(On The
Path of Prophet Sallahu Alaihi wa Salam)
via: SoutIlaahi, July 21, 2013.
Imam Fakhruddin Owaisi al-Madani al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi
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Photo: Shaykh
Fakhrudin Owaisi outside the mosque
Following the Sunnah of his masters, the Prophet (SAW) and Shaykh
al-Tijani (RA), Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) also migrated from his hometown due to the
oppression of his jealous enemies and established his Mosque and Zawiyah in a
new place. This new village of Shaykh Ibrahim (in the Kaolack district of
Senegal) was named as ‘Medina’ al-Jadid Maskan al-Qutb al-Farid, i.e. the New
‘Medina’, the Residence of the Unique Qutb.
It is also known as Madinat ash-Shaykh among Arabs, and more popularly,
‘Medina Baye Niyass’ (Shaykh Ibrahim is commonly know as ‘Baye’ in Senegal
which means ‘Our Father’).
Since the appearance of the Great Faydah, Medina-Baye has become the
most active centre of the Tijaniyyah in the entire world. Tens of Thousands of
Tijanis from all over the world are constantly coming there to Ziyarah the
Sahib al-Faydah. Even the Ahfad of Sidina Shaykh al-Tijani (RA) are regularly
visiting there from Algeria and Morocco to show the love and brotherhood.
In fact, during the great Mawlid al-Nabawi Festival (known as ‘Gamou’ in
Senegal), about half a million Tijanis gather there to praise Sayyid-al-Wujud
Nearly everyone in the whole town is a Tijani, and the daily Wazifah in
the great Mosque of Shaykh Ibrahim (also known as the Zawiyat Ahl al-Dhikr)
attracts nearly a Thousand people, including hundreds of ladies. About every
house in the town is represented there.
There are also numerous Awliya-Allah walking around in that holy place.
The Jami al-Ibrahimi is constantly filled with worshippers praying, reciting
their Awrad and pursuing their Tarbiyah.
Indeed, countless Tijani murids have experienced their Fat’h al-Akbar of
the vision of Allah (SWT) in that blessed Mosque. Numerous Ahbab have daily
visions of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) and the Prophet (SAW) there.
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Ibrahim Niasse & Shaykh Muhammad al-Thani Kafanga
The Nigerian Khalifah Shaykh Muhammad al-Thani Kafanga (RA) mentions in
his work Ghayat al-Amani fi Karamat al-Shaykh al-Tijani that once when he
traveled to Medina Kaolack with the Emir of Kano Sidi Muhammad al-Sanusi to
visit the Sahib al-Faydah, the Shaykh welcomed them and told them to stay in
the Grand Ibrahimi Mosque. Later on, when they came from the Mosque to Shaykh
Ibrahim, he asked Emir Sanusi:
“Did you see Shaykhuna Ahmad al-Tijani (i.e. in the Mosque)?”
The great Emir replied: “Yes I did.”
Pictures (below):
Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse & Emir Muhammad Sanusi
We mentioned previously that none other than Sidna Ahmad Sukayrij (RA)
derived the following words from the Ibrahimi Mosque’s date of building (1349):
Ibrahima wa man Dakhalahu Kana Aaminan bi-Hudah”
Station of Ibrahim! And Whoever enters it will be safe though his guidance”
To perform the Salat-al-Fajr in that Mosque with hundreds of dedicated
Tijanis behind the Imam Sayyidina Shaykh Hassan Cisse, is an otherworldly
experience. The Jum’ah there is like ‘Id in other places.
Indeed, the Shaykh al-Azhar of Cairo, Sidi Dr Abd-al-Halim Mahmud stated
after praying in that Mosque:
“I have not experienced such a feeling of ‘Mosqueness’ in any other
Mosque despite praying in countless Mosques worldwide!”
This is not surprising as Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) himself stated about his
City that:
Laha Sirru Madinati ’n-Nabi
Tanfi bila Tarayyubi
Secret of the Prophet’s City flowed into my City
it removes all filth from it without doubt!
Then revealing the Secret of the radiance of Medina-Baye and praising
the numerous Gnostic Men of Allah among his Tijanite disciples there, he
Mazharu Faydi ’l-Khatimi
Rijalun Dhawquhum ka’l-Hatimi
it is the Manifestation of the Faydah of the Seal (of Saints)
In it
are Men whose Spiritual State are like that of al-Hatimi (i.e. Ibn-Arabi)
In another line, the Ghawth al-Akbar Niyass wrote:
Rasul-Illahi Ta’lu Madinati
’l-Muduni wa ’l-Amsari wa ’l-Khayru Yahduthu
By the
Love of the Messenger of Allah, my City rises above
Cities and Lands, And Goodness Continues to happen (there)
Describing the countless seekers of Haqq who would travel to Medina-Baye
to meet Shaykh Ibrahim, his successor Arif-bi’Llah Abu’l-Hasan, Sayyidi Ali
Cisse wrote:
after thousands of men have arrived at (the spiritual station of) Kamal
al-Ma’rifah al-Ayaniyyah al-Shuhudiyyah (the Complete and Open Vision of
Allah’s manifestation) on his hands (i.e. under his Tarbiyah).
after delegations of numerous people from the Whites and the Blacks, come to
him daily to enter our Tariqah Tijaniyyah, which is a treasury of Divine Grace
and Gnostic Gifts.
come in multitudes from every corner of the World, and none takes this
Illustrious Wird (al-Tijani) from his hands, except that he benefits and gains
the Divine Assistance through him (i.e. Shaykh Ibrahim), and enters the realms
of Irfan.”
