for any Khalifah of the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) ever


(From the Shaykh's Prayers entitled Kanz al-Awliya)



The Bringer of the one and only Tijani Faydah who said:


و تورثنا سر الختم التجاني و سر جميع خلفائه


And make me inherit the Secret of the Seal al-Shaykh al-Tijani

and the Secret of all his Successors!


(From the Shaykh's Prayers entitled Kanz al-Awliya)



The Khalifah of God on earth who said:


اللهم أكمل لنا الخلافة عنك في الدين و الدنيا ظاهرا و باطنا

و اعطنا فيها ما لم تعط خليفة قط من خاتم الأولياء إلى أخر تجليات الدهور


O Allah, I ask You with all Your Names

that You Complete and Perfect for me Your Divine Khilafah

in the Din and the Dunya, in the Zahir and the Batin

and Grant me in that, what You did not Grant to any Khalifah

from the Seal of the Saints till the final manifestations of Time


(From the Shaykh's Prayers entitled Kanz al-Awliya)



Al-Hajj Ibrahim Niasse, the lover of the Prophet (SAW), who took us back to him (SAW), by saying:


و  إني  محب  شاعر  خادم  له

على حضرة الهادي فؤادي مطوف


فمنه أتاني العلم و الفيض و الهدى

و قد فقت في العرفان من كان يعرف


And I am but a lover, poet, and servant of him (SAW)

My heart revolves around his Guiding Presence only


Indeed, from him (SAW), I received the Knowledge (Ilm), the Flood (Fayd), and the Guidance (Huda)

And Indeed, I surpassed in Ma'rifah all those who knew before me


(From the Shaykh's al-Dawawin al-Sitt)



Fakhruddin says: Allahu Akbar! O Allah we have failed to realize and appreciate what You have granted us and shown us! O Allah forgive our disrespect and accept our little thanks!


May Allah also reward my Shaykh Imam Hassan Cisse (RA) who connected us to these Hadarat! He was the greatest key to that in our age. He was as the Gambian Poet wrote for him:


سبط  الخليل  أيا  خيرة  الناس

ورثت ما كان في كوس و فاس


Grandson of the Khalil (Ibrahim), O Best of People

Indeed you inherited what was in Kosi (the Faydah) and what was in Fasi (the Tariqah)


May Allah reward him the Best on behalf of all the Hadarat! And keep us together forever! Ameen.


Reply to this message with the words "AMEEN" if your heart said it.



Your servant in the Ahmadi Muhammadi Ibrahimi Tijani

Fakhruddin Cisse

P.S: Attached is a copy of the Ijazah with the blessed handwriting of Shaykh Hassan (RA), dated 1/1/1426
























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• Majmūat ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse [Content (8 Diwans): Dawāwīn as-Sitt (Six Anthologies), Dīwān Sayr al-Qalb & Nūr al-Haq] (Arabic text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

• Qasida al-Hamziyya (Panegyric which contains the Biography & History of Prophet Muammad) by Shaykh Muhammad Būsayrī [Translation & Commentary by Ibrahim Jafaru] - Arabic & English

• Dalāil al-khairāt wa Shuwāriq al-Anwār fī Dhikr as-Salāalā-n Nabiyy al-Mukhtār (The Indices of Virtues and the Brilliant Burst of Sunshine in the Invocation of Allahs Blessing on the Chosen Prophet) by Imām Sulaiman Jazūlī [Arabic text, English Translation, Transliteration by Alhaji Marooph Raji]

...and many more Sūfī Texts and Handbooks. 👇🏼👇🏼

• Section A: English Only [1 to 17]

• Section B: English & Arabic [18 to 33]

• Section C: Arabic Only [34 to 78]



1. Who is this Shaikh “Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kaolacky” [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

2. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

3. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

4. New Life Through Sufism (An Introductory Approach to Sufism) [by Shaikh Zikrullah Okukayode Yekeen]

5. Pure Hearted (Al Qalb as-Salīm) [by Balogun Babatunde (Ubaidullah Alli)]

6. Handbook for every Tijaniyyat [by Shaikh Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi]

7. Practical Guide on the Wird(Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent Handbook)-(Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

8. In the Meadows of Tafsir for the Noble Quran (Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qurān al-Karīm) by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī) - English Translation[1 Volume]

9. Durratu Tāj (The Crown Jewel and Fundamental Needs of the Murid, Regarding the Essentials of the Rules & Requirements of the Tariqa Tijaniyyah Spiritual Path): A Concise Instructional Handbook/Pamphlet), by Abdul-Karīm ibn al-Arabī [Translated by Shaikh Hassan Cisse & Alhaji Lawal]

10. Facts about Sufism (by Sayyid Ismaheel Abdulrauf)

11. Jawāhir al-Maānī wa Bulūgh al-Amānī fī Fayd Sīdi Abī-l Abbās at-Tijānī (Jewels of Meanings and the Attainment of Aspirations in the Spiritual Flood of Abu l Abbas Tijānī) by Sīdī Aliyyu Harāzim Berrada -English Translation [Vol 1]

