{At the International Forum of the Followers of the
Tijaniyya Order, held in Fez, Morocco, 14th Jamadi al-Thaniyya 1428/30th June
Although the South African delegation did not have
any slot for speaking at the conference, Shaykh Hassan Cisse insisted that I
say a few words on behalf of the South African Tijanis. On the final day of the
Forum, he wrote a personal note to the Moroccan Minister, requesting him to
“allow Imam Fakhruddin to address the forum on behalf of the 20-strong South
African delegation”. I had not prepared any speech, as I had no expectation of
speaking. Therefore I addressed the audience with whatever Allah inspired at
that moment, with the spiritual assistance of Shaykh Hassan. Al-Humduli’Llah,
the few words that Allah inspired through our Shaykh, were extremely well
received by the forum, with a lot of applause throughout the address. I asked
Shaykh Hassan about the speech afterwards. He said, “Ma-Sha-Allah, it was very
good. You said everything!”
The Lecture was delivered in Arabic. What follows is the English
All praise is due to Allah!
May the blessing and salutations of Allah be upon
the best of His creation, our Master Muhammad and his Family, Companions and
all beloved ones.
O Allah! Send Your Divine Blessings on our master
The Opener of that which is closed and the Seal of
all that was before him.
The Supporter of the Truth by the Truth, and the
Guide to Your Straight Path.
And on his Family, according to his exalted Status
and Value.
And may Allah be pleased with our Imam and Door of
approach to Him,
the Hidden Qutb, the Muhammadan Seal of Sainthood,
Sayyidi Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Tijani,
may we continue drinking from his ocean.
And may Allah be pleased with his most honorable Khalifah,
the Bringer of his Faydah that he predicted about to his companions,
Mawlana Shaykh-al-Islam wa Ghawth al-Anam al-Hajj Ibrahim Niass al-Kawlakhi.
And may Allah be pleased with all the Khalifahs of the Shaykh,
and Allah is a witness that we love them all!
Thereafter, I greet you all on behalf of the South African delegation.
Indeed, we have come from the southern most tip of this African
continent to the city of Fez, only to Ziyarah Mawlana al-Shaykh al-Tijani (R.A.).
We have not come here as Shaykhs and Muqaddams, but as servants of the Door of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani. Our Shaykh has
taught us that Adab is a must.
Shaykh Ibrahim Niass had said in his poem Ruh-ul-Adab:
Show Adab, Show Adab O seeker (of
For it is the key (of success) for every seeker
Before anything, we would like to express the sincerest of gratitude to
his Majesty, the Sultan and son of Sultan, Amir-ul-Mu’minin, Mawlay Muhammad the 6th, son of the late Mawlay al-Hassan the 2nd, may Allah preserve him and protect him, and give him
victory through the spiritual
assistance of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (R.A.).
We express our gratitude to him and his government, especially the
minister of Islamic affairs, Sidi Tawfiq, for fulfilling our long lost desire
of visiting Fez.
And may Allah reward them abundantly for gathering together these
shining faces, these Pious men, Saints and Qutbs. Surely, we will pray for you now and always.
Thereafter I wish to thank Allah Most High, for blessing us with
entering the Tariqah of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (R.A.); and we in South Africa
consider that Allah’s greatest blessing upon us, after the blessing of Islam.
Indeed, the Tariqah of Shaykh al-Tijani, is heavenly before being
earthly. It does not know colors or nations or races. It is Muhammadan Tariqah, emanating from the Universal
Spiritual Reality of Muhammad (SAW).
Yes, it is an Algerian Tariqah, as the Shaykh was born in Algeria, grew
up there and experienced his spiritual Opening there.
But it is also a Moroccan Tariqah as the Shaykh migrated to Morocco and
settled there. He built his Zawiyah there and his final resting place is there.
It is also a Senegalese Tariqah, as the Faydah of the Shaykh appeared in Senegal.
And it is also a Nigerian Tariqah as Nigeria has the largest number of
Tijanis in the world.
It is an African Tariqah, and a non-African Tariqah; for here are our brothers from Indonesia, America
and Europe…they have come here to ziyarah the Shaykh and they are not Africans.
It is a North African Tariqah, and it is a South African Tariqah!!!
