As-Salam Alaykum Sidi,
You have stated previously
that a Tijani should not make Tawassul through those saints of the Ahl al-Bayt
who are not Tijani.
However, there is a Qasidah
attributed to the great Tijani Khalifah, Shaykh-al-Islam Ibrahim al-Rayahi (RA)
where he makes tawassul through the 12 Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt, of whom only
the first 3 are Sahabis and the rest are non-Tijani Saints. Here are the
relevant lines from the Qasidah:
توسلت بالصديق خلك و الذي=
مـرارا أتى التنزيل وفق الذي يبدي
و عثمان ذو النورين من حييت
له= ملائك فاستحيت من وجهه الوردي
و حمزة و العباس و الصحب
كلهم= و لا سيـما ءآل خصوصا ذوي ودي
أبـا حسن باب العلوم و من
أتى= بـنوه بـحـورا عذبـها دائـم المد
بهم جئت يا خير الورى
متوسلا= أرى أنني ألححت في مطلبي جهدي
و حاش لهم أني أخيب و فد
أتى= بأسمائهم نظمي فرائد في عقد
أدرت بهم أفلاك أمري كما
ترى= بروجا و لكن كلها مطلع السعد
هم حسن ثم الحسين و نجله=
علي الذي زان العبادة بالزهد
و باقر علم وهو والد جعفر=
أبو الكاظم القرم الهمام بلا جحد
علي الرضى ثم الجواد محمد=
علي التقى و العسكري أبو المهدي
و سيدنا المهدي الذي سوف
تنجلي= به ظلمات الجور و الزيغ عم حد
فها أنا مدل يا كريم بجاههم
=و حاش لهم أني أقابل بالرد
و صلى عليك الله ما أنت
أهله= و سلم تسليما تقدس عن عد
وءآلك و الأصحاب طرا و تابع=
و بعد فذا دلي لجدواك يستجدي
How do you explain this???
Wa Alaykum As-Salam Sidi,
I state again that a Tijani
cannot make Tawassul through any of the noble saints of other Ahl al-Bayt except
those who were Sahabah, or those who are Tijanis. The 12 Imams (or 12 Qutbs to
use the correct right term) are no exception to this rule.
The case of Mawlay Idris (RA)
makes it very clear, for he is from the Hasanid Side what Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq
is from the Husayni Side. i.e. the 4th grandson of the Prophet (SAW). Yet
Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) did NOT allow his murid to greet Mawlay Idris (RA),
who is buried near the Tijani Zawiyah in Fez.
Of course, it goes without
saying, that we MUST love and honor all of them.
Of the 12 Imam (a Shia
concept), we can and should make tawassul through the first three only, as the
first three: our Masters Ali (RA), Hasan (RA) and Husayn (RA) are the Essence
of the Ahl al-Bayt and they are among the Sahabah.
We make tawassul through
Sayyidah Fatimah (AS) as well.
The rest of the Ahl al-Bayt
are their descendants only, and not the essence. As far as we are concerned, we
drink from the Five (Muhammad, Fatimah, Ali, Hasan and Husayn) and then Ahmad
bin Muhammad al-Tijani (RA), who is the complete inheritor of the Wilayah of
Imam Ali (AS).
According to Shaykh Ibrahim
(ra) and most Tijani scholars, the Mahdi will also be a Tijani so we can make
tawassul through him. But we cannot seek any spiritual assistance from the rest
pf the Saints of the Ahl al-Bayt as their status is lesser than that of Khatam
al-Awliya and al-Qutb al-Maktum Sayyiduna Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA)....who is
the whole Ahl al-Bayt in one Dhat. Ali was the beginning and he was the Seal.
Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote
about Shaykhuna al-Tijani (RA) in his al-Sirr al-Akbar referring to this
eternal reality:
ال النبي
جمع أتى في مفرد
The "Family" of the
Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
is a Plural that was
manifested in a Singular (Khatam al-Awliya)
The Maqam of this Tariqah, its
Shaykh and it Men is VERY VERY VERY GREAT, beyond any human comprehension.
Indeed, our Guide Shaykh Ahmad
Tijani (RA) said:
The Prophet (SAW) told me in
"Your companions are my
أصحابك أصحابي
Now, as for the poem
attributed to Shaykh-al-Islam al-Rayahi (RA), I found it in the Tijani Dua
أحزاب وأوراد القطب الرباني
العارف الصمداني
سيدنا ومولانا الشيخ أحمد
رضي الله عنه وعنا به ونفعنا
به آمين
However, my copy of it
(printed by ad-Dar al-Ifriqiyyah of Kano Nigeria) and edited by the great
Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz al-Tijani (RA) of Egypt included only the tawassul by
the Sahabah of the Ahl al-Bayt and did not include the lines in which tawassul
is made by other non-Sahabi non-Tijani Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (RA).