12. The Qualities and Uses of Zamzam Water (A Scientific & Islamic Exploration) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

13. Who is Shaykh Jamiu Bulala (by Ustaz Olanipekun Shittu Tunde)

14. Mukhtārāt min Mu'alafāt al-Fudiyāwiyūn [Selected Writings of the Fodios (Shaykh Usman, Abdullah & Muhammad Bello)] - 11 Vols (English)

15. Understanding the Concept of Will-Making in Islam (Fee Manzoori-l-Islam) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

16. Shaykh Ahmad Tijani and his Spiritual Path

17. Sayyida Fatima Zahara (The Rose)




18. Majmūat ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse (Arabic text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq]

19. Al-Yaaqutatul Fareeda Fii Tariqatul Tijaniyyah (The Unique Ruby in the Tijaniya Spiritual Path), by Sheikh Muhammad Nazifi (R.A)...Translated by Sayyidi Jafaru Ibrahim

20. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega (Hausa-Ajami text & English translation [by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq] 

21. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference -(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

22. Mawlud lectures of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass(Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

23. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" - (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)

24. Al-khususiyyah Fi Mujadid Tariqah Tijaniyyah (The Distinguished Miracles of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass), Compiled & Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq

25. Epistle to the World [The Translation of Ayyuha-l-Walad (Dear Beloved Son)] by Imam Abu Hameed Al-Ghazaali....Translated by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

26. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - (Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)

27. Softcopy of Numerous Sufi Literature (Arabic & English) - (To be sent via CD & email/googledrive)

28. Kano Conferences by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse

29. Shaykh Inyass’ Special Prayers

30. Rūh al-Adab (Spirit of Excellent Ethics) by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse [Translated by Abdul-Quadir Okeneye]

31. At-Taiseer (Simplification): The Means of Attaining Purification Through Poetry with Allaah's Most Beautiful Names, By Shaykh El-Hajj Malick Sy [same translator]

32. Qasida al-Hamziyya (Panegyric which contains the Biography & History of Prophet Muammad) by Shaykh Muhammad Būsayrī [Translation & Commentary by Ibrahim Jafaru] - Arabic & English

33. Sufism “The Orthodox Path” (At-Tasawwuf “Minhāj al-Qawīm) [Arabic text & English translations ], by Oseni Aliu Olalekan




34. Dalāilu l Khayrāt - Collection of prayers upon the Prophet

a) in Plain Arabic and Warsh script (by Shaikh Sulaiman Jazūlī) – Arabic

b) in Hafs Arabic (small size)

c) in Hafs Arabic (big size)

35. Kanzul Masūn - Collections of Prayers/Supplications (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic

36. Dawāwīn as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) on Prophetic Eulogy (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic

37. Ahzāb wa Awrād (Collection of Prayers/Liturgies and Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad at-Tijani - Arabic

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41. Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qurān al-Karīm (In the Meadows of Tafsir/Exegesis for the Noble Quran) - by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī)
Arabic [6 Volumes]

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45. Sa’ādat al-Anām bi Aqwāl Shaykh al-Islām

46. Al-Budūr as-Sutai: Sharh al-Murhafati-l qutai (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

47. Tabsirat al-Anām fī anna-l Ilma Huwa-l Imām (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

48. Kanzul Awliyā fī Tawassuli bi-Aazam al-Asmā (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

49. Raf’u-l Malāaman rafaa wa qabada iqtidā bi-Sayyid al-Anām (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

50. Nujūm al-Hudā fī kawni Nabiyyinā afdala man daā ilā llahi wa hadā (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

51. Ziyādat al-Jawāhir min yawāqīt al-fāzin durari hikamin fī funūulūm (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

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54. Tanbīhu-l adhkiyā fī kawn Ash-Shaykh At-Tijānī Khātim al-Awliyyā (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

55. Dīwān Sayr al-Qalb bi-Madh al-Mustafā al-hibb ilā Hadrat Ar-Rabb (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

56. Majmū Rihlāt Ash-Shaykh Ibrāhīm [Ar-Rihlat al-Hijaziyya al-ūlā, Nayl al-Mafāz al-awd ilā-l Hijāz, Ar-Rihlat al-Kanāriyya wal Kumāshiyya, Ar-Rihlat al-Kunākriyya] (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

57. Jawāhir ar-Rasāil al-hāwī baad al-ulūm wasīlat al-wasāil (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

58. Tafsīr al-Jalālayni [by Jalāludeen al-Mahālī & Jalāludeen as-Suyūtī]

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63. Ghāyatul Amānī fī Sīrat Sīdī Ahmad At-Tijānī [Compiled by Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Mada’ū Thānī]

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• Natā'ij al-Asfār fī-s Salāt 'alā-n Nabiyy al-Mukhtār (by Shaykh Ahmad Abū-l Fat'h al-Yarwāwī)

• Teebul Fā'ihi Wal Wirdu-s Sā'ihi fī Salātul Fātih (by Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wāhid an-Nazeefī)

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