Wednesday, 22 February 2017





As-Salam Alaykum Shaykh,


Do Tijanis believe that the Salat al-Fatih is greater than the Salat al-Ibrahimiyyah?






Wa Alaykum as-Salam,


The Salat al-Ibrahimiyyah is the initial Salat taught by the Prophet (SAW) to the Ummah in the Zahir, where he teaches us that Allah blessed him and his family just as He blessed Ibrahim (AS) and his family.


The Salat al-Fatih however, was taught by the Prophet (SAW) to the Shaykh al-Tijani, in the Batin, teaching us that Allah has blessed him according to his OWN status and value (which is greater than that of Nabi Ibrahim).


So the Ibrahimiyyah is the minimum Salat and the Fatihiyyah is the maximum.


Nevertheless, all Sufis believe in honoring the Zahir over the Batin, as Allah has put it that way.


Therefore, we DO NOT say that the Salat al-Fatih is greater than the Salat al-Ibrahimiyyah, as the latter was taught by the Prophet (SAW) to the whole Ummah in broad daylight.


Note also that the speciality of Salat al-Fatih is something that is only realized by a Nur that Allah puts in the hearts.




Servant of the Tijani Door


Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani





Salamu alaikum ya sidi,


Hope this message reaches you in the best of states.


There is a brother that is interested in the Tijani tariqa, he however has an issue with the salatul fatih not existing during the time of Rasulullahi SAW and that he has been told it is bid'a.


He also has an issue of thinking we are venerating our shaikhs too much. He is however open minded and willing to learn more.


Please do you have any prior articles or research on the defence of tasawwuf as they would be of tremendous help not only to him, but to others that i interact with that have been unknowingly tainted by reading wahabi books.


May Allah increase you in knowledge and service to the tariqa.


Thank you.


Ma asalaam.




Wa Alaykum As-Salam Sidi,


Ramadan Kareem!


The fact that Salat-al-Fatih was not mentioned in the Ahadith doesnt make any difference at all. There is nothing that says we can only recite the Salawat mentioned in the Ahadith.


Allah (SWT)'s  Divine order to us to make Salawat i.e. (Sallu Alayhi) is unrestricted. No one has the right to restrict it to one method only if the Prophet (SAW) himself did not.


What the Prophet (SAW) gave the ummah was the basic formulae of Salat ala an-Nabi, i.e. to say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa Aali Muhammad.


In other words, these are basic minimum (not maximum) "ingredients" of the Salawat.


There is nothing wrong in building upon this "basic skeleton".


The proof is that the Prophet (SAW) himself added words to this basic salawat in many narrations.


The Sahabah also used to add many words to this, as narrated in the books of Hadith.


Therefore, to call it a bid'ah is ignorance as bid'ah is only those innovated matters that contradict the Shari'ah. TheSalat-al-Fatih does not contradict the Shari'ah in any way.


In fact, most of the Salat-al-Fatih is narrated from Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (RA) himself as narrated by Imam Ibn-Kathir in his famous Tafsir, when discussing the Ayah of Salawat in Surat al-Ahzab. This was also narrated from Imam Ali (RA) by Imam al-Tabarani, Ibn-Abi-Shaybah and Sa'id bin Mansur, all great men of Hadith from more than a thousand years ago.


See also:


This confirms what Mawlana Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA) mentions in the Jawahir al-Ma'ani that the Prophet (SAW) was aware of the Salat-al-Fatih during his physical lifetime, but did not reveal it publicly as it was not yet its time.


Its the same as many other Duas, Salawat and voluntary (not obligatory) instructions given by the Prophet (SAW) in dreams and visions to the fortunate ones in this Ummah; for he (SAW) himself confirmed in the Sahih Hadith narrated Bukhari that he (SAW) will surely appear in the dreams and visions of his Ummah. If not to teach them, then for what?


Anyways, a Muslim is free to believe in the visions of the Awliya-Allah and benefit from them or not believe in them and leave them. Its a personal choice and one cannot be forced or condemned either way. Take it or leave it!


