Thursday, 23 February 2017


As-Salam Alaykum,
By the 17th century, Muslims were at peace under the Ottoman Khilafah following the 4 Sunni Madh-habs.... man appeared in the scorching deserts of central Arabia (Najd).
That man was "shaykh" Muhammad bin Abd-al-Wahhab al-Tamimi (1703-1792).
This man, influenced by the fanatical puritanical ideas of Ibn-Taymiyyah and by the inherent harshness of the desert...started a new Sect.
This Sect was called by him and his followers as: "al-Muslimun", then "Ahl al-Tawhid", "al-Wahhabiyyah", "Ahl al-Hadith "and then finally "al-Salafiyyah".
Muhammad bin Abd-al-Wahhab believed that ALL THE MUSLIMS of his time were actually kafirs and mushriks. In other words, they were all apostates (Murtadds)....including all the Ulama of Makkah and Medina, and even the Islamic Khalifah in Turkey.  
He reckoned, by visiting the Tombs of the Prophet (SAW) and the Awliya and seking their Barakah...muslims had reverted to SHIRK and IDOL-WORSHIP.    
He also reckoned that by following the 4 Imams, muslims had abandoned the SUNNAH.
Anyways, he considered everyone but his followers to be Kafir, and therefore declared WAR against the Muslim Khilafah State, forcing everyone to become a Wahhabi-Salafi or be killed.
As soon his evil Fitna started to spread, the Ulama of the Muslims World started to write Fatwas and books refuting his dark takfiri ideology.
We present to you here the earliest refutation of Muhammad bin Abd-al-Wahhab, written while he was still alive. It was authored by a great Alim of the Azhar from Egypt and has words of support from the Muftis of the 4 Madh-habs from MAKKAH AND MEDINA.
Check it out (attached). 

Fakhruddin Owaisial-Tijani al-Madani

(Note that Muhammad bin Abd-al-Wahhab was condemned early by his own teachers as well as father and brother)
السلام عليكم سادتي معاشر أهل السنة و الجماعة
نقدم لكم أقدم رد على أفكار و ضلالات قرن الشيطان و شيخ تكفير أهل الإسلام محمد بن عبد الوهاب التميمي النجدي 
لأحد كبار العلماء المعاصرين له و هو العلامة الأزهري عبدالوهاب بركات الشافعي الطنطاوي رحمه الله
 و قد سمى رسالته ردع الضلالة و قمع الجهالة
و مما يجدر بالذكر بأن الرسالة قرظها أكابر علماء الحرمين الشريفين من ضمنهم مفتي مكة المكرمة و خطيب الحرم المكي الشريف و كذلك السادة مفتي الشافعية و مفتي المالكية و مفتي الحنفية و مفتي الحنابلة بها
و تجدون في الرسالة الملحقة نص الترجمة الإنجليزية أولاً ثم النص العربي من الصفحة 20
فانشروها يرعاكم الله و ينصركم على أهل البدع
و السلام

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