Thursday, 23 February 2017



Salam alaykum sidi.

There are people who claim they are descendants of great Tijani Shaykhs like Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and demand hadiyas from the talibes. They also threaten you if you dont submit to them and their desires. 

They also expect all talibes to treat them like the Shaykh al-Murshid just because they are the "family of Shaykh". What's worse is that some of these people dont even follow the rules of Shariah or Tariqah.

This is causing lots of confusion and even making some brothers leave the Tariqah.

What do you suggest?

Thank You


Wa Alaykum As-Salam Sidi,

This is the Path of Allah, the Path of purity and sincerity....the false people will automatically be exposed by Allah.

Sincere seekers will recognize them and carry on to the True guides.

Insincere "seekers" will remain attached to false claimants, or worse, abandon their seeking altogether.

Lineage means very little in spiritual mentorship.

Shaykhuna Ibrahim Niasse (RA) said:

لا ينال ما عندنا بالإنتساب بل بالإكتساب

"What we have is not gained by attributing yourself to us, but by hard earning"

No one automatically becoms a "Shaykh" just because he is the grandson of a a saint or even a Prophet.

The holy Qur'an reminds us that the son of Prophet Nuh (AS) drowned in the flood due to his disobedience of his Father, and his Father was not even allowed to pray for him or even "call him a son"!!!

Indeed, when a particular descendant of Shaykhuna Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani (RA) was being used to fight theFaydah and its bringer (RA),  Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote clearly to his followers:

الطريقة محمدية لا هرقلية

"The Tariqah is Muhammadan, not Roman"

i.e. its is not a dynastic empire ruled by one family, like the Romans had.

On the other hand, Muhammad (SAW)'s Khalifahs were not his sons.

He (RA) then wrote:

فالطريقة شيء و أولاد الشيخ شيء و الشيخ لم يمت حتى ترك خلفاء عليها و  أولاد صلبه حضور و ما لقنهم و ما قدمهم

"For the Tariqah is one thing and the Children of the Shaykh are another thing. Even the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) did not die until he appointed Khalifahs, while his children were alive, and he did not give them the Tariqah nor make them Muqaddams "

فنحن نكرمهم لأجل محبة الشيخ و لا تدخل لهم في أمر الطريقة

We honor the Shurafa for the love of the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA), but they do not have an (automatic) say in the affairs of the Tariqah (i.e. cant change itrules)”

فالطريقة أصلها الدين الحنيف و العلماء هم الورثة فيه

"The Tariqah is based on the Din al-Hanif (pure way) and is therefore inherited by those who are learned in it"

Then he writes:

نحن نتحقق أننا باب الشيخ و لو كانت له ذرية ترابية

"And we are SURE that WE are the Door of the Shaykh (RA), even if the biological descendants of the Shaykh (RA) are there"

I say: If this is what Baye (RA) said about the honorable Sharifian descendants of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) whom he and we all love, then what about his own descendants???

You think he will be happy if they use the Tariqah for their Hawa and Ego?!


Baye is angry with such people, even if they are his own family members. Baye is beyond families. He is the Abd-Allah. He only loves and hates for Allah.

Both Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) and Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) have hundreds of descendants.

We love and respect thier descendants, but cannot let anyone of them misguide us or abuse us. We cant follow all of them as well.

Al-Humdulillahmost of them are good pious people of course, but there are always the "fallen angels". 

Only Prophets (Anbiya) are infallible and sinless!

As for us ormal talibes, we have to continue practicing and preaching the Tariqah as is it:

- A Way of Purification, Love and Dhikr of God & His Prophet (SAW), based on Shari'ah.

We may give Hadya to whom we love and honor, but none can demand that from us.

Those who demand it, dont deserve it.

For genuine guidance and reference in the Tariqah today, Shaykh Tijani Cisse & Shaykh Mahy Cisse are good enough for all brothers worldwide, especially those connected to Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA). There are decent and sincere Muqaddams everywhere also.

May Allah keep us steadfast on the Tariq; away from false claimants, and attached to the True Inheritors...Ameen.

your brother in the service of the Ahmadi Muhammadi Ibrahimi Faydah

fakhruddin Cisse

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