Al-HumduliLlah! We have chosen to believe in the vision of Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani (RA) and that he (RA) indeed recieved the Salat-al-Fatih from the Prophet (SAW). We have seen its veracity and power, and no one can force us to disbelieve it, even if their heart doesn't accept it. We don't condemn you so you don't condemn us. We all believe in one Islam.


As for honoring our Shaykhs. It is part of the Shari'ah to "honor our elders".


The Sahabah used to kiss the Prophet (SAW)'s hands and feet and honor even his leftover relics, water, clothes, utensils, grave...etc.


The Tabi'in would do it with the Sahabah.


However, the issue of honoring a Shaykh is a personal one, based on ones personal feeling for the Shaykh. We cannot force anyone to honor or not to honor a Shaykh.


A Muslim is free to honor any Alim or Shaykh he wants to, as long as he does not contradict the Shari'ah. We must not condemn a person for honoring a particular Shaykh just because we do not know the status of that Shaykh.


Perhaps, that Shaykh is carrying some divine Secret of Allah that one person knows and others dont.


We can only condemn a person if they do something against the Shari'ah.


There are countless articles on the web in defense of Sufism and in refutation of Wahhabism-Salafism, on all topics. Just do a good search.




Servant of the Tijani Door


Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani





Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuh


Wa Alaykum As-Salam  wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuh wa Ridah


Could you please clarify something for me? I am just trying to understand. When we talk about Salat al-Fatih being a Divine Emanation, what do we mean?


I know that also many have said that this Salat is from Kalam Allahi al-Qadeem. In this case, what is the distinction between the Salat al-Fatih and the Qur’an, both being "Kalam Allahi al-Qadeem"? And couldn't someone then say that this constitutes being further revelation?




The Kalam Allah al-Qadim is not only the Holy Qur’an. All the holy books are also from the Eternal Speech. The Qur’an is only that which was meant to be the Qur’an.


The Salat-ul-Fatih is obviously not part of the Exalted Qur'an not equal to it in status. This has been stated again and again by our Tijani Ulama.


However, as I stated previously   (and confirmed by Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij in one of his letters), the wordings of Salat al-Fatih reflect  the eternal meanings of Allah Most High’s Salutation to the Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyyah. The Qur’an confirms that this Salutation is eternal: “Yusallun ala ’n-Nabi.”


The Salat-ul-Fatih as we recite it contains all the meanings of that Salutation, from the Hadrat al-Itlaq to Hadrat al-Taqyid, from Infinity to the Finite…from Ahad to Ahmad.


It is the opening of all Existence…al-Fatih lima Ughliq….and its end too…Miqdarihi’ l-Azim.


As for the Arabic words of the Salat-ul-Fatih, they are of the Divine Inspiration called “Ilham”, which is possible for theAwliya to receive.


Does not the authentic Hadith state that an unnamed Sahabi was inspired a certain Dua that the Prophet (SAW) said upon hearing it:


“He prayed to Allah with His Greatest Name”!!!


Is the case of these words similar to the distinction made between the Qur’an and the words of the Ahadith al-Qudsiyya?


Kind of but not totally, as the Ahadith al-Qudsiyyah are not narrated via dreams and visions of the Awliya. Accepting the latter is based on one’s own conviction. We Tijanis accept that statements of our Shaykh to be true. His Wilayahhas been confirmed by non-Tijani Scholars too, and a Wali cannot lie.


Is there particular wisdom in the Salat al-Fatih having not been revealed to us from our Prophet (Sall Allahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) during his lifetime amongst the Sahabah, but rather in the later generations?


This very question was asked by a murid to our Shaykh Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani (RA)!


The gist of his answer as I recall it from the Jawahir al-Ma’ani was that the special merits and rewards of Salat-al-Fatih were not meant for the time of the Sahabah as they did not need it. It was the people of the latter days of immense corruption that needed a powerful Salat like it, for the effacement of sins and raising of Maqams. However, the Prophet (SAW) always knew of it.