The truth is that it is a Tariqah that does not recognize any borders or
geographies…because it has emerged from the Universal Reality of Muhammad
We request everyone to pray for the further spread and strengthening of
this Tariqah in our land. The Tariqah entered our country about ten years ago
and spread to all its provinces.
Al-Hamduli’Llah, the number of disciples and Zawiyahs is on an increase in our country.
The Shaykh who brought this Tariqah to our land and who is our door to
Shaykh al-Tijani (RA); is our Master, the Knower of Allah, Imam Hassan Cisse,
the Chief-Imam of the Mosque and Medina of Shaykh-al-Islam Ibrahima Niyass
Here, we especially want to thank him for connecting us to the Way of
Shaykh al-Tijani.
We have nothing more to say other than this. We thank you all, and
request you all to pray for us!
Servant of the Tijani Door,
Dalā’ilu l Khayrāt - Collection of prayers upon the Prophet “in Plain Arabic and Warsh script” (by Shaikh Sulaiman Jazūlī) - Arabic
Kanzul Masūn - Collections of Prayers/Supplications (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic
Dawāwīn as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) on Prophetic Eulogy (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic
Ahzāb wa Awrād (Collection of Prayers/Liturgies and Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad at-Tijani - Arabic
Dalā’ilu l Khayrāt - Collection of prayers upon the Prophet “in Plain Arabic and Warsh script” (by Shaikh Sulaiman Jazūlī) - Arabic
Kanzul Masūn - Collections of Prayers/Supplications (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic
Dawāwīn as-Sitt (Six Anthologies) on Prophetic Eulogy (by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse) - Arabic
Ahzāb wa Awrād (Collection of Prayers/Liturgies and Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad at-Tijani - Arabic
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1. Majmū’at ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse’ (English translation) - Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq
2.Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega (Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3.Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions(Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4.The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Tahniat (Congratulatory Ode) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass - (Translation
& Transliteration of Majmuu' Qasaid al-Mawlid of Baye) - (Translated by Sayyid AbdulQadri Okeneye)
6. Handbook for every Tijaniyyat (by Shaikh As-Sufi)
8. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" - (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razaq Solagberu)
9. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
10. Softcopy of Numerous Sufi Literature (Arabic & English) - (To be sent via CD & email/googledrive)
12. Sayyida Fatimat Zahara (The Rose): The Beloved Daughter of the Holy Prophet (SAW) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
13. Sheikh Ahmad Tijani and his Spiritual Path (Tariqat) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
14.Special Prayers from Kanzul Masun- (Translated by Sayyid AbdulQadri Okeneye)
15.Facts about Sufism by Ismaheel Abdulrauf
16. Who is Shaykh Jamiu Bulala (by Ustaz Olanipekun Shittu Tunde)
17. Mawlud lectures of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
18. Practical Guide on the Wird(Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent Handbook) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
19. Hizbu Sayfi & Hizbul Mughni (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
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1. Majmū’at ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse’ (English translation) - Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq
2.Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega (Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3.Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions(Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4.The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Translated by Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Tahniat (Congratulatory Ode) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass - (Translation
& Transliteration of Majmuu' Qasaid al-Mawlid of Baye) - (Translated by Sayyid AbdulQadri Okeneye)
6. Handbook for every Tijaniyyat (by Shaikh As-Sufi)
8. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" - (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razaq Solagberu)
9. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
10. Softcopy of Numerous Sufi Literature (Arabic & English) - (To be sent via CD & email/googledrive)
12. Sayyida Fatimat Zahara (The Rose): The Beloved Daughter of the Holy Prophet (SAW) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
13. Sheikh Ahmad Tijani and his Spiritual Path (Tariqat) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
14.Special Prayers from Kanzul Masun- (Translated by Sayyid AbdulQadri Okeneye)
15.Facts about Sufism by Ismaheel Abdulrauf
16. Who is Shaykh Jamiu Bulala (by Ustaz Olanipekun Shittu Tunde)
17. Mawlud lectures of Shaikh Ibrahim Niass - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
18. Practical Guide on the Wird(Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent Handbook) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
19. Hizbu Sayfi & Hizbul Mughni (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
20. Hizbul Bahri (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
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