Thursday 5 August 2021


أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين


اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد الفاتح لما أغلق والخاتم لما سبق ناصر الحق بالحق والهادي ألى صراطك المستقيم وعلى آله حق قدره ومقداره العظيم

As-Salam Alaykum Sidi,


I feel sorry for this brother. Rather than spend his time in spiritual growth and Tarbiyah under a master of this Holy Tariqah, he is wasting his time in attacking fellow Tijanis and causing disunity and disruption, and stopping them from Tarbiyah (which can only benefit them).


May Allah remove this big test from him, from you and from all of us. Amen.


First he said, “there are no Shaykhs in this Tariqah”, as you mentioned.


Now that he we have shown many proofs that there are “SHAYKHS” in this Tariqah, he changes his tune and says, “but there is no Shaykh Murrabi in this Tariqah”.


Such a claim is false and a great insult to Sayyidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA). It means that in 200 years, our Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) and his blessed Tariqah have failed to produce any Shaykh Murabbi (a Shaykh who can spiritually train you)!!!!


I have already emailed you my detailed message in which I quoted the Shaykh himself (RA) and many great Tijani Shaykhs (from Morocco and not Senegal as they hate Senegal), about the presence of MANY Shaykhs of Tarbiyah in this Tariqah.


This brother is quoting Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) that “Sayyidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) is the Only Shaykh Murabbi in this Tariqah.”


What he doesn’t understand is that Shaykh Ibrahim (RA)’s statement is speaking about the BATIN, not the ZAHIR.


In the Zahir, Shaykh Ibrahim himself used to administer Tarbiyah to thousands!


But, we all agree that in the Batin, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) is the Guiding Master of this Tariqah….on behalf of Sayyidna Rasul-Allah (SAW) of course. No one denies that.


However, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) and his Tarbiyah is manifested throughout the ages through the great Living Murabbi Shaykhs of this Tariqah. This is a fact.


This is proven by the same quotation of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) that is being used now to attack the Way of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and all his successors!!!


 Here is the quote in Arabic (and I attach that whole letter from the Jawahir as well):


فالملقن يرى أن الشيخ لقن بواسطته فيقوم الآخد عنه مريدا للشيخ لا مريدا للملقن , و يربى بواسطة المقدم فالمربى هو الشيخ أحمد التجانى رضى الله عنه و المريد حر فى نفسه ينبغى له أن يزور كل أحباب الشيخ و خلفائه و يستفيد منهم و يفيد . فأهل الطريقة إخوان و الشيخ واحد رضى الله عنه - و سر التربية عندنا هو ضمان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم و ذلك الضمان بالتزام الأوراد اللازمة و الوظيفة و للمريد أن ينظر إلى المقدم بعين الشيخ رضي الله عنه إجلالاً للشيخ و لا سيما للخلفاء و لا سيما ذرية الشيخ فهم هو و هو هم


جواهر الرسائل ص:48


It seems like this brother did not read or understand this blessed statement. Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) clearly says that:


فالمربى هو الشيخ أحمد التجانى رضى الله عنه


“The Murabbi is Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA)”


 But also explains clearly:


و يربى بواسطة المقدم


“And he gives Tarbiyah (training) through the Muqaddam”


So the first statement explains the Hidden Batin reality, and the second statement makes clear the Outward Zahir reality.


The first statement also means that all Murabbi Shaykh’s in this Tariqah are nothing but the Shaykh Sidi Ahmad Tijani (RA) himself, so understand!!!


These men hold the rank of “Khalifah” of Shaykh al-Tijani (RA). The Qutb al-Haj Umar Tal (RA) mentions the following points in the Holy Rimah that:


 -         all Tijani murids must obey their Muqaddams


-         that if a greater Muqaddam comes, then the first Muqaddam must submit to him with all his followers


-         that all Muqaddams must obey a Khalifah and be under him


-         that the Khalifah is nothing but the reflection of Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) himself




These Adab are mentioned in numerous books of the Tariqah. Check them.


Indeed, the late 19th century Algerian Arif-bi’Llah Sidi Mahmud Ibn al-Matmatiyyah (RA) wrote about the Khalifah Sidi Ali al-Tamasini (RA) in his Ghara’ib al-Barahin:


“And our Imam al-Tijani and his supreme Khalifah are one thing here. For the son is the copy of the father, as the people of Knowledge state. Therefore, attachment to that great Khalifah is exactly the attachment to this great Imam.”


That is why when we were with al-Qutb al-Kabir Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA), we saw him as nothing but Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) himself….coming to guide us.