The same may be said of something like the Hizb al-Bahr or any other Dua or instruction the Awliya received from the Prophet (SAW) after his passing on. Great scholars like al-Shatibi, al-Nawawi, and even Ibn-Taymiyyah confirmed the occurrence of such things.


I hope you'll forgive my irreverence in these questions, but I am only asking so that a shaykh of our Tariqa may set my heart at ease.


Asking is never a problem, as long as it is done with a positive and humble attitude. I am your brother in the Tariqah, not a shaykh. I will help where I can. May Allah grant us ease of heart with all matters of the Shari’ah, Tariqah and Haqiqah. It is a great gift indeed!


Barak Allahu Fikum




Servant of the Tijani Door


Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani





Salam Alaykum Sidi,


Why is it that members of other turuq claim that the tijanis are wrong since tijanis believe that the Salatul Fatih is more powerful even than recitation of Qur'an? While we as Tijanis understand our obligation to recite wird and wazifah everyday, surely we also understand the importance of continous recitation of Qur'an. Surely then, these people from other turuq are mislead?


Secondly: the members of other turuq claim, as per the article that Tijani's think that they are above all other turuq. Our leaders have taught us to aspire to being like the Sheikhs, and to emulate, in every way, our beloved Propeht SAW. Without being conceited, is it acceptable to claim that Tijani's are above other Turuq.


Third question: I have heard via a person outside of Tariqah that they have heard from someone within the Tariqah, that some Tijani sheikhs do find it acceptable for us to visit the Tombs or shrines or other Sheikhs, not out of reverence or for any other benefit, but to show respect for these Sheikhs, if one happens to be travelling by that area. Is this true? WE must be sure that someone is not giving us misinformation or misguiding us since the conditions for taking the tariqah were made quite clear to us.






Wa Alaykum As-Salam habibi,


1) Tijanis dont believe that Salat al-Fatih is greater then the Holy Qur'an. That is a lie. The Holy Qur'an is most imporant. However, we do believe that reciting Salawat on the Prophet (SAW) has more Thawab than reciting the Holy Qur'an, as the latter is Allah's message to us, while the former is Allah's Salutation to His Prophet, and it precedes the Revelation of the Holy Qur'an.


The Hadith states that the reward for reciting the Holy Qur'an is 10 Thawab for each letter, but the reward for making Salat ala 'n-Nabi is that Allah Himself sends 10 Salawat on you!


Know that we do not recite the Holy Qur'an for reward primarily but for guidance, and thats why Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA encouraged his followers to recite the Holy Qur'an daily. Thats why Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (RA) made all his numerous children Huffaz! Thats why Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA) established so many Qur'an schools all over the World.


2) Yes, we do believe (like followers of other Tariqahs also) that our Tijani Path is superior to all paths. This is because it is the closest Path from and to Rasul-Allah (SAW). However, that is our personal belief and we dont force anyone to believe that or make it a condition for entering Jannah. Saying the Kalimah is enough for that. However Ma'rifah is something else.


Our belief is like the Muslim belief that Islam is superior to all religions. It is a matter of fact and not about arrogance and boasting. Conceit is Haram in the spiritual path.


Know also that while the Tijani Path is superior to all Paths, the Tijani murid must not claim anything for himself as he can never be sure of his standing in Allah's eyes. Am I sure that I am really counted as a Tijani? Am I sure that I will die as a Tijani? Our Tijani Shaykhs stated that the murid must consider himself to be the lowest of God's Creation. Humility is the Door.


3) Yes, it is allowed for a Tijani to greet a Wali (or any Muslim) if he passes by thier grave. However, this must only be when nessecary. It is very dangerous for a Tijani to visit the Tombs of the non-Tijani Awliya, lest he fall into the spiritually prohibited act of asking them for Help or seeking their Barakah. For this reason, our Shaykhs discouraged ANY visiting at all.


Its different if you find yourself there due to circumstances beyond your control (eg. a tour guide takes your group there). However you should NOT go there on your own. It removes you from the Tariqah. The Murid must not turn to anyone but Allah (SWT), the Rasul (SAW), the Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) or the one who represents him. Anything beyond finishes your journey. 


