As-Salam Alaykum,
The other day some peopleshowed me a text
authored by Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller about the Spiritual Lineage (silsila) in
Sufism. Here is the link:
What Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller says, is that
there are two kinds of silsilas, one authentic and the other inauthentic. The
first, called muttasila, is the one that goes back to the Prophet (SAWS)
through living Masters that have transmitted the Tariqa in front of witnesses
or by written documents. The second one, called munqati, is the one that comes
from a dead Master or from the Prophet (SAWS) and is considered inauthentic.
So they asked me if Shaykh Nuh could be
referring to the Tariqa Tijaniyya, as it would have a silsila munqatiaccording
to this definition.
Please elaborate.
Wa Alaykum As-Salam WRB Sidi al-habib,
Sh Nuh praises al-Haj Umar al-Futi and Shaykh
Ali al-Daqar (two great Tijani Shaykhs) in his Reliance of the Traveller. So I
don't think he is attacking our Tariqah.
I think he is just mentioning a general rule of
Sufism which is true, with certain exceptions of course.
Imam al-Suyuti mentions in his Ta'yid al-Haqiqah
al-Aliyyah wa Tashyid al-Tariqah al-Shadhiliyyah that there were Awliya who
took directly from the Rasul (SAW) and said: "We have no Shaykh but
Furthermore, what Sh Nuh is referring to is men
who never had ANY SHAYKH or any training/authorization from anyone, and simply
started claiming Wilayah and Shaykh-hood (like many "new-age Sufis"
in the West nowadays).
Shaykhuna al-Khatm al-Tijani (RA) himself warned
of such men and stated that whoever claims Shaykh-hood without permission will
die on Kufr.
Note that Shaykhuna al-Khatm al-Tijani (RA) is
NOT from this category at all.
He made suluk in many Turuq and received
complete Ijazah and Idhn from his masters to guide Allah's Creation. He even
initiated some men in the Khalwati Tariqah (like Sidi al-Mishri and Sidi Ali
Harazim if I am not mistaken).
So he didn't just come out of nowhere. He was
already an authorized Shaykh Murabbi in Sufism when he met Sayyid al-Wujud
Muhammad (SAW). The Jawahir al-Ma'ani mentions his whole sanad in the Khalwati
Path, as well as thebisharahs of his own Shaykhs that he will supersede them.
What he received afterwards from Sayyid al-Wujud
(SAW) was the EXTRA he was seeking for and was meant for him eternally. And
there is nothing wrong in seeking MORE.
Sh Nuh himself writes in that article:
"Because some of
our sheikhs’ path was not completed without having met two or more sheikhs, we
have noted whom they took as a second sheikh in numbered footnotes, as best we
knew, and so [have also detailed in sub-footnotes the chains of those in the
main footnotes who joined between two or more preceding spiritual lines] back
to the beginning."
So its clear. Everyone had a right to progress
in their suluk.
Imam al-Shadhili himself used to say:
"Previously I had one Shaykh only, Now I have eight: 4 in Heaven and 4 on
Earth (and he then named the 4 Angels and the 4 Khulafa)".
So as you cane see, Imam al-Shadhili progressed
from his this-worldly Shaykh to 8 Barzakhi Shuyukh.
Shaykhuna al-Khatm al-Tijani (RA) also
progressed from his this-worldly Shaykh Sidi Mahmud al-Kurdi (RA), to Sayyid
al-Wujud Muhammad (SAW). و ذلك فضل الله يؤتيه
من يشاء
Imam al-Shadhili (RA) received the Hizb
al-Bahr from Sayyid al-Wujud Muhammad (SAW), and our Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani
(RA) received the Wird.
Its just that no Wali had the same type of
proximity to Sayyid al-Wujud Muhammad (SAW) as our Shaykh Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani
(RA) as he is his Zill and Khalifah Mutlaq.
Furthermore, the Wilayah of Shaykh al-Tijani
(RA) was acknowledged by his contemporaries and great Moroccan Ulama such as
the Kattanis (fortunately for them). None of them said that he was a
"mudda'i " (false claimant).
In any case, the sheer Spiritual Power and
Miraculous Spread of the Tariqah Tijaniyyah witnessed everywhere, and the
amount of Awliya it produced, is proof enough of its veracity.
ليس يصح في الاذهان شيء
احتاج النهار إلى دليل
Servant of the Tijani Door
Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani
1. It'haful muhtaaj bi tarfat al hajj fi salvation alaa saahibi Shaikh Abubakar Atiku
2. Majmuu' kutubu Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
3. Jaami'u salawaat alaa Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
4. Sullamu l muhibeena ilaa hadrat khairul Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
5. Salat qadaa'i l hawaa' Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
6. Sirrul asraar fii salaat alaa Jaami'u l Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
7. Mataalib al abd fii salaat alaa afdal mash' Seyyid Hussein ibn Ilyas al-harazimi.
8. 'Awaa-idu l barakat fi fawaaidul waraqaat min hadrat Mawlana al-Arif billah Shaykh Aliyyu Harazim
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1. Sayyida Fatimat Zahara (The Rose): The Beloved Daughter of the Holy Prophet (SAW) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
2. Sheikh Ahmad Tijani and his Spiritual Path (Tariqat) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
3.Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's Annual Mawlid Nabiyy Lectures at Senegal - Arabic text & English Translation.
4. Selected Prayer Poems (Qasaa'id) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse from Kanzul Masun - Arabic, Transliteration & English Translation.
5. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
5. Handbook for Every Tijaniyyat - (Compiled by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
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3.Quran....very old (500years old) handwritten manuscript...written in warsh with hausa leather pouch
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6. Fii Riyadh Tafsir of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse (7volumes)
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1. Dala'ilu l khairat of Shaikh Sulaiman Jazuli (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
2. Hizbu Sayfi & Hizbul Mughni (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
3. Hizbul Bahri (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
4. Hizbu Suwar al Manee'hi – ‘Arabic (composed like Hizbu Sayfi)’ (by Shk. Muhammad Gibrima)
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8. Nataa'ij Safar – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
9. Itbaau Tazyeel – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
10. Sirrul Jaleel fii l Khawaas 'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakeel (by Shaikh Abul Hassan Shadhili)
11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
13. Ahzab wa Awrad (Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad Tijani
1. Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
6. Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
7. A Brief Biography of the Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
8. Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" – (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
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