When, millions of people submitted to Mawlana Sahib al-Faydah (RA), they saw nothing but Rasul-Allah (SAW) and Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) manifesting to guide them.


The renowned Tijani Saint and Murabbi of Libya, Arif-BiLlah Sidi Esa (RA) wrote:


تعوذت بالرحمن من كل مبعدن

عن الشيخ ابراهيم فوزي وبغيتي


وما البرهمي الا التجاني نفسه

شئت او كنت اهل نكرتي


I seek the refuge of Allah from every person that

Tries to distance me from Shaykh Ibrahim, my success and my desire


For Barham is nothing but (Ahmad) al-Tijani himself

Whether you believe me or not!


 Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) himself wrote:


: يقول الشيخ إبراهيم رضي الله عنه


من رآني والشيخ التجاني رضي الله عنه إثنان فإن لديه مشكلة في الرؤية


“He who has seen me and Shaykh al-Tijani as two has not seen properly”.



He also wrote in the his Diwan (which I advise the brother to read and try to understand):


Mahaqat Dhatu ’sh-Shaykhi Dhati

Wa Awsafun Lahu Awsafi, fa-Kulli Adimu


Fa-Tabadda ’l-Qutbu ’l-Faridu Arahu

Ayna Ayni! Wa Dhaka Haqqun Samimu


The Being of the Shaykh (al-Tijani) has annihilated my being, And His Characteristics

Have annihilated my characteristics, so my whole being is finished!


So, the Unique Qutb (i.e. Sidi Ahmad) manifested (in me), I see him

As the Essence of my own being! And this is the Plain truth


This also answers the ignoramus who claims, “we will follow Shaykh al-Tijani and not Shaykh Ibrahim”, as if they are two different ways!!!


What such people don’t realize is that whatever the Khalifah of the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) does is what the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) himself wants to happen!


Therefore, following the Khalifah, and particularly the Bringer of the Grand Faydah, is nothing but following the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA).


And disobeying them is disobeying the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA). So woe unto the disobedient ones.


Mawlana al-Sharif Muhammad al-Mishri (RA) wrote in his Diwan:


وحق أبى إسحاق في كل مشهد

وماحاز من إرث المقام المحمدى


ومن راش سهما نحوه فهو رائش

إلى الله حقا والنبيّ وأحمد


I swear by the Reality of Abi-Ishaq (Shaykh Ibrahim) in every Station (of Ma’rifah)

And by what he inherited of the Muhmmadan Maqam


Whoever shoots an arrow at him ( i.e. Shaykh Ibrahim), has indeed shot his arrow

At Allah (SWT), the Rasul (SAW) and Ahmad al-Tijani (RA)


The great Men of Tarbiyah will remain in this Tariqah till the end of times. Those who fight them will only harm themselves. May Allah protect us. Amen,


The Moroccan Master Sidi al-Arabi bin al-Sa’ih (RA) wrote about the Qutb Sidi Ali al-Tamasini (RA) in the blessed Bughyat al-Mustafid (p.249-250.):


حامل راية التربية والترقية بهذه الطريقة


“The carrier of the Banner of Tarbiyah and Tarqiyah through this Tariqah”




“And after the passing away of the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA), the signs of Great Opening (Fat’h) appeared on him and he stood up to lead the Tarbiyah in the Tariqah”




“And what I have described him of (being capable) of Tarbiyah was mentioned by more than one of the Men of Insight”


Now hear what Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij (RA) himself says.


 Shaykh Sukayrij (RA) openly calls the Qutb al-Haj Umar al-Futi (RA) in his Kashf al-Hijab (p.265.):


مربي المريدين


”The Training Guide of the Seekers”


Note, how he specifically uses the term “Murabbi”!!!


Sidna Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Tijani (RA) of Egypt writes about the amazing Mauritanian Tijani Master al-Qutb Sidi Muhammad bin al-Mukhtar al-Shinqiti (RA) in his History of the Tariqah in Egypt (p.25):


تربي على يده كثير


“Numerous (seekers) completed their Tarbiyah under his hands”


Note also, that every Muqaddam in the Tariqah could give the Holy Wird, but Sidi al-Arabi bin al-Sa’ih (RA), Shaykh Sukayrij (RA) and Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz (RA) are specifically mentioning the Algerian Sidi al-Tamasini (RA), Senegalese Shaykh Umar al-Futi (RA) and the Mauritanian Sidi al-Mukhtar (RA) as Men of Tarbiyah!




Indeed, the Wird is the basis for all of us. However Allah gives special Permission of Tarbiyah and opens up special Doors of Ma’rifah through certain Masters in our Tariqah (such as the above).