Here one can only state: Allahu Akbar ala Zuhur hadhihi ’l-Faydah
al-Ahmadiyyah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Tijaniyyah al-Ibrahimiyyah! Allahu Akbar
thumma Allahu Akbar!
The American researcher Christopher Gray wrote in his paper The Rise of
the Niassene Tijaniyya:
“[T]here were 300 or so Northern Nigerians living at Niasse’s zawiya at
any one time.”
Do note that we are not talking about a medieval Zawiyah, but one that
was functioning in the latter part of the 20th century!
Indeed, this reminds one of something the great Sidi al-Arabi bin
al-Sa’ih (RA) had written about the Zawiyah of the great Khalifah al-Haj Ali
al-Tamasini (RA) about a hundred years before that.
He (RA) wrote that a reliable acquaintance of his had personally
attended a gathering there where 200 men had gathered from various far-off
places, all seeking the Wird al-Tijani from Sidi Ali al-Tamasini (RA).
Al-Humduli’Llah, this tradition continues in Medina-Baye Kaolack.
Many Tijani poets have praised Medina-Baye. The great Mauritanian Saint,
Sidi Muhammad Abd-Allah al-Alawi (RA) writes in praise of Medina-Baye, its
great Mosque, its sacred land, its saintly people, and the Supreme Tijani
Khalifah living there:
Ibrahima Ussista ala ’t-Taqwa
Arduka La Ta’thimun fihi wala Laghwa
Abi’l-Abbasi fika Tahalluqun
mina ’l-Ulya bihi al-Rutbatu ’l-Quswa
’l-Gharra’u Khayra Madinatin
gharibin fi Jawanibiha M’awa
Wa min
Khulafa al-Shaykhi fiha Khalifatan!
’d-Dahri lam yudrik lahu Mudrikun Sha’wa
yumli alayhim Ma’arifan
Yamla’uhum Fiq-han wa Yamla’uhum Nahwa
min Abi’l-Abbasi fihi Khilafatan
Amruhu fi Kulli Mas’alatin Qafwa
Mosque of Ibrahim! You been established on Taqwa!
your land is free of sin and frivolity
disciples of Abu’l-Abbas (al-Tijani) gather in your precincts
that you have gained the highest status!
shining City is the best of cities
stranger (who comes to visit) finds a home there
in you is one such Khalifah of the Shaykh (al-Tijani)
can ever achieve what he has achieved!
And he
fills his disciples with the Divine Gnostic Sciences
And he
fills them with Fiqh and the Knowledge of Grammar (as well)!
Khilafah of Abi’l-Abbas (al-Tijani) is apparent!
And he
follows his (i.e. Shaykh al-Tijani’s) way in every matter
As one may notice, the poet praises Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) as the Unmatched
Khalifah of Shaykhuna al-Tijani (RA), his follower to the teeth, and an
excellent murabbi of his Tijanite Ashab. And that is the only purpose of the
Sahib al-Faydah.
Another great Mauritanian Shaykh Sidi Muhammad Abd-ar-Rahman bin Salik
bin Bab al-Alawi (RA) wrote:
Sirru Sirru’ sh-Shaykhi fi Medina!
Allahu lan Mawtina
Ibrahima Hadyu ’l-Wara
Wa Lam
Yani ’l-Ilmu lahu Daydana
Greatest Secret (you are seeking) is with the Shaykh (Ibrahim) in Medina!
Allah has chosen it to be our (spiritual) home
For the
concern of Ibrahim is only the guidance of Mankind (to Ma’rifat-Allah)
indeed (teaching outward) Knowledge also remains his concern!
All Praise be to Allah, the city of Medina-Baye Kaolack is a living
proof of the greatness of the Faydah of Shaykhuna al-Tijani (RA) that appeared
on the hands of Shaykh-al-Islam Ibrahim Niyass (RA).
Here I wish to state my testimony that Medina-Baye continues to flourish
under leaders like Shaykh Imam Tijani
Cisse and Mawlana Shaykh Mahy Cisse exactly as it did under his Murabbi and
Grandfather, Shaykh Ibrahim (RA). The Hadrah is still the same, and the Tijani
Faydah still flows in the same way! It can never end. Those who fight it will
end….as Baye (RA) predicted. . I visited there 3 years after the demise of
Shaykhuna al-Hassan (RA), and I can testify to that. Al-Humdulillah!
al-HumduliLlah wa al-AbduliLlah!
Imam Fakhruddin Owaisi
al-Madani al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi
1. Vessel of
Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh Balarabe Haroon Jega -
(Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
2. Rihlat Konakriyah
(A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba
3. Shariah and
Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Compiled by
Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of
Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba
5. Kano Conferences
(Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi
qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis
6. Katsina and
Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab) and Mecca Conference
- (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
7. A Brief Biography
of the Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
8. Risalat
at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass al-Kawlakhi" –
(Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Numerous
“English” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft
copies - to be sent via email)
11. Numerous
“Arabic” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies
- to be sent via email)
order for copies, contact;
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