Wednesday, 22 February 2017




Asalaamu alaykum

Hope Shaykh is well inshallah

I have a question regarding the 'spiritual' experiences a person has when taking certain substances like herbs and mushrooms etc is truly from Allah?

The reason I'm asking is that my brother went to a place a few times  where they take mushrooms and other plant substances from the amazon rain forest that is used for healing both physically and spiritually. He said on one incident when he took these substances it made him purge and some black stuff came  out. And when he slept after taking the substances he had deep spiritual experiences where he experienced his deepest fears like dying and how his body became one with the earth and was consumed by the earth. This was his most terrifying experience. He also wanted to see Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Jallaludin Rumi(RA) and was granted vision of both of them. He was able to see things from the perspective of my mom when she had to raise him alone for 5 years after my dad left which made him see how tough it was. This is just some of the things he told me.

He said these experiences gave him a spiritual enlightenment and made him overcome his anger issues since childhood and removed his attachment to this physical world and sees things in a totally different light.

I asked him if these experiences were just things from his subconcious mind. And he said that it wasn't because other people that were with him and took the substances saw some of the same things that he saw. He said that in a few days he was able to get what some people may get after 10 years in spiritual training and that it made him see that all religions are true as there are different ways to the Truth.

What is Shaykh's perspective on these spiritual experiences? Are they truly spiritual experiences? And do they really allow you to connect with Allah and the spiritual world and get this information?



Wa Alaykum As-Salam,
Sorry for the very late reply. I have been traveling overseas.
But to come back to your query.
We need to understand that there is a physical world (of Bodies and Desires) and a spiritual world (of Souls and Angels).
The spiritual world may be unveiled through spiritual exercises, regardless of one's religious persuasion.
So, yes, the experiences you mentioned above are probably true. You brother is a Muslim and he sincerely wanted to see the Prophet (SAW) and was granted that.

However, the experience does not negate the need for a "Way of Life" or "Code of Conduct" that needs to be followed in the physical realm.
This is what we call Shari'ah.
And only the Shar'iah of Islam is valid in the Presence of God as all others have been distorted by man (though essentially valid).

For example, check the book Misquoting Jesus by Bart Ehrman, to see how the Bible we have today is a man-made document.

Therefore, one cannot only rely on experiences of the Spiritual World while not following any Code of Conduct in the physical world. That leads to both spiritual and physical disaster.

Shariah and Haqiqah go together.

The blessed prophet Muhammad (SAW) had a great Spiritual experience with Gabriel (AS), but after that, was inspired the Shari'ah to live by.
One can only please ALLAH by upholding his commandments. Experiencing some of His Manifestation is only a door to that.

Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani

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