One must find and submit to these Men of Allah. Our Guide Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA) said in the Jawahir al-Ma’ani:


"ومن لم يطلب الفتح من أبوابه طرد ولم ينتفع بأسبابه"


“Whoever does not seek the Fat’h (Opening of Ma’rifah) from it Doors, will only be rejected and will not benefit from his means (i.e. Dhikrs)”


There are numerous extra Dhikrs in our Tariqah (الأوراد الاختيارية). The noble Shaykhs in our Tariqah may prescribe any of these for the murid to move forward in his journey to Allah, in addition to the daily Awrad Lazimah (الأوراد اللازمة) that don’t take more than an hour to perform.


Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) would prescribe the Salat-ul-Fatih for seekers of extra Tarbiyah and he (RA) guaranteed the Ma’rifah of Allah to those who submitted to him and the Tijani Faydah.


He (RA) writes:


كفيت صحابي في الطريق عناءا

فكلهم    بالجذب    نال    مناءا


وأشكر ربي ليس سري عاقراً

فأصغر  أتباعي   أنيل   فناءا


ولم يكن للأقطاب قبلي مثل ما

لذا العبد من فيض يروق سناءا


I have sufficed my disciples from all difficulties in the Path (to Allah)

For all of them will gain their Desire (of Ma’rifah) by Jadhb (the Divine Pull)!


And I thank Allah that my Secret is not sterile (i.e. unproductive)

For even the smallest of my disciples has been granted the Annihilation (in Allah)


And indeed, even the Qutbs before me did not attain

The Bright and Shining Faydah that this Slave attained


And furthermore:


وصول جميـع الماسكيـن بحبليـا

تحققـه  مـن  لـم  يكـذب  بربيـا


وجوبي فياف في المعارف لم تـرم

فقد قصر الأقطاب عن درك شأويـا


وما قلت قولي شاطحـاً متبجحـاً

وما مسنـي سكـر يغيـب عقليـا


وما قلـت هـذا دون إذن وإننـي

لأكتـم سـراً لا يبـاح لغيـريـا


All those who hold on to my rope arrive (in the Presence of Allah)

This is apparent to anyone who does not deny Allah


And indeed I have traversed into fields of Ma’arif not entered by anyone!

Indeed, even the Qutbs have fallen short of comprehending my Attainment!


And I do not make this statement of mine in Ecstasy or in Vanity

neither have I been afflicted by a Spiritual Intoxication that removed my mind


Indeed, I did not make this (above) statement without Permission

And indeed, I hide a Secret that cannot be revealed to none but me



Mawlana Shaykh-al-Islam (RA) also writes:


طويت و سهلت الطريق إلى الحق

لكل مريد الوصل للحق بالحق


طويت علوم العارفين بأسرها

بشمي ريا المصطفى صاحب الصدق


Indeed, I have rolled up and made easy the Path to the Haqq (Allah)

For every seeker who desires to reach God through God


Indeed, I have folded (i.e. combined in me) the Knowledges of all the Arifs

Because I smelt the Fragrance of the Mustafa, the Truthful One (SAW)


حملت سر خاتم الولاية

جمعت بين الذوق والدارية


ففاض مني سره فلا احد

يقصدني ما عرف الله الصمد


سواء الذكران والنسوان

سواء الصعلوك و السلطان


اوجدني حقا لجبر الكسر

فانني وكيل سر السر


I carried the Secret of the Seal of the Saints (Ahmad al-Tijani)

I combined in me both the Experiential Knowledge and the Rational One


Then from me overflowed His Secret, so there is no one…

Who follows me and does not Know Allah, the Self-Sufficient


Whether they be Males or Females

Whether they be servants or King (i.e. they will all know Allah)


Indeed, He Created Me to bridge the Gap (between God and His Creation)

For, I am the Vice-regent of the Secret of the Secret


Sayyidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) warned us severely in the Jawahir al-Ma’ani to not to deny the words of a (established) Wali. He ordered us to believe them:


:قال شيخنا رضي الله عنه كما في جواهر المعاني"


"فعليك يا اخي بالتصديق والتسليم لهذه الطائفة


The goal of this Path is attaining the Ma’rifah of Allah (SWT), the absolute knowledge of Allah. It is not dreams and visions. Even the vision of Rasul-Allah (SAW) is not the goal of the Path, but rather a Gift.


A mere reading of Jawahir al-Ma’ani will make this obvious. Throughout the book, Sayyidna Shaykh (RA) basically divides the people of this world into two categories/types:


Not those who see the Prophet (SAW) and those who don’t. But rather: Those who witness Allah (al-Arif) and those who are still veiled (al-Mahjub).