As for the Awliya-Allah outside of our path, a Tijani must not even read their books, nor must he attend their spiritual disocourses, or be eager to hear their "revelations and "predictions", or mix with their murids (other than for common Islamic or family purposes), not in reallife or online!


This Path is very serious. With very serious conditions, and with very serious consequences.


May Allah keep us steadfast bi-Jah Rasul-Allah (SAW) wa Sirrihi wa Sirri Sirrihi...Amen.


Servant of the Tijani Door


Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani





1. What is the difference between Syeikh Bakri's Shalah Fatih and Syaikh Tijani's one?

2. What are the two Salahs exactly same in redaction and in its fadhila?

3. What is Syeikh Bakri an Ikhwan of Tijani or not?

4. Can we ad the mention of the Sahabah in it by saying “Wa Sahbihi”?Thank you very much.



 Wa Alaykum As-Salam,


There is only one Salat al-Fatih for us Tijanis. It was given originally to Shaykh al-Bakri (RA) in a plate of Nur by the Holy Ka’bah, after he spent many years asking Allah to show him the Greatest Salawat on the Nabi (SAW). He was aQutb from the Bakri Tariqah and a direct descendant of the Sayyidna Abu-Bakr al-Siddiq (RA). He died long before Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA)


Originally, Sidna Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) used to recite it with the Bakri-Khalwati Ijazah.


Then it was given directly by the Prophet (SAW) to Sidna Shaykh al-Tijani (RA).


There is no difference in the Fadilah (Virtue) of the Words.

 The difference is in the Idhn (Permission) to recite it. The Supreme Fadilah in reciting it is when you recite it with the Permission of a Tijani Shaykh.

There are 3 levels in that also (al-Martabah al-Zahirah, al-Batinah, Batinat al-Batinah), which point to the 3 Maratiband Mazahir of the Mawlana Rasul-Allah (SAW).


As for non-Tijanis, they have many variables of the Salat al-Fatih. The Scholar of Medina, Shaykh Alfa Hashim (RA) mentions four versions in his al-Ajwibah al-Hashimiyyah.

There is even a version narrated from Imam Ali bin Abi-Talib (RA). I have read tat even Sayydina Abu-Bakr al-Siddiq (RA) and Shaykh Abd-ul-Qadir al-Jilani (RA) used to recite it.

However, the version that we Tijanis recite is a reflection of the Eternal Salat of Allah (though not included in the HolyQur’an), therefore, we must stick to it and not add or delete anything from it.

In fact, one of the strict conditions for a person benefiting from the Salat al-Fatih is to believe that it is not the words of any man but a Divine Emanation.

It is mentioned in the Tijani primer Bughyat al-Mustafid that:

و  فضلها  يحصل  مع  شرطين

من ذاك إذن الشيخ دون مين


ثم  إعتقاد أنها  قد  برزت

من حضرة الغيب لمن له سرت


And its (Complete) Merit is gained by two conditions

To have the Permission of the (Tijani) Shaykh (to recite it)

And to believe that it emanated

To him from the Divine Presence


So the Salat-ul-Fatih as we recite it was given directly by the Prophet (SAW) to Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA). Therefore we cannot add to it according to our desires.


The noble Sahabah (RA) were not specifically mentioned in the Salat-ul-Fatih, not because they are not important, but because they are ALREADY included in the words (Wa Alihi).


You see the words "Wa Alihi" means "and his Family." In the spiritual sense, this includes all the Sahabah, the Awliya and the entire Ummah in we are all "his Family".


The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said:


أنا جد كل تقي

"I am the grandfather of every pious person"


I hope this makes it clear.

A Tijani will only benefit from the blessed Salat-ul-Fatih (or any other Dhikr) if he recites it the way he received it from his Shaykh.


So let us recite it:


اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد الفاتح لما أغلق

والخاتم لما سبق ناصر الحق بالحق

والهادي إلى صراطك المستقيم

وعلى آله حقّ قدره ومقداره العظيم




Servant of the Tijani Door

Fakhruddin Owaisi al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi



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