Do note also that that this
poem was written by the Tijani Khalifah of Tunis, Shaykh-al-Islam Ibrahim
al-Rayahi (RA), rector of Zaytuna, before he had taken the Tariqah Tijaniyyah
(read footnote on p.166 of the Azhab).
He wrote the poem as an ending
to his Salat entitled al-Narjasah al-Anbariyyah fi 's-Salat ala Khayr
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz
(RA), who is the compiler of the Ahzab, added this Salat in this Tijani
compilation due to its beauty, but deleted those lines that include tawassul
through non-Sahabah. He explicitly mentions this in the footnote on p.182.
His deletion of those lines
confirm what I stated, for he was an expert on the Rules of the Tariqah.
So the poem as we Tijanis are
supposed to recite it is only:
على باب خير الخلق أوقفني
قصدي= لعلمي بأن المصطفى واسع الرفد
وقد جئت لا علم لي ولا تقـى
=ولكن كل الخبث يا سيدي عندي
فيأمن وجود الكائنات بأسرها=
به أتري غيي و عندكم رشدي
ونفحة جود منك يا أجود الورى =لعمري وجد ما له بعد من
توسلت بالصديق خلك و الذي=
مـرارا أتى التنزيل وفق الذي يبدي
و عثمان ذو النورين من حييت
له= ملائك فاستحيت من وجهه الوردي
و حمزة و العباس و الصحب
كلهم= و لا سيـما ءآل خصوصا ذوي ودي
أبـا حسن باب العلوم و من
أتى= بـنوه بـحـورا عذبـها دائـم المد
بهم جئت يا خير الورى
متوسلا= أرى أنني ألححت في مطلبي جهدي
و حاش لهم أني أخيب و فد
أتى= بأسمائهم نظمي فرائد في عقد
أدرت بهم أفلاك أمري كما
ترى= بروجا و لكن كلها مطلع السعد
هم حسن ثم الحسين و زينب=
شموس الهدي زانوا العبادة بالزهد
1 corrected line and 3 Deleted
فها أنا مدل يا كريم بجاههم
=و حاش لهم أني أقابل بالرد
و صلى عليك الله ما أنت
أهله= و سلم تسليما تقدس عن عد
وءآلك و الأصحاب طرا و تابع=
و بعد فذا دلي لجدواك يستجدي
The following 3 lines were
deleted by Shaykh al-Hafiz (RA) as they have Tawassul by non-Tijani Qutbs:
و باقر علم وهو والد جعفر=
أبو الكاظم القرم الهمام بلا جحد
علي الرضى ثم الجواد محمد=
علي التقى و العسكري أبو المهدي
و سيدنا المهدي الذي سوف
تنجلي= به ظلمات الجور و الزيغ عم حد
The names of the following
non-Sahabi non-Tijani Qutbs of the Ahl al-Bayt were removed by Shaykh al-Hafiz
The Noble ones: Ali Zayn
al-Abidin al-Sajjad (whose name was replaced by that of al-Sayyidah Zaynab bint
Ali, a Sahabiyyah), Muhammad al-Baqir, Ja'far al-Sadiq, Musa al-Kazim, Ali
al-Rida, Muhammad al-Jawwad, Ali al-Taqi, Hasan al-Askari and the Imam
al-Mahdi, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all.
Note that not all the Ulama of
the Tariqah agree that the Mahdi will be a Tijani, for some (like Sidi
Sukayrij) believe that he will only ask the Duas of the Tijanis, but wont take
the Tariqah, and will be guided by Allah independently. This is a weak opinion
though and Shaykh Sukayrij (RA) based it one text only.
Unfortunately, in some copies
and books, this pre-Tijani poem of Shaykh al-Rayahi (RA) is reproduced fully
without the appropriate deletions, therefore causing confusion among Tijani
So, I think the matter is very
clear now.
Shukran for bringing it to my
We say as Mawlana Sahib
al-Faydah (RA) said:
حسبي ببر
حسبي به و
حسبي به
و بطه
حسبي بشيخي التجاني
Sufficient for me is the
Generous and Compassionate One (Allah)
He is Sufficient for me and
Sufficient for me is Him and
Taha (SAW)
Sufficient for me is my Shaykh
al-Tijani (RA)
Duas given and taken,
Servant of the Tijani Door
Fakhruddin bin Ahmad al-Tijani
Feb 28, 2013
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