In one place in the Jawahir, the Shaykh (RA) calls the non-Arifs as semi-humans.


The Khalifah Sidi Ali Harazim (RA) says describing the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) in the Jawahir al-Ma’ani (Part 1):


“All his actions, sayings, statements and indications


would only be about Fana (annihilation) in Allah and total absorption in Him


with discarding of all other than Him, and about


witnessing His Attributes, Names, Greatness, Majesty, Beauty and Grace.


That would be his (i.e. Shaykh al-Tijani’s) continuous concern and slogan.”


This answers those ignoramuses (from inside and outside the Tariqah) who are claiming that the Tariqah Tijaniyyah gives little importance to Fana and Ma’rifah BiLlah!


They try to attack Mawlana Sahib al-Faydah (RA) and his Way but end up attacking Mawlana Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) himself, for it is only one Way.


Nevertheless, these jealous attacks on the Tarbiyah and the Faydah only increase our Iman and dedication to our leaders and is a sign of their Truth. Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote in the Kashif al-Ilbas (which he printed in Morocco!) that:


قال لي الشيخ الهمام والعارف الأمام السيد عبد الله بن الحاج العلوي


تأتي الفيضة على يدك حقيقة لا مجازا ، وعلى يد غيرك من كل من يدّعيها مجازا ، وترى من الحسد ما لم ير أحد قبلك


“The great Shaykh and Arif al-Imam al-Sayyid Abd-Allah bin al-Haj al-Alawi told me:

The Faydah will appear on your hands for certain and in Reality and on the hands of anyone else who claims it, metaphorically/deputised only. And you shall see from Jealousy that none before you has ever seen”


In conclusion my brother; attacking the Tarbiyah is attacking all the above-mentioned masters. It is attacking Giants of Islam, Sufism and Tijaniyyah such as Shaykh Ibrahm Niasse (RA) and Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA).


If they were not “real Tijanis” then nobody is.




Servant of the Tijani Door, 

Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani

























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8. In the Meadows of Tafsir for the Noble Quran (Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qurān al-Karīm) by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī) - English Translation[1 Volume]

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10. Facts about Sufism (by Sayyid Ismaheel Abdulrauf)

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13. Who is Shaykh Jamiu Bulala (by Ustaz Olanipekun Shittu Tunde)

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15. Understanding the Concept of Will-Making in Islam (Fee Manzoori-l-Islam) by Abdul-Quadir Adeniyi Okeneye

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31. At-Taiseer (Simplification): The Means of Attaining Purification Through Poetry with Allaah's Most Beautiful Names, By Shaykh El-Hajj Malick Sy [same translator]

32. Qasida al-Hamziyya (Panegyric which contains the Biography & History of Prophet Muammad) by Shaykh Muhammad Būsayrī [Translation & Commentary by Ibrahim Jafaru] - Arabic & English

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40. Jawāhir al-Maānī wa Bulūgh al-Amānī fī Fayd Sīdi Abī-l Abbās at-Tijānī (Jewels of Meanings and the Attainment of Aspirations in the Spiritual Flood of Abu l Abbas Tijānī) by Sīdī Aliyyu Harāzim Berrada - Arabic [Single Vol 1/2]

41. Fī Riyādh at-Tafsīr lil Qurān al-Karīm (In the Meadows of Tafsir/Exegesis for the Noble Quran) - by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Jayjubi at-Tijānī)
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42. Kāshif al-Ilbās (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic

43. Fatihu Rabānī fīmā yahtāju ilayhi l Murīd at-Tijānī, by Muhammad ibn Abdullah at-Tijānī

44. Al-Fuyūdāt ar-Rabāniyyah fī Maāthar wal Awrād al-Qādiriyyah, by Sayyid al-Hajj ibn Sayyid Muhammad Sa’eed al-Qādirī

45. Sa’ādat al-Anām bi Aqwāl Shaykh al-Islām

46. Al-Budūr as-Sutai: Sharh al-Murhafati-l qutai (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

47. Tabsirat al-Anām fī anna-l Ilma Huwa-l Imām (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

48. Kanzul Awliyā fī Tawassuli bi-Aazam al-Asmā (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

49. Raf’u-l Malāaman rafaa wa qabada iqtidā bi-Sayyid al-Anām (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

50. Nujūm al-Hudā fī kawni Nabiyyinā afdala man daā ilā llahi wa hadā (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse)

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• Ahzāb wa Awrād (Collection of Prayers/Liturgies and Litanies) of Shaykh Ahmad at-Tijani

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